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Everything posted by dgambill

  1. Going to give up all our hard work last 3 mins.
  2. Be nice to end this half strong snd hold this lead…then play the first 4 mins of the second strong.
  3. That sucks!! What happened??
  4. That was a Tom Brady strike by Ware!
  5. Gotta keep Waker out of the paint.
  6. Good X is one that doesn’t hurt us more than he helps. He has been fine.
  7. Good X last couple games…today not so much.
  8. Gotta start pounding it into the post.
  9. Wow…that might be the worst missed layup I’ve ever seen.
  10. Who are the Indy elite guys behind the bench??
  11. Amazing what 3pt shooting will do for you. Built this big lead on defense and 3s.
  12. We know that ain’t happening. Its already been confirmed woody is coming back…why do people keep torturing themselves with the idea he isn’t returning.
  13. I think as of today they are in…but might only take a few upsets for some teams get they aren’t suppose to and they will be out. Drawing to an inside straight right now I think.
  14. Jalen Blackman goes for 43?? How do we not get any of these kids from Indiana that can shoot and score the ball?
  15. Well what happens is these kids like who is good when they are growing up…and parents are apathetic with their school and in a generation it flips.
  16. This has been happening more and more everyday…except to Purdue. Literally people that grew up within an hour of Bloomington and have lost their kids to Purdue.
  17. He has a stud class coming in next year…get a better sense of what he can do with that. He’s playing with portal dudes…literally IU cast off.
  18. I don’t know about zero commitments but I think non rated kids don’t count to the rankings so technically we are all tied for last lol.
  19. Sucks IU fans were the reasons recruits don’t want to come here…if only we had classy fans and players like Duke…maybe we could make another final 4 this century.
  20. If im a coach i dont need to save timeouts….you get infinite with the reviews. Absolutely affects the flow and outcome.
  21. I actually don’t like mob rule but the best protest is done in a way to get maximum exposure to your cause. Tv announcers and the cameras during a game…pan to the front row and some donor reactions…be epic.
  22. What is it about Duke and tripping and stepping on people?? Seriously lol
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