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Didn't see this posted here, but I think this article sums up some of the mental issues many already knew Coach Knight is going through.  While I'm not happy with his never-ending grudge, or the abusive behavior in his past, it's sad to read things about a man that did so much good for the university. 

Bob Knight shows wit but struggles with memory https://www.indystar.com/story/sports/2019/04/04/iu-basketball-coach-bob-knight-witty-but-struggles-memory-speaking-appearance/3359396002/


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4 minutes ago, Snozzwangers_und_covfefe said:

Didn't see this posted here, but I think this article sums up some of the mental issues many already knew Coach Knight is going through.  While I'm not happy with his never-ending grudge, or the abusive behavior in his past, it's sad to read things about a man that did so much good for the university. 

Bob Knight shows wit but struggles with memory https://www.indystar.com/story/sports/2019/04/04/iu-basketball-coach-bob-knight-witty-but-struggles-memory-speaking-appearance/3359396002/


Yep,....after reading that article, I would have been cringing and nervous waiting for responses from coach. It is so sad to see how a disease like this can slowly steal your memories, personality and eventually your life. I know Knight publicly cut ties wit h IU a long time ago, but man, I sure wish he and IU could reconsile in some compacity before he no longer has a memory or passes. It's just a shame.

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26 minutes ago, BobSaccamanno said:

Thanks for the article.  I think we talked about it but Tom Seaver has the same thing and won’t speak in public.  And so did Dean Smith and we never saw him at that point.  That might be where we are headed.  

It's sad for me because I can tell you the only reason I became a Hoosier fan was RMK. I learned to love everything about the program and the University and decided that if I could not play D1 basketball I would go rather go to IU and not play anywhere else.  

For years I was blessed to be able to have many 1 on 1 conversations with Coach and very seldom did it involve basketball.  I have been around very few people that were as sharp and could remember every single detail about anything.  Basketball hunting fishing etc. To know that is erading does make me sad.

I have never been in the camp that despises Knight for turning his back on the fans. I know how complex  he is and I know it kills him to not make peace with the fans. He is too big a horses ass to admit his part and therefore lives in his own prison cell. I wish nothing but the best for a man I admired and hope somehow someone can appeal to him to make 1 last visit to the Hall that Bobby built 

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10 minutes ago, BobSaccamanno said:

Thanks for the article.  I think we talked about it but Tom Seaver has the same thing and won’t speak in public.  And so did Dean Smith and we never saw him at that point.  That might be where we are headed.  

Another one I always remember very well is Pat Summitt. Never understood why there's such a stigma with mental health...especially alzheimer's. People perpetuate it by either not discussing or worse yet withdrawing from the people who have it and isolate them. 


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13 minutes ago, Seeking6 said:

Another one I always remember very well is Pat Summitt. Never understood why there's such a stigma with mental health...especially alzheimer's. People perpetuate it by either not discussing or worse yet withdrawing from the people who have it and isolate them. 


Having had family members with it and to see how it affects them makes it hard to not keep them isolated. My grandma and great grandma were very dignified women and this disease took all of that from them. I have never heard my great grandma ever say a curse word in my life, every Sunday I would take her and we would play bingo and 1 Sunday she yelled bingo and did not have it and went on an obscene tirade that would have made the General proud. I was so embarrassed for her and very seldom after that and other incidents did she leave the house.

It hurts family members to see them like that and not know their own kids that eventually the visits become less and less

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41 minutes ago, BobSaccamanno said:

Thanks for the article.  I think we talked about it but Tom Seaver has the same thing and won’t speak in public.  And so did Dean Smith and we never saw him at that point.  That might be where we are headed.  

True.  Having taken care of a parent, from pre-diagnosis until death, the mental decline in dementia is heart wrenching.  Often it's short term memory and language problems that show up first but it gets far worse that just forgetfulness (as AZ is often depicted).

On one hand it's helpful to keep them busy and engaged, but being before the public has to be something the individual is comfortable with and enjoys.

Tom Seaver and Dean Smith were mentioned as two people diagnosed with dementia recently that have stepped away from the public eye.  Then there was Glenn Campbell who made his condition known and then went on a final concert tour.  He was probably a person who lived to perform and wanted to do so for as long as he could.

This type of condition is incideous and can't be halted and often not even slowed for some.

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Good point about Glenn Campbell.  I saw his documentary on cable where he was on tour, banging out Galveston, etc.

My 98 year old grandmother had dementia too and it was especially hard for my mom as she couldn't remember who she was, or would suddenly be in like an imaginary skit calling my late grandfather and the kids to dinner as if it were 60 years ago.  She started incessantly talking about a baby she lost that predated my mom because he wasn't even aware of the lost baby.  It's extremely tough as you guys all said.

The Youtube videos of Coach Knight's last broadcast where he didn't understand the shot clock is sad.  I wonder why ESPN didn't catch any red flags before they trotted him out there.  

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Well, let's hope eventually either he realizes he shouldn't be doing these events or his family does and steps in.  You would hope someone he respects, like Hammel, would say something to him rather than continuing to allow him to embarrass himself.

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13 minutes ago, jv1972iu said:

Well, let's hope eventually either he realizes he shouldn't be doing these events or his family does and steps in.  You would hope someone he respects, like Hammel, would say something to him rather than continuing to allow him to embarrass himself.

Or perhaps he's taking care of his family by getting paid handsomely to show up? Not trying to be rude but some people will earn to the day they die. Painful maybe...but embarrassing? Not in my eyes. 

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21 minutes ago, jv1972iu said:

Well, let's hope eventually either he realizes he shouldn't be doing these events or his family does and steps in.  You would hope someone he respects, like Hammel, would say something to him rather than continuing to allow him to embarrass himself.

I dont think having a disease or the early signs of a disease is embarrassing or let it stop you from doing something you want to do, and I dont think his good friend Hammel should say anything, hes supporting his longtime friend good or bad and he will continue too until the very end.He does these events for the Indiana fans as a payback for there support and I would say he will until the end...even if it means missing a few memories. 

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14 minutes ago, Seeking6 said:

Or perhaps he's taking care of his family by getting paid handsomely to show up? Not trying to be rude but some people will earn to the day they die. Painful maybe...but embarrassing? Not in my eyes. 

To each his own.

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1 minute ago, HoosierJax said:

I dont think having a disease or the early signs of a disease is embarrassing or let it stop you from doing something you want to do, and I dont think his good friend Hammel should say anything, hes supporting his longtime friend good or bad and he will continue too until the very end.He does these events for the Indiana fans as a payback for there support and I would say he will until the end...even if it means missing a few memories. 

That's fine.

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Everything that I have experienced with Alzheimer’s- a mother and mother in law, was built around the premise of keeping them as engaged as possible for as long as possible. If RMK is capable of entertaining folks for even a part of the time of the event, and if people are willing to pay, then good for him. 

I would assume that people attending these events are fans and willing to be empathetic and patient with any lapses or stumbles. To me, any embarrassment speaks to me of the failure of the audience not the failure of the person putting themselves out there for all to see—Alzheimer’s and all.

Keep on keeping on, General. For those who value your memories, even if they are somewhat clouded 

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I grew up watching IU and RMK with my dad. Attended his basketball camps in the early to mid 90's. Met him on several occasions.  My dad won a radio contest in which we got the 92 IU/Duke FF4 game ball and we went to AH to get it autographed.  My dad passed away in 2006.  Watching Coach Knight slip away bothers me more than I expected.  When he passes a connection to my childhood will have passed.  I guess it makes me realize I'm getting older.  

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