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Everything posted by mrflynn03

  1. I'm not saying kids should have to deal with all the crap I did, but I will say I was well equipped to handle myself. I think today's kids are so shielded from hardship by their parents, that when they are away from them they don't know what to do. Then it's up to teachers to be babysitters.
  2. The Moth joke is legendary. Only Norm could pull that off.
  3. @dgambill I looked up the regeneron treatment locations for my area. Memorial hospital in Jasper, Daviess Community hospital, and Green County hospital in Linton. Thanks for the link.
  4. I thought the worst thing I'd ever have to do was burying my dad. I've been through alot. She doesn't think she believes in God anymore, but God put me in place to be there. I keep pushing on but I'm getting worn out. Me and my wife has probably slept 36hrs in the week and a half. But being there for my sister when she buried her husband is worse. She only 31. All I could think of was this song, change a few lyrics and it's relevant.
  5. What is the square area of all of the world's oceans, seas, lakes, and rivers?
  6. Just posted the video of the first plane. Yeah, I've seen the whole documentary. Really tough to watch.
  7. I will never forget people jumping out of the buildings. What a terrible position to be in.
  8. If I'm going to be forced into getting it then they should too. Getting pretty tired and fed up with these so called leaders. There is a reason why smart people don't become politicians.
  9. I was in algebra class 16 yrs old. The teacher wheeled in a TV. I remember telling my classmates we are about to go to war. I'm still conflicted. A part of me wishes I signed up to shoot some of them bastards.
  10. Scrapbooking hoosier style. Apparently I got a room in the ghetto. So I'm making the funeral sign in book for my sister.
  11. Members of Congress, staff exempt from Biden COVID-19 vaccine mandate Someone try to explain the reasoning behind this.
  12. We are never getting back to normal, or what we thought was normal.
  13. That's understandable but I also think there is a difference between a mask mandate and using my livelihood as leverage to force me into something I have concerns about. I've known 2 people who have died from complications after getting the vaccine. Was it the vaccine? I don't know. But we are buying my BIL tomorrow and he was one of them.
  14. Shut the border down and I will voluntarily get one. I had a positive antibody test about a month ago btw.
  15. I just think the decision is vindictive since they seem to think rural Americans are the only ones unvaccinated and it sets a very bad precedence bypassing congress and just making up rules. Also, why do vaccinated need protected? They got the vaccine after all. I'm not anti vax, by all means get it if you want it. I just don't appreciate having things forced on me.
  16. Now they want to mandate vaccination for any company with over 100 employees. Wtf?
  17. Falling down. Michael Douglas at his best.
  18. My old job I called the secretary from the maintenance shop, a Hispanic girl, and had her page Richard Cranium. It was worth it.
  19. Ding ding. Originally introduced as a women's sport in 1910 by the YMCA.
  20. Man, I think I may have finally found a stumper!
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