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Everything posted by HoosierFaithful

  1. I'm honestly not sure what CTA needs to prove to anyone. He clearly can pick good assistants - he lost a few to become HC's and others to bigger programs. He isn't infallible (none of us are), so he doesn't always pick the perfect replacement. When he swings and misses, he moves on - even digging into his own pocket to do so! I said it before and I'll say it again: CTA has at least another year of a blank check from me and several years after that of a significant amount of trust. I'm not sure what more he needs to do for the rest of you, but you're entitled to your own opinion.
  2. I'm on a slight locking spree, but we have two of these running so going to lock this one in favor of the other, which had been generally more active all year.
  3. No blame - just a decision we think everyone will look back on fondly with time.
  4. Hi all - For those of you who frequent the OT board, you've probably seen or posted in our COVID thread. Please see this post outlining why we decided to shut it down:
  5. Hi all - the following is unrelated to any of the last 10-15 posts, so please don't view it as a response to that. After careful consideration over a long period of time, the mod team here has decided to at least temporarily close this thread. I've been one of the most active participants in this thread - it should not shock you to hear that I think it has provided great value! From a time when we knew so little about COVID, to a time now where I think we can all agree we know far too much about viruses for comfort, this thread has served as a largely informative back-and-forth between members from all walks of life. It has helped me broaden my viewpoints and learn how others approach problems we're all facing. A hearty thank-you to everyone who engaged in good faith and good spirits. At the same time, I would imagine anyone reading this thread would agree that opinions seem relatively baked in. If a time re-emerges where we feel it would be in everyone's best interest to have a good faith back-and-forth here, we'll consider re-opening this thread. As it stands, we don't see much utility in the same back-and-forth over a particular set of facts. This thread has sparked activity in our fun little OT board. Going forward, we hope you stick around and discuss the more mundane, non-IU sports parts of our lives! I know that I've deeply enjoyed getting to know more than if a particular poster likes or dislikes Archie Miller. It adds complexity and depth to my understanding of who each of you are. As a mod team, we try not to think of ourselves as any smarter, better, or more knowledgeable than anyone else. We see ourselves as the shepherds of good times and good conversations, no more. We made this decision after careful consideration. This is not an outright ban on COVID discussion. As always, please remember our rules. If COVID comes up organically in another topic, so be it. We're living through a transformative time in our collective lives - it would be foolish to try to say we can't talk about it. Instead, what we're saying is this: we don't feel we need a dedicated thread that has been going around in circles for 100 pages solely focused on it. Hope to see you all in the DIY thread, the beer thread, or the next great thread here in OT that someone thinks of. HF
  6. At the end of the day, the portal and the general moving and shaking of the new CFB (and college sports in general) landscape has MUCH more upside for IU than downside. Look at some of these MFers we're getting in on defense!! I'm still excited.
  7. I choose not to get invested in FB recruits until the first play of their first game. Life is stressful enough.
  8. I can get behind this testing regiment. her first pour was atrocious, though.
  9. This is what happens when a once-in-100 years virus comes and was poorly handled - yes, life will change.
  10. Yeah let's move away from RP, this is getting close to derailing the thread.
  11. A game we lose in years before this one. IUBB is fun again. Not perfect but no complaints from this fan.
  12. They look like a bottom 3 team. Still, these are games we choked away in years past. To start a game this poorly, with this many fixable mistakes, and still beat a team by 10-15 leaves me feeling just fine.
  13. How good is Nebraska supposed to be?
  14. It is so nice to have conference basketball in December.
  15. I love Rob but the difference between him and X is so stark when X comes back in. RP is a great backup 1
  16. Moderator emeritus, we’ll allow it.
  17. I've said a couple of times - this thread will work perfectly if everyone approaches it without any goal of convincing anyone else of anything. This is a large, de-centralized water cooler. Nothing more.
  18. Shows how much I know about Christianity.
  19. If someone truly thinks this pandemic is all a centrally planned plot, more power to them. They’re normally also the folks who think the government has done an awful job in response. Again, more power to them. to wit - if someone thinks the government is as stupid as that person believes it is, how are they smart enough people to pull off such a massive conspiracy like this?
  20. Did you all know Iowa has two players who are brothers? I didn’t, but then thankfully the ESPN commentators reminded me every thirty seconds that I watched.
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