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Everything posted by Naturalhoosier

  1. I said Oh F***. My wife looks over like, Oh no, what?! Then he was back after the commercial. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø
  2. I was watching on the road from my phone (no sound). When JHS went down last in the 2nd half holding his knee I thought he blew it out...ACL/MCL. It's likely been discussed in other threads but I'm too lazy to dive through dozens of pages to find it. What happened there? Was he just trying to draw a foul? Did he actually tweak his knee at all?
  3. When I lived in Colorado I used to off-road my Grand Cherokee (lifted, 32ā€ wheels, sliders, etc). Thereā€™s a reason they call it a Jeep. Just Empty Every Pocket
  4. Iā€™ve read the Decker series. He needs to put that one to bed. I enjoy it but itā€™s run itā€™s course. The last few books have hinted at closure but never quite gets there.
  5. Our family of 4 went out of Galveston this past summer on Carnival. I loved it. It stopped at a couple places in Mexico (Cozumel and Costa Maya). I have a 15/13 yr old and there was something for everyone. We were able to break out in different groups and do a variety of things. My son and I did a sports trivia contest (we came in 2nd), my wife and I took in the evening shows, my daughter and I went to the comedy show. The kids made friends at the teen clubs. I hung out and read either on the balcony or in the atrium where there was always live music. The food. All day long food. We had a great time. I would love to do it again.
  6. Is The Road part of this trilogy? I read that but didnā€™t realize it was part of a set (if it is).
  7. lol totally understand. I wasnā€™t really serious. We usual buy it in May when they cut the price in half.
  8. If that. I would guess 25 miles from MD to PA on I-95. Itā€™s prob 15-20 miles from MD to the Delaware River the way the crow flies.
  9. Thatā€™s pretty awesome. Iā€™ll take the code if you ever feel like giving it out. My son and I will watch Astros games when we have the time anyway.
  10. Removing blackouts would be a good step in the right direction. I usually buy the MLB package (canā€™t think of the name of it off hand). I live in north Delaware (Astros fan) and they blackout most Philly, Baltimore, and DC games. Itā€™s crazy. Hell, last year they blacked out the entire Baltimore series when they were playing AT Houston. I mean, cā€™mon. Iā€™m not even in that market. How is that even relevant?! The MLB keeps tweaking their rules hoping to draw in fans but itā€™s really disenfranchising a large swath and not pulling in new viewership. I donā€™t know the fix but what they are doing isnā€™t working.
  11. Itā€™s a whole new recruiting landscape out there.
  12. Should this be in the age and health thread?!
  13. Think of it this way, tickets on the cheap!!
  14. Does anyone have access to carfax and wouldnā€™t mind running a VIN for me?
  15. Iā€™ve got one with the horizontal stripes across the belly, one white and one blue with the shoulder Stripes, a red one from the mid 90s and a blue ā€˜shooting starIā€™ one. The Colt 45 will be my next acquisition likely.
  16. The Colt 45 jerseys are pretty epic IMO.
  17. He played 16 years with the Dodgers. Surprised you pulled an Astros pic. Lol
  18. They donā€™t make ā€˜em like they used to.
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