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Everything posted by IUFLA

  1. $10 shipping, but if it's good, I'll suffer that. I never mind paying for stuff I like. Looked for an Amazon option (prime member) but no joy...all they had was Marion-Kay popcorn seasoning...
  2. There's a huge difference between finger-pointing and using historical context and data for future reference. Sorry if I'm wrong on this, but your comment above smacks of the former...
  3. I just ordered some. I needed a new "go to." I use to use Williams Rib Tickler, which looked to be a lot like the Marion-Kay enterprise...family owned and it was right up the road from me in Cleveland, Texas, but I heard the founder died, and the relatives were feuding over the company.
  4. 2 things about the graph... 1. As COVID-19 is being ascribed as cause of death, regardless of whether the person had any of the other underlying conditions on the graph, it's of course going to skew the numbers 2. We will eventually have a vaccine for COVID-19. A lot of the others have no known cure. Cherry picking a disease as the number 1 cause of death over such a short period of time only contributes to scare-mongering...
  5. I have a tagline on my work email...it's a quote from Henry Ford... "Don't find fault, find a remedy." We can "Monday Morning Quarterback" this to death, but all it's going to do is widen the fissures that are already apparent in our society... Instead of wringing our hands over this, let's act as Americans always have...come together despite our differences and defeat this thing...do any little thing you can to help. Give blood if you can... Volunteer if you can... Help your neighbors if they need it... Support our first responders and medical professionals... Finger pointing serves no purpose at this point, beyond the obvious political opportunism I posted about earlier...
  6. This was today's Easter turkey after about 5 hours (it went 9 hours)...just me and my wife so there's plenty of leftovers!
  7. I had a guy drop an upright refrigerator on I-69 about 100 yards in front of me last year...was dodging doors, shelves, ice trays... Then this happened about 5 years ago, again on I-69 Northbound, just outside Porter...a tire came jumping over the median wall and took out the driver's side mirror and gas door of my Tundra, leaving a nice dent as well...
  8. From the article you cited... "Currently a three star prospect, top 20 Center in the nation according to 247 sports. But, I wouldn’t expect him to become a four star top 100 prospect, before long. " Typoed the n't?
  9. Or the other man made obstacles that seem to be the norm in Houston...I swear, they don't tie anything down...
  10. My wife is a very methodical person... We drove all of those you mentioned along with a Chevy Colorado and a Nissan Frontier...When she decided on the Tacoma, we went to the dealership I had already bought 4 vehicles from. In Texas, they carry many more trucks on the lot than cars. The day we went, the dealership had 161 Tacomas on the lot... And she looked at every one of the damned things...it was like triple the NCAA tournament in a day...but, she got what she wanted... Word of caution though...you said you were 6'5"...the entry and exit head space for me is close, and I'm 5'11"
  11. I've bought my wife a 2020 Toyota Tacoma the week before Christmas this year. Got what I considered a good deal (7k off the sticker...which, if you've ever dealt with Toyota or Honda dealerships, is a miracle)...They accepted the first offer I made, which is rare. I kicked myself and told my wife maybe I could have gotten even more off... I just emailed the salesman who handled our last deal, asking if I could get close to that deal again (not serious...I prefer driving a car) and his reply was "Oh yeah...maybe even better."
  12. There will be political opportunism on all sides... And there will be people and organizations who seek to profit... Those are truths, no matter how you lean... No matter how the numbers turn out, people have and will continue to use them to an advantage. There's no real "magic number" on which the actions of our local, state, or federal governments can be judged as catastrophic or acceptable. If someone has a "magic number" in mind, I'd like to hear it... The only real comparison we can make is the Spanish flu pandemic 100+ years ago, and even then the numbers are all over the map, plus the fact that medical and societal advances should pare ANY number derived from that pandemic down... So I guess what I'm saying is, if people are basing their assessment of state, local, or federal governments soley on these "numbers" they're either so partizan that they'll never be swayed, or they need to reassess their voting priorities. Let's look at the actions taken and assess it from there...
  13. He certainly wasn't your typical B10 low post banger. My Dad use to call him and Brad Sellers the 2 biggest sissies in the conference... Now Laimbeer, he'd mix it up underneath...and then some...Legendary Boston Celtics announcer Johnny Most use to call him and his wingman Rick Mahorn "McFilthy and McNasty."
  14. Yeah, but the closest Lohaus ever got to the paint was when he passed by a Sherwin-Williams store...
  15. I was gonna try to work a "grill" quip in there, but that'd be a dead giveaway...
  16. Now THAT was a good article... "What separates Duncomb in the eyes of both Kremer and Mark Adams — who coaches Duncomb with Indiana Elite — is the intensity and energy he plays with. “The kid never got tired,” Kremer said. “He went after every single rebound. And yet in the whole time I have seen him at Moeller since freshman, you really see him get better every week. Part of that is just because is his work ethic. He goes at it every day. Never takes a rep off in practice, never looks to take a rep off.”
  17. As Meatloaf once said, "Two out of three ain't bad." 😀 I always liked the word play off of the 1950 Phillies "Whiz Kids" moniker... As for the fight, one of the fighters was a former Olympic champion, and the other was known for giving a former San Francisco 49ers linebacker's father a beating...
  18. Thought of 3 this morning... What baseball team's nickname was "The Wheeze Kids." What 2 fighters met in a match termed "The Geezers at Caesars." And for my Reds fan friends... What Cincinnati Red was nicknamed "Doggie."
  19. Here's a good recap of the whole mess...
  20. Yessir...fabulous story... One of the most exciting seasons in baseball history, 1964 was...
  21. And you'd be correct...
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