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Everything posted by mrflynn03

  1. I don't need news. The truth comes to me in my lucid dreams. Also, if you see a toilet in your dreams, don't use it.
  2. Why? The empire state building was finished in 1931. There are houses and beer halls and stadiums all over the world older than that.
  3. Lol, I have about 6 tape measures and still have trouble finding one. That's how I ended up with so many.
  4. I was probably a weird kid. My dad had a few maintenance jobs and included me in all kinds of projects growing up. My Grandpa done some hvac/plumbing work. And I watched Bob Vilas this old house and Old Yankee workshop. My step-dad had a subscription to a DIY magazine I read every month. Saved me alot of money I guess.
  5. Galvanized also had the problem with scale building up reducing water pressure. Guess it was better than the lead piping it replaced.
  6. One of my rules for buying a house. Never have a yard bigger than you're willing to mow. Growing up had 1 1/2 acres. Anytime the rider broke down guess who had to push mow. This guy.
  7. Haha. I remember he had to do some work underneath for the bathroom. I was maybe 8 or 9. Since I was small enough I had to dig some space out and he was able to lay on his back and get close enough to plumb blind overhead. I had to hand him the tools. I think I'm claustrophobic because of that.
  8. Tony has said alot of things that proved wrong.
  9. Yep. Pretty sure my dad's house used galvanized. Pretty old house.
  10. I'm guessing they used copper piping because of coppers antimicrobial properties. But with water treatment the way it is today no need for it. Luckily I'm all PVC and it's easy to access. A few years ago the little plastic ball in my water heaters heat trap broke off and ended up plugging up my toilets 1/4" supply line. Easy and cheap fix. Definitely a how the hell did that happen kinda thing.
  11. Lol, when I started my new job earlier this year even with more time off I've found myself paying for more than I used to. Oil changes, I'm outsourcing mowing for the rest of the year, small stuff that I'm just tired of doing.
  12. Definitely and odd problem. Nothing is ever easy it seems.
  13. I think you may have adjusted the float too high. Try lowering it. Did you adjust it when the water pressure dropped?
  14. Agreed. If I had the room I would have. My refrigerator quit working one day so I bought a a 7 cu ft in a pinch until I repaired my fridge. Which I did successfully. Now I have 2 freezers. And I fixed it for $30. Ha, suck it GE.
  15. Eat fresh, whole foods, source local. That's what has been working for us.
  16. Dan John has a track and field approach to training, Jim Wendler is a keep simple kinda guy and Pat Mac was special forces and trains with what is available and is simply metal and a bad ass wild dude.
  17. It's wild. I had 7 plants this year because 2-3 usually don't produce well. At one point for about 2-3 weeks we were picking a quart of assorted cherry tomatoes every 2 days. I Couldn't give them away fast enough. Even had a San marzano plant hitchhike in with a jalapeƱo. So 8 plants. Tonight making habenaro hot sauces and my 3RD! gallon of tomato pasta sauce. Thank goodness I bought a chest freezer earlier this year. Weirdly, my worst pepper year so far.
  18. You mention t-nation. I pay attention to Dan John and Jim Wendler. Also like Pat McNamara combat strength training.
  19. @Lostin76 Finally got some Giant Syrians. So good.
  20. Eating healthy doesn't have to be expensive or time consuming. I think the hardest thing for people to overcome when trying to lose weight is being uncomfortable at times, because you will be uncomfortable. But anything worth doing isn't easy. We've been following a guy named Bobby Parrish. Has a YouTube channel and cookbooks called FlavCity. Pretty good stuff. People have way more resources today than in the past. Just have to look for it.
  21. Where did you watch that? Serial killers intrigue me. I find them interesting.
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