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Everything posted by mrflynn03

  1. William Henry Harrison. Battle of fallen timbers i believe
  2. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=a4B45DHl5UM I dont know how to embed videos but this cheers me up every time I watch it.
  3. From the tv show Coach. Who was the real life coach the character Hayden Fox was modeled after?
  4. https://www.si.com/vault/1985/02/18/622308/back-home-in-indiana Sports Illustrated even did an article on that mentions that team. Pretty good read.
  5. I meant oliver was governor. I was autocorrected. But good catch. Anyway indiana was a major contributor to the war effort.
  6. Oliver P Morton would be my answer too. Was critical to the union cause and took out private loans to run state gov. Was one of Lincoln's war governors. Kept indiana in one peice.
  7. Who is the NFL player that fought Muhammad Ali in an exibition match?
  8. Yep That is what I have been told. Waylon Jennings is one of my favorite musicians and Lou diamond Phillips is one of my favorite character actors.
  9. I am full of useless trivia too. Though not so much sports trivia but all kinds of useless subjects. Stuff like, who originally had Buddy Hollys' seat on the plane that crashed and killed him the Big Bopper and Richie Valens? Also who played Ritchie Valens in the movie La Bamba?
  10. I have had the best luck using clarified butter. I make mine with unsalted butter cooked on low in a crock pot for 2-3 hours then scoop the junk off the top and filter with cheesecloth. I cook with it too. It has a high smoke point so wont burn easily. Coat the skillet and in the oven at 225 with bottom facing up for 3 hours or so. Then let cool on the stove. Wipe off excess. I use a paper towel. Or fatty bacon cooked low and follow same oven procedure. I dont recommend eating them when sober but a Big AZ cheeseburger from the gas station will put a nice sheen on the pan for a bit. An accidental discovery. I also dont clean with hot soapy water. The heat will expand the pores in the metal and soap will strip the seasoning off.
  11. I second watching Almost Hero's. The bald eagle scene was the best.
  12. I can provide some info on store bought options if anyone has a question about the options you see. Ex. You see things like free range or omega 3 eggs that are different than standard.
  13. I work in a microbiology lab in an egg production facility so can provide some info. The chickens that produce commercial eggs are vaccinated to protect against salmonella and fed a consistent gain based feed blend so the eggs are consistent in appearance and nutrients. Farm eggs can vary depending on how the are fed. I buy local farm eggs. First, the color and richness of the yolk is definitely noticeable in flavor, as in alot better tasting. They are more vitamin rich especially omega 3 and vitamin A. The quality will vary based on feed. I prefer free roam pastured eggs, the chickens that lay these are free to roam and eat whatever they find like insects, seeds, worms ect. these are probably the most nutritious. I get them unwashed and clean at home. There is a protective membrane between the shell and dirt/poo that keeps the inside of the shell sterile. Washing takes off the dirt and protective membrane. So was right before use. The shell colors will can be blue, green, yellow, really any color due to the various food sources. Another farmer I buy from sells free range. He provides feed and lets them roam so the chickens have two types of food sources. They are more consistent but still more nutritious better tasting than store bought. I recommend pastured free range if you can find them.
  14. @Leathernecks Im up for it. Ive always had a big build myself. Im currently 6' 3" 278. My goal is to get down to about 12-15% body fat and maintain. Ive estimated I will need to drop down to about 240 to be in that range.
  15. @Reacher Right now I supplement with a B vitamin complex, fish oil, probotics, milk thistle, and L glutamine which is good for increasing fat loss brain and digestive health. I eat well but have been partaking in a bit too much vodka recently so my current supplement stack is geared toward helping my brain and organs get back to optimal performance. Will probably adjust when needed. Im losing weight so what I am doing is working. Very much look forward to being back in shape.
  16. @KoB2011 I did like how it exposed the food industry for what is . For me it was things like how it compared one egg a day to 5 ciggarettes a day being equally bad or saying sugar isnt that bad when the opposite has been proven. I thought it would have had more nutritional information about the type of diet it was promoting by nutritionists. Anyway, like most things it gives someone a baseline for further learning.
  17. Fwiw, What the Health was produced by Joaquin Phoenix who is a member of PETA and a long time animal rights activist. I watched it and I'm not saying all the information is incorrect but I found it to be repetitive and somewhat biased. But worth watching to expose yourself to a different viewpoint.
  18. Another thing that helps with fat loss is fish oil(omega 3). I try to do 2-3 grams of DHA/EPA a day. DHA/EPA are the important components of a serving of fish oil. Or 2-3 servings of a fatty fish a week like salmon. Also, if you can find a source for grass fed/grass finished beef as it has omega 3 instead of omega 6 . But it has to be grass fed/grass finished. Also really enjoyed super size me. Its wild what the human body can do and put up with.
  19. Sleep is an important and often overlooked part of weight loss. I struggle with adequate sleep because I snore so loud I can guide ships to port. Ive even woken myself up. My wife doesnt enjoy my nightly symphony either.
  20. "Dont lose your grip on the dreams of the past, you must fight just to keep them alive" Survivor, Eye of the Tiger
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