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Everything posted by Drroogh

  1. Might have to try the South Dakota Rueben noodle casserole recipe!
  2. Best casserole recipe from each state https://www.msn.com/en-us/foodanddrink/recipes/the-best-casserole-recipe-from-every-state/ss-AAJAfgD?ocid=spartanntp
  3. Thanksgiving time! Best thanksgiving recipe from each state! https://www.msn.com/en-us/foodanddrink/recipes/the-top-thanksgiving-recipe-from-every-state/ss-BBWJS8T?ocid=spartandhp
  4. Okay, so this is not a list of best of each state! But I think that line is running dry so Let's allow the best fifty steakhouses in the US! https://www.msn.com/en-us/foodanddrink/restaurantsandnews/americas-50-best-steakhouses/ss-BBWOVr7?ocid=spartanntp
  5. I know we already had a best burger list but that was from 2016, this list is 4 days old and from a different source https://www.msn.com/en-us/foodanddrink/restaurantsandnews/your-guide-to-the-best-burger-spots-in-america/ss-BBWKWgA?ocid=spartandhp I only saw two duplicates!
  6. With the colder weather settling in the last couple of weeks, I thought I would try some new chili recipes. I was a little reprehensive with this one as it has some non standard ingredients like mustard, ketchup and lime juice, but OMG I just threw away the old stand bye recipe I've had for several decades! https://www.food.com/recipe/kellys-chili-50732 Didn't have any bell peppers and my pot was too full to even put the onion in, I used Chipotle pepper for my premium pepper and Garlic Salt instead of the garlic powder and salt. Just used a can of crushed tomatoes for the tomatoes but everything else was per the recipe! So HSN what is your award winning CHILI recipe
  7. The world really is a small place! Had a good friend after college that no matter where we went he knew somebody! Florida, Michigan, Wisconsin, Colorado he would always meet somebody he knew! I was amazed! But when I went to Bruges Belgium, and was talking with a vendor and they mention another customer who had just been there a few weeks ago, I'm like I know the guy! Not so impressed with my friend after all!
  8. The only bad today, was my choice! We're good mile!
  9. My apologies mile, when I was presented a menu today with bison burger options, I hesitated and went for the fish taco's! Based on the results I should have gone with the bison burgers!!
  10. Probably one of the most impactful players ever in College and the NBA has finally accepted his HOF ring! One of my favorite players ever! https://www.cbssports.com/nba/news/after-refusing-to-do-so-for-44-years-celtics-legend-bill-russell-finally-accepts-his-hall-of-fame-ring/ Have to respect his reason for waiting so long!
  11. Okay I think the writer of this one never even tried any of them she just looked at the ingredients and said YUCK! And when she couldn't find something, it was like she chose the states most iconic food. I was almost laughing going through it! The Grossest Food in each State. https://www.science-a2z.com/the-grossest-food-from-every-single-us-state?utm_source=327&utm_medium=taboola&utm_term=msn-defaulthomepage&utm_content=The+Worst+Food+From+Every+Single+State&utm_campaign=audXbXSAFEMSNx201905150840241x0xinc-win10-safemsn_2223656
  12. Okay, after that glowing proclamation I may have to visit the Ted's Montana Grill in the city where I work! Which cut do you recommend Brisket or Short Rib?
  13. The Official State Foods of each State! What's up with Colorado mile, no official state food? You need to get on that!😀 https://www.msn.com/en-us/foodanddrink/foodnews/united-states-of-food-official-state-foods/ss-BBWHQxC And even though it is not an official state food Indiana's Pork Tenderloin get's some love! Rico, you have to Love Minnesota with Morel's as the State Mushroom and Walleye's as the official State fish!
  14. Here in central GA it was 70 yesterday afternoon and 21 this morning! Seems most everyone in the office is sick!
  15. Per your wish mile! Best Burger and Fries joint in your State! Have to say this one is making me hungry and I will have to try some of the unusual combinations in here! https://www.msn.com/en-us/foodanddrink/restaurantsandnews/the-best-burger-and-fries-joint-in-your-state/ss-BBWHPjG?ocid=spartandhp
  16. New list, I don't know how they keep coming up with them? Actually I've even skipped a few! Anyway, Best Pasta bowl in each State https://www.msn.com/en-us/foodanddrink/restaurantsandnews/the-best-bowl-of-pasta-in-every-state/ss-AAIDO5n?ocid=spartandhp
  17. I've also heard they stink to High Heaven while they are cooking! Maybe, I'll just have a helping of bacon onions and vinegar and call it good! Actually in the right proportions that sounds kind of good!
  18. Have to say living in Georgia nearly twenty years have never tried them, so I will take you word. Of course I still don't do boiled peanuts, or collard greens either! Also, not going to try the Mississippi pig ear sandwich!
  19. How about Mississippi? By the way the main ingredient in Chitlins also encases your favorite Hot Dog! Just saying. 😄
  20. Bucket List Food Experience in each State https://www.msn.com/en-us/foodanddrink/foodnews/bucket-list-food-experiences-in-every-state/ss-AAFqces?ocid=spartanntp Mile they have your Rocky Mountain Oysters listed for Montana! However, Colorado trout sounds pretty good!
  21. Best resteraunt for a special occasion. https://www.msn.com/en-us/foodanddrink/foodnews/the-best-restaurant-to-celebrate-a-special-occasion-in-your-state/ss-AAIKJ0Z?ocid=spartandhp Also, while not technically food, this one ought to be interesting! Best Dive Bar! https://www.msn.com/en-us/foodanddrink/beverages/best-dive-bar-in-every-state/ss-AAJjz7T?ocid=spartandhp
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