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Everything posted by HoosierFaithful

  1. If someone truly thinks this pandemic is all a centrally planned plot, more power to them. They’re normally also the folks who think the government has done an awful job in response. Again, more power to them. to wit - if someone thinks the government is as stupid as that person believes it is, how are they smart enough people to pull off such a massive conspiracy like this?
  2. Did you all know Iowa has two players who are brothers? I didn’t, but then thankfully the ESPN commentators reminded me every thirty seconds that I watched.
  3. Nothing out of line here, but I'd like to steer us away from the current line of conversation - it's a slippery slope.
  4. Wow, the mood here turned quickly. Some folks are mighty reactionary. Tom Allen has built up a LOOOOOOT of goodwill with this particular fan, and I imagine with the IU powers that be as well.
  5. glad it got sorted!! not a problem to help, that's why we have this forum.
  6. I watched the video and read the first few links - I don't see anything about the military hauling people off. I see police and military enforcing lockdowns, knocking on doors to ensure self-isolation rules are being followed (and issuing fines, it seems, if not..?) but nothing that substantiates the claim that the military is hauling people off. That may very well be the case, I don't know and I don't live in Australia, but nothing anyone has posted here comes close to convincing me. And again - you don't have to convince me! You're entitled to your own views.
  7. It's the same video RTZ posted, I think..? There is some language in the video about the army helping and folks going to centers, but I don't see enough to justify the claims people are making about the army hauling folks away. To be clear - that might be happening, I have no idea, I just don't see nearly enough from that video to back up that claim. It's odd that we are so willing to trust a random twitter account and their interpretation of the news but not the "MSM" - look, you're allowed to think whatever you want, and post it here too, but I wouldn't be shocked when others don't buy in. And you don't have to buy-in to what I believe! What a wonderful country we have.
  8. Aren't these facilities for folks traveling into the country and needing to quarantine, not for local citizens? https://www.abc.net.au/news/2021-08-26/covd-qld-wellcamp-toowoomba-regional-quarantine-facility/100403692 https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2021/oct/27/charlie-kirk-show/australias-quarantine-facilities-are-travelers-not/
  9. First, I had a screenshot of a tweet, not anything more - so I wasn't able to watch the video until it was posted here. The language seemed quite editorialized ("hauled off"), so I did some research on the source, and found that many consider it a rather dubious source. That's when I posted the link. People can absolutely keep the free information flowing! I've been relatively consistent in saying we should do that. I will also, though, continue to point out when some of those sources have a proven track record of misinformation. This was one of those sources. I would disagree pretty strongly that "the messenger shouldn't tarnish the message." Credibility matters, and in my view (and only mine), that website has very little. I don't post to try and convince others to think like me. I post to contribute to the discussion. I fully expect folks won't agree when I say one of their sources has a track record of posting misinformation, and that's totally fine. For me, though, to let the post come and go without letting unknowing passers by that there are legitimate attacks against that source's credibility seems unwise. I tried to do some more researching into what exactly the ADF is going in the situation referenced by the video. I couldn't really find too much more, so I can't say. It seems like they're definitely enforcing a lockdown and assisting police, much like the National Guard here frequently does. I don't know enough about Australia's policies for treating COVID patients.
  10. Disclose TV listed as propaganda - https://www.usnews.com/news/national-news/articles/2016-11-14/avoid-these-fake-news-sites-at-all-costs
  11. Checking another device would be a very helpful troubleshooting step - that would really help us narrow down. A lot of the stuff you're describing sound like javascript problems.
  12. I’m just saying, the I in air should be filled in…
  13. Speaking from the lens of government response - The hard part is that these problems aren’t easy to solve even when everyone agrees. America is a massive and diverse (speaking not ethnically but geographically, climate, etc etc) country. Just a miserable situation to be in.
  14. Howdy partner - feel free to PM me and we can trade phone numbers if you like to speed this up. This still seems most likely a setting within your own computer. We like to do the tech support out in the open like this so other members can chime in - but nobody else is seeing the same problem, unfortunately, and I'm not able to replicate it when I log in to your account. Can you try accessing with a different device? That would be a helpful troubleshooting step.
  15. Appreciate folks self moderating - you’ll always get leeway from me and the team if you realize you went a bit too far and try to delete or edit your post. Again - if you find yourself angry as you’re typing your post, consider walking away for 10 minutes before hitting send.
  16. The server is like a baby - sometimes, you just gotta burp it. Repeated plug for anyone who knows what the hell they're doing with server administration to inquire within. HF
  17. Of all the debates we don’t need to get into on this board, I rate gun control near the top, lol.
  18. Holy cow. I’m not sure what I expected and it was still somehow worse.
  19. Eeyore folks think the sky is falling, optimist folks (like me) think we are better than we are. Nothing has changed, lol.
  20. This is what it’s supposed to be like.
  21. SJU just playing well, IMO. We look sloppy with the ball but this is a good SJU team, they are forcing it. Good test for this team.
  22. My first game thread of the year so let me kick it off in style: Bardo is a moron. didn’t he call Rob an offensive threat earlier in the game? Lol
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