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2 minutes ago, jblaz13 said:

When Twitter started up and I learned that a message was called a "tweet" I looked briefly and that was the end forever.

Tweeting  just sounded too bird-ly of standards for a mere man like me to have a chance to "live up to".LOL

When twitter started up. I remember Coach Crean being a prolific tweeter.  Till the day, on a recruiting trip, and tweeting in his car, he nearly got into an accident.  His wife put an end to Tom tweeting while driving.  Smart lady.

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1 minute ago, FKIM01 said:

Looks like IU won and Purdue lost.  Best part about my crappy Monday. 😂

Now to call Uber about all the fraudulent charges on their platform that have me on my 3rd credit card number in the last ten days...💩💩💩

Dude where have you been ubering?

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1 minute ago, FKIM01 said:

Looks like IU won and Purdue lost.  Best part about my crappy Monday. 😂

Now to call Uber about all the fraudulent charges on their platform that have me on my 3rd credit card number in the last ten days...💩💩💩

I feel your pain, we had fraudulent charges from Lyft and Southwest Airlines shut down one of ours.

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31 minutes ago, FKIM01 said:

Looks like IU won and Purdue lost.  Best part about my crappy Monday. 😂

Now to call Uber about all the fraudulent charges on their platform that have me on my 3rd credit card number in the last ten days...💩💩💩

Man, that has to be uber-frustrating.  

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1 minute ago, FKIM01 said:

Sports argument or just drunk?

Lol... well.. both. 

Dude had his WHOLE jeep decorated in Bears crap. He picks me and 3 buddies up, we start talking football... I mention that I loved Jordan Howard and that I'm an IU fan... 

I guess he didnt like JH? The guy basically goes ape shit at that point... so I get mad and tell him his team sucks a** and they're a shitty franchise, he pulls a gun at that point at a stoplight. 

Promise.. not one threatening word was said to him. Insane. 

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13 minutes ago, btownqb said:

Lol... well.. both. 

Dude had his WHOLE jeep decorated in Bears crap. He picks me and 3 buddies up, we start talking football... I mention that I loved Jordan Howard and that I'm an IU fan... 

I guess he didnt like JH? The guy basically goes ape shit at that point... so I get mad and tell him his team sucks a** and they're a shitty franchise, he pulls a gun at that point at a stoplight. 

Promise.. not one threatening word was said to him. Insane. 

😂😂😜...I was pretty much imagining a scenario very much like you just described...no idea why.

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18 hours ago, btownqb said:

Lol... well.. both. 

Dude had his WHOLE jeep decorated in Bears crap. He picks me and 3 buddies up, we start talking football... I mention that I loved Jordan Howard and that I'm an IU fan... 

I guess he didnt like JH? The guy basically goes ape shit at that point... so I get mad and tell him his team sucks a** and they're a shitty franchise, he pulls a gun at that point at a stoplight. 

Promise.. not one threatening word was said to him. Insane. 

As a Bears fan all my life I can't imagine another Bears fan actually arguing with your comments...with the exception of about 3 seasons in last 20. Haha. The gun part is a different deal but any halfway normal Bear fan understands we have sucked for a very long time. Haha...we've won 4-5 playoff games since 1990.

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