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Everything posted by Drroogh

  1. The Indianapolis team was known as the ABC’s
  2. No, but it was the first ever game for a special league!
  3. On this day in history, what historic baseball first happened in Indianapolis. Hint, it’s long before our time!
  4. Correct what accomplishment is he the only one to achieve!
  5. Hint, The only player in the history of the BIG to........
  6. You're just to good for me!! Correct! But just to really put you to the test name the player on the list of 15 that also won a High School state championship as a Discus thrower?
  7. OK I'm not very good at the answers, but this is still fun. So I guess I'll be resigned to coming up with questions!😜 15 Basketball players won championships at all 3 levels. High School/Prep, College and NBA 3 won multiple championships at each level. Can you name them? Hint two played for coach Wooden. Go figure. Bonus question, name the IU Hoosier on the list of 15!
  8. What’s the proper pronunciation of the State Capital of Montana?😜
  9. These are the Agua’s brothers “Two or More” I’ve mixed music for them live at least twice, I’m thinking three times over the years! They are great friends of our church dating back almost twenty years! A Latino Christian band. Eddie is the guitarist I speak of! Whish I had the English translation! In spite of that, no denying the power of their music!
  10. I truly feel for everyone being affected by all of this! Possibly on the news of getting out of it all, keep an eye on Georgia and some others! We reopened our plant of a few hundred employees today! Everyone was issued masks and the entire plant had markings on the floor to practice social distancing! Rules for hand washing and antibacterial use with dispensers everywhere! Seems like everyone was doing their part they were just happy to be back at work but also with some trepidation! Further my boss and I felt the need to support one of the hardest hit industries, independent restaurants! We went in and had a sit down lunch with one of our favorite Waite staff! We did leave a decent tip, and felt proper precautions were being taken! All that being said keep an eye on Georgia’s numbers Also, my boss and I are probably canary birds! I’m in that 65 and older group and my boss is a cancer survivor! Guess we’re both in the mode of if it’s your time it’s your time!
  11. I’ve had the pleasure of running sound board for a very talented Latin guitarist and his two brothers of Ecuadorian heritage. The ability to play with all ten fingers just blows my mind! Course he’s not in the league of this guy! https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=89HTnjnOxSc
  12. I make one, I call an Irish Russia. Done right it tastes similar to Baileys with a kick. 1 shot each Amaretto kaluha vodka milk
  13. How to Reheat Ribs So They Taste Like They’re Fresh Off the Grill
  14. Adder to the conversation, are you a song list builder for your particular listening needs or do you let others choose and just enjoy listening? Me radio is completely fine when I have a decent channel after that it’s Alexa play....
  15. I’m with you, my favorite radio station right now touts itself as 80’s, 90’s, and now. That’s a lot of music to cover. Also like IUFLA came of age late 60’s early 70’s WLS all day long! That’s were my roots are. Particularly the blues rock genre! TJHoosier love you, but I have to say I have too much going on in my head, music is to help turn my brain off. Trying to understand the lyrics is the furthest thing for me. I guess that’s why I’m partial to blues rock and even straight up blues, it’s the emotion in the music that helps shut my brain down!
  16. Lot's of new directions for a great many coming out of this! You with your new company, the people whos former jobs no longer exist, the young girl in the cubicle across from mine that resigned and went to a new job just a few weeks before the real s%$$ hit the fan. Each of us going forward into our own new NORMAL positions. If you can? Time is now to start looking at career changes! Whether you like it or not, your career is about to be changed! I can only pray we all come out of this better people on the other side!
  17. I used to know a time when the constitution separated the powers of government into the congressional, the judicial and the executive???
  18. Thanks mile and absolutely will be praying all three! Heck number three alone is what blessed Solomon so immensely!
  19. Received the official personal offer! Haven't opened it yet, (in the mean time playing in the background on the radio is Four Non Blondes, 'Hey what's going On' how appropriate!) Going to be a weekend of soul searching!!
  20. Sad demise of a currently much needed industry? When my former company decided that it was more profitable to just buy product from Thailand and China than build it domestic I was one of the first 13 let go on bloody Friday! Oh how those grossly overpaid executive's made their short term negligent decisions!
  21. I hear you brother! The corporations of the 80's and 90's threw us into the trash can! That being said, I have a feeling if we stay strong and make ourselves known, industries will come and beg for us to help them rebuild! Stay strong my friend!
  22. My situation is unique! Most of my adult life my one income has gone to support myself and to some degree others. (my choice) I am of age where I can receive full retirement, but each year I put off my retirement increases 8% I figure if I work to 70 I might survive after that. It's not that I don't have other monies put aside, but they are not enough to support myself and the ones I love! Besides my personal place as I stated my profession is a dying breed! As we go forward in these trying times, trying to bring back American manufacturing, the knowledge I have available to mentor those if they would just believe is immense. Besides, I'm not ready to just sit in a rocking chair on the porch and drink sweet tea and lemonade!! Or was that Long Island Tea?
  23. Well Crap, that's a new twist! Early retirement! Not to be unexpected though! We are going to reopen the plant Monday albeit with guidelines and even physical barriers to keep people separate! Wish us all luck, but this afternoon being in that age group I received an email about early retirement! Yesterday as I was leaving the plant I joined a conversation with a handful of employees including our President. Our company can financially survive, we have no debt! But this last month as you can expect has been a disaster! Further since our primary customers are resteraunt s, school cafeterias and such our future business is not good in the short run/mid term run. That being said, the particular problem I fall in has been 40 years in the making, back in the 80's and 90's when corporations sold their souls to ASIA, domestic tooling went into a death spiral! We now have inadequate tool build resources in America, companies no longer exist and the once lucrative trade of tool maker is a dying breed! Along with tooling engineers like me. Nobody is irreplaceable, but if I take early retirement, let's just say this companies latest and greatest product design overhaul goes indefinitely on hold. Young engineers and trades people shun Tool Making, it is really a sad state, because if you don't have tooling you don't build product! Sorry for the 40 year old festering rant, I already let my boss know I have his back and I'm not retiring unless forced to.
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