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Everything posted by Drroogh

  1. So what’s everyone cooking for Memorial Day?
  2. I've lived a life of shall we say less than sterile! I have to believe my immune system is Super Man compared to most people!😁
  3. Interesting article: Sweden’s outbreak has been far deadlier than those of its neighbors, but it’s still better off than many countries that enforced strict lockdowns. What people don't take into consideration is the cultural differences, life in Sweden is nothing like life in America!!! Or China for instance! I have a program manager that gives me weekly updates on the 40 some tools I have being built in China. She lives in Wuhan! I've been to the PRC, I know better than to put her in a bad place trying to get her first hand opinion of the virus. I simply wish her and hers all the best! She wishes me the same! No offense, but life here in rural Georgia is NOTHING like life in say NYC! We need to STOP trying to put things in our own perspective, because we are all clueless to other peoples cultures!
  4. So we have a new model unit coming out called the DCM271! That being said when I sent an important change status email from my phone, autocorrect changed the subject from DCM271 to Dam 271! Everyone laughed!
  5. Thank God I have HSN and actually have friends! Still can't share any cookies though!
  6. Keeping with the sexist theme one of the best female blues rock guitarists! Ana Popovic https://youtu.be/wq5JskDY3Ic
  7. Seems we’ve been a bit sexist in this thread.? For the guitar enthusiast some of the best female guitarists in the world! Sorry @Tdhoosier you may be tempted to throw all your guitars away. You are warned! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ChvydJSTG4
  8. How about this one, Winwood and Clapton together! https://youtu.be/ugTaPTv0eQY
  9. Of the one in six restaurants that survive you can be sure that the overwhelming majority will be the restaurants you wish didn’t! I love to try new things, not the same old “Hamburger and French Fries” or pizza! Although I love pizza!
  10. Scott talk about getting served a bad day! Praying for you and all the others in similar situations! Just have to say since our entire plant goes on furlough for two weeks after tomorrow, the only non customer service/sales department still working is accounting handling the invoices! You can find work! But you better get after it, I’m told those 600 cv payments run out July 1st!
  11. Was told today the projections are only one in six restaurants open before CV will survive!🤬
  12. For instance our sister division makes drink dispensers their biggest customer is Coke, if you’re familiar with the Coke Freestyle machine, the one you can choose from about 300 different flavor combinations! All done with a touch screen, I have it on account that they are trying to come up with a way to operate the machine with a phone app! Come on entrepreneurship, bring back the restaurant business better than ever!
  13. Gee thanks for cheering me up mile!😩JK But yeah things are going to be tough for awhile, but I also think it is a huge opportunity for some entrepreneurial types to reinvent the business model and make a killing! People even now still want to go out and eat!
  14. I think you need to read the fine print. Something about the extended curve still needs some missing data or something! Also more tests are coming, just read at the post office today free testing was going to be available Thursday and Friday in the three biggest towns in the county. My county only has about 21,000 residents and currently reports 67 cases and 1 death. Will be interesting to see if the cases number jumps next week!
  15. Georgia daily results, if you’re interested. https://dph.georgia.gov/covid-19-daily-status-report
  16. Well more fallout from the dirth of Restaurant business! In case you missed my earlier post our company makes commercial refrigeration and ice equipment. By far biggest customer base is restaurants. Last week almost all of manufacturing was put on a 3week furlough. Today, 24 salaried employees were permanently sent home. I’m not one. Also some more departments are going to be put on furlough! Tough times ahead!
  17. Amen to the that! Unfortunately, the house across the road is a rental and it seems almost every tenants idea of raising a dog since we live in the boondocks is to just let their dog, dogs run free?😖
  18. Sad, Sad, Sad! 35 popular resteraunt s that will not reopen! https://www.msn.com/en-us/foodanddrink/restaurantsandnews/35-popular-restaurants-that-wont-reopen-after-the-pandemic/ss-BB13I9w3?ocid=spartandhp#image=36
  19. Great! But where do us lesser cooks start from on the amount of each ingredient?
  20. Mile thanks for the link! Tried it today with some minor modifications, definitely better than the canned Skyline I tried!
  21. Is that a BOGO I only count 4! I’m not that person but my niece and her daughters are!
  22. Haven’t heard that Little Ricky song in like forever! used to have two cats, one was named Ozzy and the other was named Hairy
  23. I know all things are not the same for everybody and that cities like NY are at the greatest risk, but it seems the risk of opening up Georgia before anybody else didn't turn out to be the health disaster that was predicted! https://www.foxnews.com/politics/georgia-reports-lowest-number-covid-patients-in-a-month I can tell you personally, that for the most part people here in Georgia are practicing health safety. And the economy is slowly opening up!
  24. My prayers for you and Scott and everybody else! After working a month remote, our plant opened back up with safety measures. We worked short staffed two weeks, unfortunately we manufacture commercial refrigeration and ice equipment for our biggest customer base the resteraunt industry! Needless to say our sales are not what they should be and will not be for probably years! Friday, all of Manufacturing was put on furlough! I'm one of the lucky few that gets to work next week because I've got a multi million dollar tooling project I've got to keep going, after that it's unemployment. I've got the feeling as well as my boss talking with him, that we will be on a cycle of producing product for a few weeks and shutting down for a few weeks for the foreseeable future!
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