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Lineup/Rotation Predictions coming out of HH

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Brace yourself for Smith is not a 3 comments. I'd rather not see him start there but acknowledge that defensively he can guard that position. If we have good outside shooting at the 4 and 5 with him on the floor, I could see him at the 3 for a few minutes but rather he play more at the inside/ forward wing or 4 spot.

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2 minutes ago, IU Scott said:

I think the first game you still will see this lineup but will change over time






Two players with last name only.  One with first name only.  One with first initial and last initial. And, finally one with first initial and full last name.

Is this a secret code? 


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1 minute ago, dbmhoosier said:

TJD is starting.

thanks coach, why just because he was a McDonald's AA.  Like I said I think this will what coach will use early but not for the whole year.  I really hope I am wrong because I would love for tJD and Hunter to be starters.

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I think if Hunter is ready to go he will start. 

but based on the fact that CAM says he’s going to go big - you may be right. At least to begin the year. That said, we still don’t have that high percentage shooter that’s going to stretch defenses and with Smith at the 3, that deficiency will be highlighted even more.  

I really think a good portion of our success will hinge on Justin’s development over the summer. If his handles and shot get better he could really give CAM a lot more flexibility with his lineups. 

and while I know this proposed line up will not start I’d be curious to see how these guys would play together. Not a traditional big, but they’d still have length and athleticism. 






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13 minutes ago, IU Scott said:

thanks coach, why just because he was a McDonald's AA.  Like I said I think this will what coach will use early but not for the whole year.  I really hope I am wrong because I would love for tJD and Hunter to be starters.

Not sure if you watched Hoosier Hysteria but him and Hunter looked like the best players on the floor. Granted a few were held out of the scrimmage, but he looked too good not to start. 

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1 minute ago, tdhoosier said:

Not sure if you watched Hoosier Hysteria but him and Hunter looked like the best players on the floor. Granted a few were held out of the scrimmage, but he looked too good not to start. 

I was there row 20 and thought he look great and hope he does start

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30 minutes ago, Reacher said:

Brace yourself for Smith is not a 3 comments. I'd rather not see him start there but acknowledge that defensively he can guard that position. If we have good outside shooting at the 4 and 5 with him on the floor, I could see him at the 3 for a few minutes but rather he play more at the inside/ forward wing or 4 spot.

For the record - I am fully on board with Smith is not a 3. I'm just telling you my prediction for what Archie will go with. Interested in getting the convo going to see what eveyrone else is thinking.

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You've been 'braced' for it -- Smith is not a 3. Seriously. He's not a "3" / wing in anyone's universe. He's just not. What more can be said on this point? Maybe Davis is a 3, or Brunk, or maybe bring in Shaq out of retirement at the 3.

Don't know if Hunter will start or not out of the gate. Would not be surprised if he comes off the bench a bit until he has his college game legs under him. Also have always believed, and continue to believe, the focus on starters is overdone. Who gets the most / key minutes / who closes is more important. That said, do believe Hunter will start, whether that's out of the gate or later.

Locks imo are (in Code, just for Fouls) Rob and DG a/k/a Good Green. Not sure if anyone else is. Do think Davis will start. Probably Al, if not Hunter, and TJD.  If Smith starts (not at the 3!!!!!!!!!!), then probably for Davis. I don't think Brunk starts, but he might for floor leadership / solid - veteran front court play, e.g., Brunk/TJD. Going to be interesting, looks like good competition in the front court.

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2 minutes ago, Hoosierhoopster said:

You've been 'braced' for it -- Smith is not a 3. Seriously. He's not a "3" / wing in anyone's universe. He's just not. What more can be said on this point? Maybe Davis is a 3, or Brunk, or maybe bring in Shaq out of retirement at the 3.

Don't know if Hunter will start or not out of the gate. Would not be surprised if he comes off the bench a bit until he has his college game legs under him. Also have always believed, and continue to believe, the focus on starters is overdone. Who gets the most / key minutes / who closes is more important. That said, do believe Hunter will start, whether that's out of the gate or later.

Locks imo are (in Code, just for Fouls) Rob and DG a/k/a Good Green. Not sure if anyone else is. Do think Davis will start. Probably Al, if not Hunter, and TJD.  If Smith starts (not at the 3!!!!!!!!!!), then probably for Davis. I don't think Brunk starts, but he might for floor leadership / solid - veteran front court play, e.g., Brunk/TJD. Going to be interesting, looks like good competition in the front court.

I know the lineups at HH is not great to go by because of the injuries but Smith was a 3 on his team at HH.  The frontcourt for them was Smith, TJD and Race so Archie is at least experimenting with it.

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OK, I'll play. For the cupcake games in November, here's my starting line up:

Rob: Excellent facilitator @ point, and tough defense.

Green: Pure shooter and decent defense.

Jerome: IF he can play defense, he'll out Smith because Jerome is MUCH better offensively. Smith is lazy on offense.

TJD: Versatile, runs the floor well, can block shots. BUT...can he guard outside is the question...

DeRon: Solid as you can get down low, and a good passer besides.

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I think this can be done in conjunction with this topic. List minutes leaders from most to least. (Projected season total)












* I think the guards will be playing a lot and there will be a lot of rotating the bigs to keep them fresh. 

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1 hour ago, Reacher said:

Brace yourself for Smith is not a 3 comments. I'd rather not see him start there but acknowledge that defensively he can guard that position. If we have good outside shooting at the 4 and 5 with him on the floor, I could see him at the 3 for a few minutes but rather he play more at the inside/ forward wing or 4 spot.

You start Smith at the 3.8 and Trayce at the 4.

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6 minutes ago, Parakeet Jones said:

Assuming Hunter is good to go:






I would not bet my life on any of that. I wouldn’t be shocked if at the beginning of the season Smith or Durham find their way into the lineup. 

Probably Correct.  I wouldn't be surprised if Al starts at the 3.

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55 minutes ago, DWB said:

OK, I'll play. For the cupcake games in November, here's my starting line up:

Rob: Excellent facilitator @ point, and tough defense.

Green: Pure shooter and decent defense.

Jerome: IF he can play defense, he'll out Smith because Jerome is MUCH better offensively. Smith is lazy on offense.

TJD: Versatile, runs the floor well, can block shots. BUT...can he guard outside is the question...

DeRon: Solid as you can get down low, and a good passer besides.

This is who I'd start, although I struggled leaving Al Durham out of the starting lineup, as I have a major man-crush on him.  Smith & Brunk get major minutes off the bench as well.

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1 minute ago, dbmhoosier said:

Probably Correct.  I wouldn't be surprised if Al starts at the 3.

My thought with Durham was that is Hunter is not ready to play major minutes, we go smaller and start Durham in his place. I really like Al and hated not putting him in the starting five. I have this secret hope (I guess it’s not a secret now) that we are good enough this year that if I’m right on the lineup that he could get 6th man of the year in the B1G. 

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17 minutes ago, FKIM01 said:

I struggled leaving Al Durham out of the starting lineup, as I have a major man-crush on him.  Smith & Brunk get major minutes off the bench as well.

Nice problem to have isn't it? Debating which of the 8-9 solid players we have that will start ! Race isn't a throw away either. I really believe our depth is as strong as anyone's in the B1G. We could surprise a few people.

I'm really looking forward to seeing what Armaan can do too. He might surprise all of us and be another RP.

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3 hours ago, Hoosierhoopster said:

You've been 'braced' for it -- Smith is not a 3. Seriously. He's not a "3" / wing in anyone's universe. He's just not. What more can be said on this point? Maybe Davis is a 3, or Brunk, or maybe bring in Shaq out of retirement at the 3.

Don't know if Hunter will start or not out of the gate. Would not be surprised if he comes off the bench a bit until he has his college game legs under him. Also have always believed, and continue to believe, the focus on starters is overdone. Who gets the most / key minutes / who closes is more important. That said, do believe Hunter will start, whether that's out of the gate or later.

Locks imo are (in Code, just for Fouls) Rob and DG a/k/a Good Green. Not sure if anyone else is. Do think Davis will start. Probably Al, if not Hunter, and TJD.  If Smith starts (not at the 3!!!!!!!!!!), then probably for Davis. I don't think Brunk starts, but he might for floor leadership / solid - veteran front court play, e.g., Brunk/TJD. Going to be interesting, looks like good competition in the front court.

So basically you are predicting any combination of the tip 9 rotation guys. 😁

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I am going to go by what CAM said a while back...get old and stay old. 

Rob, Green, Smith and Davis fit the description. With those four we can afford to have a less experienced guy fill out the starting lineup. Depending on matchups he could go with TJD if he wants to play big, Hunter if he wants a smaller lineup.

To me, who starts is not as important as who CAM trusts with the most meaningful minutes. We have a few games that he can experiment and hopefully figure it out 

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seems we can all agree on RP and Green.  i would be shocked if TJD was not a starter as well.  will be interesting from there, but seems like experience makes Durham and Smith good bets at least in the beginning.  if they don't perform or we have injuries Hunter, Davis, Brunk all knocking on the door.  

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A couple of things.

I just don't see a scenario where Al is made a captain and does not start the season in the starting lineup  After all, he was a starter last season.  A returning starter that is made captain is not going to lose his starting job unless someone takes it from him.  Since it's unlikely that Al gets out-worked enough in practice to lose his starting role, if it happens, it will be based on game performance.  Al begins the season in the starting lineup;  

On the flip side, I can see a scenario where Justin loses his starting role because someone is able to prove more in preseason practice.

Finally, keep in mind that we don't begin the season against Duke.  The first game is against Western Illinois.  We don't necessarily need the 'best' lineup on the floor at the start of our opener.  That provides a great opportunity to integrate Hunter in slowly, or have TJD start the season coming off the bench and challenge him to take the starter's role from one of the returning players with quality performance during game conditions.

Barring injury, I see the starting lineup for the first game as follows.

  • Rob 
  • Devonte
  • Al
  • TJD (he's able to win the job outright from Justin in preseason)
  • De'Ron (will not play more than 20 minutes per game, however)

Over the course of the season, I would not be surprised to see Hunter or Smith earn a starting role based on performance.  I think Brunk plays equal minutes to De'Ron, but Davis gets the starting nod as the senior (barring injury).

Race, Damezi, and Armaan will be used situationally until/unless they take minutes away from someone ahead of them in the rotation, or there is an injury.   





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