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Everything posted by 5fouls

  1. Do IU fans get free chicken since XJ missed both FTs?
  2. Lady Hoosiers are actually playing through an actual tornado warning.
  3. I would assume that means it's not a tornado.
  4. My son has audio confirmation it is a fire alarm.
  5. Just turned it on. I thought we were up big.
  6. I believe BTB has fewer posts per page. HSN has 25 per page. they don't have that many.
  7. 2 posters I respect a great deal with totally opposite takes on the situation. That's okay, because it likely is a very fluid situation right now. I appreciate both you a great deal. That said, I've not enjoyed the team this season. I have great concern our season has damaged our staff's ability to fix this in the portal. Mike Woodson was my favorite IU player when I was growing up. I supported the hire and his time as a coach through December of this season. That's changed. I'm finding a hard time caring at all at this point. When things are going bad, I want to see some fire and emotion from the head coach. It can be Bob Knight's anger, or Tom Crean's cheerleading, just give me something. Woodson's not doing that and it frustrates me. I need that right now.
  8. Soto is on my Fantasy Baseball team. Rooting for a big year. As far as the Yankees, let's go Orioles, Rays, Jays, and Sox!
  9. Should be an incredibly competitive division this season. .
  10. Bellinger a North-Sider for the next 3 years. This is always what made the most sense. https://www.espn.com/mlb/story/_/id/39596106/cody-bellinger-cubs-agree-3-year-80-million-deal
  11. WooHoo! I'm on record with nothing more than a couple of Brad Underwood jokes,
  12. Are the guys from Assembly Call better, more educated, and more dedicated fans than the rest of us?
  13. Did not watch a single second of the game. Decided to devote my wife-approved free time today to watching some pre-season baseball. No sense making time for something that makes me unhappy. Life's too short.
  14. I don't get how the Reds are projected to be worse than last year. The young'ens are a year older and the roster has been improved. Not saying they will win 90, but projecting them for 78 or 79 wins? I can't see that.
  15. Heard this song for the first time in probably 25 years while out and about this morning. Couldn't help be sing along.
  16. My curiosity got the best of me. Here's what George Wright would have scored for me.
  17. I just looked it up, George Wright would have counted at SS, but it would not have fit my Reds criteria since the grid starts with the 1871 season. Wright played for the Red Stockings in 1869 & 1870.
  18. I saw the grid and thought to myself "I'm going to get a Reds player in every square". Then I proceeded to butcher the All Star & .300 Batting average square. I focused too much on the .300 piece, and totally forgot about the 'All Star' component. The names Sean Casey and Hal Morris immediately popped into my head as .300 hitters, and I went with Morris, who is less known. Of course, at that point, I ignored the 'All-Star' qualification and, even after I got the dreaded blank square, it took me a minute to figure out why I did not get credit. All that said, I ultimately don't know if I would have ever figured out a Reds SS that hit .300, certainly not one that would be wearing a Cincy cap. George Wright from the 1869 Red Stockings probably did, but I doubt he would count.
  19. As a fallback option, they can always listen to the award winning radio team.
  20. Holy mother of all things lost, we have a @Zlinedavid sighting.
  21. Hours upon hours upon hours playing it, and loved every minute of it.
  22. I'm here to report that I have NOT been contacted by IU about becoming their next head basketball coach. In the event that they do, I will post the news exclusively on HSN first.
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