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Everything posted by 5fouls

  1. Well, since it is the end of June, and the story was written today, that headline is very misleading. It says 'could be', which I would naturally interpret to be based on today's numbers. If the intent was to only reflect what was going on in March, then the headline should have said 'Could have been 80 times higher in March'. I won't get into it here, but I was just telling my cat how this was another example of the incompetent reporting or intentional misrepresentation by the media.
  2. With 2,500,000 'confirmed' cases, that would put infections in the U.S. at about 200,000,000. The U'S. population is about 331,000,000.
  3. 89% wear masks? Not in Southern Indiana. I feel safe in saying it's below 50% here. I think people lied to the pollsters. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/89-of-americans-wear-masks-in-public-as-the-coronavirus-pandemic-persists-poll/ar-BB15YDVk?ocid=msedgntp
  4. New Jersey adding nearly 1,900 deaths to its total. Probable deaths not previously counted by the state. https://www.usnews.com/news/best-states/new-jersey/articles/2020-06-25/33k-more-seek-jobless-benefits-in-nj-amid-covid-19-outbreak I've never found a good definition of 'probable' versus 'confirmed'. And, I'm not sure how they can make a reliable conclusion after all of this time. Because of that, I think the two numbers should be kept separate. have a column for confirmed, another for probable, and then a grand total if you want. But, don't just lump them all in the same bucket without any further breakdown.
  5. Oops. If anyone on here is dead, check your mailbox. https://www.wave3.com/2020/06/25/audit-us-sent-b-virus-stimulus-payments-dead-people/
  6. Have there been any studies about natural immunity? I've not heard of any, but it is strange the rest of you are negative with that much contact.
  7. Thanks. That's kind of what I thought, but then I see things like this on the Indiana Department of Health website. This is what was reported as new cases yesterday. What does not make sense is the 'between 4/21 and 6/22' reference. Has the 4/21 case been sitting in a lab for 2 months waiting to get processed? Did some Purdue student interning with some county's health department originally misfile the test results with those for livestock pregnancies? I'm now curious as to how many of those 331 cases are actually tests that happened in the last week. New Positive Cases 331 between 04/21/2020 and 06/22/2020
  8. Question. If a non-symptomatic person is tested and show anti-bodies, are they reported as a new Covid case? I ask, because we are hearing about all these athletes that are testing positive, but how many of them are actually currently infected? For example, what if Michael Penix shows evidence of anti-bodies the first time he is tested at IU's football complex. Is he forced to quarantine? Is it possible that, although he was never previously tested, he actually caught the virus in April, recovered, and is no longer a threat to anyone else? Taking it a step further. When a state like Indiana reports 300 new cases, are all 300 of those people currently infected, or are people who may have been sick in March/April finally getting tested and getting reported as a Covid case? In other words, other than the presence of anti-bodies, how does a test determine you have Covid? And, if antibodies are the only way to tell, how does the test determine whether the anti-bodies are 'new' or 'old'.
  9. @Hoosierhoopster Not a good outlook for Houston. https://www.msn.com/en-us/health/medical/the-worst-coronavirus-outbreak-will-hit-this-city-doctor-warns/ar-BB15RQEK?ocid=msedgntp
  10. OK. So Area 51 in Nevada is showing a spike, while Roswell, New Mexico looks to be clear. So, we should trust the aliens, not our government.
  11. If, and it's a big if, but if the downward trend continues over the next 2-3 weeks despite the recent large spike in cases, I will take that as a good sign.
  12. Wrigley is cool. Definitely was a bucket list item for me. But, the #1 ballpark? Nope. I would put PNC at #1 https://www.cbssports.com/mlb/news/mlb-power-rankings-picking-baseballs-best-stadiums-with-wrigley-field-fenway-park-in-top-five/
  13. One more thing on this chart. I assume it's based on total infections. If that's the case, then we also need to take total population into context. The total 20-29 population in the U.S. is approximately 45 million. The total 80+ population is approximately 12 million. So, the over 80 population is roughly .2666667 that of the 20-29 population. If you look at total infections, then 5% is .2777778 that of 18%, So, in reality, the risk is about the same to each age group, if anything hitting the over 80 age just a little bit more. Age stats for total population came from the following link if anyone wants to verify my numbers. https://www.census.gov/data/tables/2019/demo/age-and-sex/2019-age-sex-composition.html
  14. I'll push back a little on the assertion that Texas was hit 'hard' earlier. No one has ever lumped Indiana in with New York, New Jersey, Illinois, etc. Yet, look at the Indiana and Texas comparison, even after the recent spike in Texas (which is real). Stats through yesterday. Indiana Total cases per $1MM population - 6,333 Total deaths per $1MM population - 379 Texas Total cases per $1MM population - 3,957 Total deaths per $1MM population - 76 Despite having about 4 times the population as Indiana, Texas has had fewer total coronavirus deaths than Indiana up until this point (2,553 to 2,203). So, yes, Texas is, unfortunately, having a rough time of it right now. But, they were not hit 'hard' in late March through April like other states were.
  15. Honest question here. I know they develop a unique vaccine each year for the flu. However, when they test someone for the flu, are they able to determine if two people have been infected with the exact same flu strain? Or, just because it's flu season, is the assumption that everyone has the same kind of flu? I ask because there are multiple types of Coronavirus. Is the testing that is being performed for Covid-19 sophisticated enough to say that what a person diagnosed in Texas today is the exact same Covid-19 strain that a person who died of the virus in April in New York had?
  16. I guess that's kind of my point. Should people in the at risk age groups be participating in risky behavior? Probably not. But, should the high school class of 2021 miss out on everything the class of 2020 did (prom, graduation, sports, etc.)? I don't know the answer to that, I guess I'm just trying to get a handle on how long the virus will dominate decision making. If some cities are ready/willing to re-open, but someplace like Los Angeles still does not allow crowds, what does that mean for to the Lakers, Dodgers, Rams, etc.? I'm blessed that both my wife and I are able to work from home. But, I also have 2 kids in high school that I would like to have the full high school experience. At the same time, I have an elderly mother and elderly in-laws that are most certainly in the age group for the most serious impacts. There does not seem to be a 'good' answer as to how we should proceed. However, there needs to be 'an' answer. Protect your most vulnerable. At the same time, don't freak out if an otherwise healthy 34 year old in Maryland dies of the virus. Healthy 34 year old people can die unexpectedly while out jogging. And, yes, I realize one of those can be spread person to person and one cannot. But, are the dangers to certain age groups actually significantly higher than other health related threats?
  17. I hate to use this analogy, because it comes off as kind of crude. But, in regards to the death rate, in many parts of the country, the virus has already picked a good portion of the low hanging fruit (nursing homes, people with underlying conditions, etc.). It now seems to be hitting some of the states that were not as hard hit before (Texas, Arizona, etc.). After the most at risk are impacted in those states, what happens next? Do we then begin to view this virus as 'just another illness'? At what point does a professional athlete with no symptoms not shut down a season, camp, etc. In 2024, if there is no vaccine and Mike Trout is diagnosed with the virus, does MLB shut down? .
  18. Clemson had more than 20 football players test positive this week. Let's say a college football team has that happen on the Thursday or Friday before a Saturday game-day. Even if the team impacted can scramble and put a team on the field, is the opposing team even going to want to play them, knowing there could be additional infected players that did not test positive?
  19. Can we realistically expect to have team sports (pro, college, or high school) in this environment?
  20. The link you provided highlights Vermont as one of the states with increased hospitalizations, Meanwhile, the info below highlights Vermont as the only state where the number of weekly cases has gone down by over 50%. Both accurate stats, no doubt, but they tell a completely different story. According to data from Johns Hopkins University: • These 24 states are seeing upward trends in newly reported cases from one week to the next: Alabama, Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Kansas, Oregon, Louisiana, Michigan, Missouri, Montana, Nevada, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Washington, West Virginia and Wyoming. • Seven states are seeing steady numbers of newly reported cases: Alaska, Arkansas, Delaware, Indiana, Kentucky, Nebraska and Wisconsin. • These 18 states are seeing a downward trend: Connecticut, Illinois, Iowa, Maine, Mississippi, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New Hampshire, New Mexico, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Dakota, and Virginia. • One state, Vermont, has seen a decrease of at least 50%.
  21. Imagine that. An attorney's office filled with so much 'crap' that not even the most modern enhancements in plumbing can get rid of it all.
  22. The two stats are definitely trending in opposite directions. I have to assume deaths will eventually have to start trending upward as well if the new cases keep rising so dramatically. We have to hope those start trending down before the lower death numbers are forced back up.
  23. Scary projection here. Projection is that Florida will need 4,178 ICU beds by October first. The state currently only has 1,696. https://covid19.healthdata.org/united-states-of-america/florida
  24. Indiana is 17th among states in population and 17th among states in the number of Coronavirus cases. States with more population than Indiana, but fewer cases are Tennessee and Washington. States with a lower population and more cases are Maryland and Louisiana.
  25. From my perspective, it appears the virus is peaking in states that were previously spared the worst. What will cause me to be concerned is to see a spike in cases in areas that were already hit hard. So, if New York, New Jersey, Michigan, etc. suddenly see a big increase in numbers, we need to worry. As it stands now, we're seeing a correction to the norm in places that avoided the March/April spike.
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