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Everything posted by 5fouls

  1. The last player to do it did play for Detroit. I'll leave the question open for a while to see if someone can come up with the name. Phil Niekro lost 20 games twice in the 1970's and had 20 or more complete games each time. But he did NOT complete 27 games in either of those seasons. He completed 23 & 20 in his two 20 loss years.
  2. Two part question (different answers). Since 1970, there have been 16 instances where a MLB pitcher lost 20 games in a season. After 1980, only one pitcher has achieved that dubious honor. Name him. One of the pitchers who lost 20 games since 1970 did it in a season where he threw 27 complete games. Name him.
  3. I wonder what the end game is for counting people that have the virus, but dies of other things, as Covid deaths. Would someone that has cancer but dies of alcohol poisoning be classified as a cancer death? No, of course not.
  4. I'm always a year behind on any book series I read. I don't read hardbacks, large paperbacks, or own a kindle. I wait for the mass market paperback. I just like the feel of that size book better. So, for me, the 'next' Silva book comes out on May 26th, when 'The New Girl' paperback is released. I'll likely be at the store that day to pick it up.
  5. Did you discover this on your own or hear about it from somewhere else? I just googled 'neighborhood duck iPhone' to get more background and there were no hits.
  6. Technically, only two of them do.
  7. Nasal irrigation as a method to help fight Covid-19? https://www.msn.com/en-us/health/other/this-one-habit-is-why-thailand-has-so-few-covid-cases-doctor-says/ar-BB14aOJi?ocid=msedgntp
  8. Adding to the Texas 'story' linked above. The increase in cases just happens to coincide with a spike in the number of tests. The media is so pathetic. And, oh, even if testing had not spiked, the increase in cases was not as significant as the headline makes it out to be. https://covid19.healthdata.org/united-states-of-america/texas
  9. More spreading of fake news. . Even the info provided in the story does not support the shrill headline. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/texas-cases-of-covid-19-increasing-by-thousands-since-reopening/ar-BB14b61B?ocid=msedgntp
  10. Winwood's Arc of A Diver album may not contain his most well known work, but I think it's his best.
  11. I just rewatched the Small-Town video. I had forgotten that The General made an appearance in the video.
  12. I'm not a fan of digitizing queues. I like to tour theme parks in a logical order. Don't backtracking, Digitizing queues seems like a recipe to having to keep backtracking for the more popular attractions.
  13. I pay much more attention to who the poster is when reading the Animal House threads. Not sure why, but I do.
  14. This blurb is in the linked article. The Johns Hopkins number is typically the one we always hear about. As of May 15, CDC data indicates 60,299 deaths. CNN's US death count, fueled by Johns Hopkins University data, currently stands at more than 86,000. https://www.cnn.com/2020/05/15/politics/concerns-cdc-counting-systems/index.html
  15. I occasionally look back at old threads and when doing that I see names I have not seen in a while. I look at their profile and most of the time it shows they are still active, but some of the time it's like 'Wow, he hasn't posted since 2017'.
  16. Hadn't thought of that. Makes me feel a little better.
  17. Let me take my example to the next level. Let's substitute the Steelers for the Patriots in my example above, Big Ben is getting up there in years as well, so let's say the Steelers are looking to draft a QB and are picking 10th. They already have a head coach of color. Does the NFL seriously jump the Jaguars ahead of the Steelers in that scenario? The rule would say you do. I can't imagine the fallout if that happened.
  18. This will be very difficult to manage if approved. Here's an example where things could get squirmy. It's likely the Patriots are going to be looking for a QB in the next 2-3 years.. And, obviously, they are not going to fire Bill Belichick, so he's their coach on draft day. For the sake of argument, let's say the Patriots are positioned to draft 10th and The Jaguars are positioned to draft 11th. The Jaguars also need a QB and just fired their coach. Because of the new rule, if they hire a person of color as coach, they vault ahead of the Patriots in the draft order. Ignoring for a fact that the Patriots probably deserve everything they get, it actually is not fair that they lose out in this scenario because they didn't fire their long time, multi-championship winning coach. There has to be a better way to address the issue.
  19. With you there DBM. Hope it's something like that.
  20. Rico isn't the type of poster that would normally be getting a time out from the Mods and the numbers say he is the most prolific poster on the board. I hope I'm overreacting, but if he does not post in the next couple of days, I'm going to be really worried.
  21. Not specifically topical, but with Covid-19 seemingly having a hand in everything that goes on in the world these days, I thought I would raise my concern here. There are certain posters that I expect to see on the board, and when you don't see them in a while, you become concerned. We all seem to go through that when we don't hear from HTD at least once every couple of weeks Another one is @Zlinedavid, who has not been on the board since February. But, he had an extended absence (for 2-3 years I believe) in the past, so there is some history there. My current concern is with @ricowho has not been on since Wednesday morning. Now, on the surface, two days does not see like enough time to worry. But, other than a year or so ago when he had his scary medical episode, I don't ever recall a time when Rico has been away from the board for that long of a time. Considering what is going on in the world, I think it's fairly easy to dismiss this as simply a 'being on vacation' type of thing. Am I premature to worry about this?
  22. Rumor has it that @bluegrassIU donated several items to help with this effort. https://www.cnn.com/videos/travel/2020/05/14/restaurant-blow-up-dolls-as-patrons-newssource.cnn
  23. Should the U.S. criticize China for low-balling their number of Covid deaths when we are guilty of inflating ours? https://www.foxnews.com/health/colorado-man-died-alcohol-poisoning-death-classified-coronavirus-report
  24. The school district my kids attend will also have July commencements. Not sure if it is students only or if family can attend. My oldest is just a Sophomore, so I have not really paid attention to the details.
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