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Everything posted by Leathernecks

  1. Maybe I should have put money in dogecoin! It has about doubled since I posted this. It is way too much of a crap shoot for my blood though. I'm happy holding onto my Lumens. Up about 20% since I bought it last Saturday. Really like the company and the potential of their coin. It's really surging tonight which is part of why I bought some. Gives me something to watch on the weekends. Also bought into a penny stock yesterday, LLKKF. Produces possibly the most pure lithium for batteries in the world. The process is being tested by battery maker Novonix. The chief scientific advisor at Novonix, Jeff Dahn, has a battery research contract with Tesla. I'm looking for the LLKKF lithium to make great batteries that end up getting used by Tesla. If that happens, this stock could be a monster. Always a risk with a stock that is $0.26, but man, if they do pick up a Tesla contract, this thing could skyrocket.
  2. That would be such a Bears move. Wentz just had a season behind a bad offensive line in which he was terrible, and the Bears want to put him behind another bad line. I've never been much of a Wentz fan either. 1 bad year, 1 great year, 2 average years, and 1 terrible year, in that order. That sounds like a recipe for the Bears to give up entirely too much in the draft for him.
  3. It's idiotic that the PU game isn't at home. We had 4 home games in 2019, and again this year. PU had 5 home games in 2019, and 5 again this coming year. We lost the home game against them last year. Someone please make a logical argument for why that game is at PU? It's been since 2018 since we had 5 B1G home games.
  4. Definitely keep your hands off your balls!
  5. As a golf coach and someone who knows the rules really well, they both took the correct steps on their drop, but there's a big difference between the 2 situations. Rory's ball was actually plugged (came out today that someone accidentally stepped on it), and Reed's ball wasn't. Zero chance it was plugged on the 2nd bounce in grass that tall. He picked his ball up right away, started poking at the ground, and then called the rules official over. Could have been that he didn't notice it didn't plug until after he picked it up and was feeling the ground to see. Was it illegal? Nobody but Reed knows that, but the optics were terrible. I don't even have an issue with him picking it up. If it turns out it wasn't plugged, he could have put it back without penalty. The picking it up really easily and poking at the ground is what got me.
  6. I saw this thread pop up and I thought for sure it was going to be about Patrick Reed cheating taking relief. I'm no help on who you should pick for this week.
  7. I'm on to the next boom...dogecoin! Not really, it's crap, but I do like the Stellar Lumens crypto.
  8. Looks like Gamestop, AMC, and a couple other stocks that were pumped up are coming crashing down hard the last few days. Gamestop is on its 3rd straight day of pretty heavy selling. I wonder if it has another run in it, or if this is the beginning of the end.
  9. This was an interesting conversation on Twitter. Probably doesn't mean anything, but who knows. Click on it to see the whole conversation.
  10. Rodgers has never struck me as a guy who's ego would allow him to take less money.
  11. Most of my spare money is tied up in other stocks that just dipped off of all time highs the last few days so it is a bad time to sell, but I might have to sell a little to try to join in on some of the fun. Not a ton of money, just enough for some entertainment. And I want to be able to do this
  12. From this trade value chart, the 49ers trade was 690 points in picks this year. If they get Stafford, it would surprise me if they pick in the mid 20s next year. They were decimated by injuries this year, but they would have a really solid team if they got Stafford. That gives them around 450-500 points for the 2nd and 3rd picks next year. Roughly 1140-1190 points for the total trade. The Colts 1st round pick this year is 800, and their 2nd round pick is 360 for 1160 points. Obviously trades aren't made just based on these point totals, but kind of interesting to see a rough estimate of the value. I'm thinking the Colts would probably need to give up two 1st round picks, or a 1st, 2nd, and 3rd.
  13. Kind of interesting they didn't throw in next year's 1st instead of their 2nd and 3rd. If they do get Stafford, it probably won't be that good of a pick. For the Colts, they have to give up at least a 1st round pick. Their 2nd and 3rd are worse than the 49ers, and I don't think it would make sense to throw 5 picks at them just to match the 49ers offer.
  14. About an hour after I posted that, it all disappeared. Felt great the rest of the night, and feel great this morning. Probably around 30 hours after the shot is when it all went away.
  15. Since I got home from work, I've been freezing. Laying on my couch with 2 thick layers of clothes and 2 heavy blankets and can't get warm. A little achy, but not unbearable. Just hope I can get somewhat warm before bed so I can actually sleep tonight. I think my mind was busy enough at work that I didn't notice it as much, but it definitely hit since then. The teacher who went to the ER, it sounds like it was actually a blessing. I guess it triggered something else that was wrong with her that she didn't know about.
  16. I can't believe that a lot of places shut down retail buying of GME today but allowed hedge funds to keep buying and selling. Now that those BS moves have started gaining attention, it wouldn't surprise me if there will be a lot of pissed off buyers tomorrow and it takes another jump.
  17. On the right side, there is a drop down tab so you can change the order. The one the link goes to is sorted by relevance, but you can change it to alphabetically. It also changes the address when you click a new way to sort, so it is @Lostin76's fault for posting the link that went there. Perhaps this time it is appropriate to shoot the messenger? 🔫 Alphabetical link
  18. I got my 2nd shot yesterday. Nothing too bad for side effects. Feel a little lethargic, and a little bit of chills, but nothing much. Part of my issue might be that my dog woke me up during the night a few times. Hopefully I can sleep better tonight and feel better tomorrow. We did have a couple teachers who had side effects bad enough they took today off. I guess one of them was in pretty bad shape last night and went to the ER.
  19. That's why I don't think Watson and Stafford saying they want out will really matter much. I think there will be enough teams bidding against each other that it will keep the price high. There might be 20+ teams interested to some extent, so you could almost set up an Ebay auction for them and the highest bidder wins haha.
  20. I'm not a big target date guy as I think a lot of them start backing off too soon. I totally get why they do it, and they're meant to be a pretty safe way to make sure you're good for retirement, but I think a lot of them are too conservative too early for my liking. If I didn't set limits for myself, I'd probably become a gambling addict, so maybe I'm not the best person to comment haha.
  21. After hours it is over $200. Don't know what the volume is, but this thing is insane. There are going to be a lot of people getting rich and going broke on this stock in the next week.
  22. Good call! I was scrolling through Twitter last night and saw someone comment on it and never thought about checking that.
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