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Posts posted by Reacher

  1. 19 hours ago, Seeking6 said:


    20 hours ago, Hoosierhoopster said:

    Re the income tax thing, one thing that never gets taken into account is we get absolutely killed here in property taxes. You're better off without income tax, but the property tax significant. I pay a LOT in property taxes.... There are a lot of NBA guys with homes here, and they pay a lot, lot more.

    Buy a smaller house? 😁

    19 hours ago, Seeking6 said:

    Where's here? I'm in Hamilton County Indiana  and pay less than 1%. Is Texas really high? Quick google search says 2%.

    IL is generally around 2%. There are areas at 3% however. 

  2. 21 hours ago, Leathernecks said:

    I'm 6' and weigh 250 on a good day.  The heck with all you little guys lol.  I've always had a bigger build, and even when I played baseball in college where we ran probably 10 miles a week, did sprints, worked out, and ate decent, I was still 210.  If I can get back down to 215 I'll be real happy.  I think I'd have to starve myself to go back under 200.

    Would anybody be up for doing a separate thread just to motivate people to eat healthy and lose weight?  I know my biggest thing is accountability, so I could get people's weight and put them in a spread sheet to show how much they are losing and what percentage they are losing.  Anybody up for it?


    20 hours ago, mrflynn03 said:


    Im up for it.

    Ive always had a big build myself.  Im currently 6' 3" 278.  My goal is to get down to about 12-15% body fat and maintain.  Ive estimated I will need to drop down to about 240 to be in that range. 

    While I could probably lose 5 lbs, I wouldn't make a good participant but think it would be worthwhile doing and I'm sure myself and many others would check in and help root you on.

  3. 23 hours ago, KoB2011 said:

    I couldn't read the article because it is behind a paywall, but my personal answer to are eggs healthy or not is.... yes. 

    What did the article say? 

    The link to that article let me in so I was able to read. Basically covered both sides. Government agencies are behind the times with their guidelines and that eggs can be healthy. Egg producers want to advertise as such but can't. Pointed out the the fact that they do have lots of cholesterol. 

    IMO, the government needs to realize that certain cholesterol is ok and healthy for you and get with current science but they are still stuck on the food pyramid emphasizing grains. Not easy to admit you are wrong (and responsible for the poor health of many Americans???) 

  4. 1 hour ago, mrflynn03 said:


    Right now I supplement with a B vitamin complex, fish oil, probotics, milk thistle, and L glutamine which is good for increasing fat loss brain and digestive health.

    I eat well but have been partaking in a bit too much vodka recently so my current supplement stack is geared toward helping my brain and organs get back to optimal performance. Will probably adjust when needed. 

    Im losing weight so what I am doing is working.  Very much look forward to being back in shape. 

    Might want to check this out. A bit more comprehensive, still has the milk thistle.


    • Thanks 1
  5. 31 minutes ago, milehiiu said:

    So today, I am thinking.  Most of these streamers offer a free trial.  So why not.  Figured I would give DTN a shot.  Got on the net using my Firefox browser, to find out AT&T (Direct) does not allow Firefox, due to proprietary reasons.  Says to use Google Chrome.  So, I download, Google Chrome, and I am told my MacPro is too old to update the latest versions of Google Chrome.

    Then I decide I will check HuluTV Live.  I add on the unlimited screens for $15.00/month.  Go to the tv, where we already had the Hulu on demand under my son's name.  And low and behold, I see I am being welcomed to Hulu !   I'm getting excited.  Finally will be able to watch the BTN, even though it is off season.  However, I can't get Hulu Live TV.  Just on Demand, albeit more options than before.

    So I get online for Hulu Customer support.  Message them with my issue. And they message me back that a tech will be calling.  She did, and she was very nice.  Turns out all of my Roku devices are too old and will not support HuluTV Live.  I have a Chromecast Ultra, she said will support Hulu live.  But I like the Roku, because the Chromecast for me is too hard to set up.

    I just ordered, a top of the line Roku Ultra, which will allow me to try HuluTV Live.   The tech reversed the free trial. And I will try again in 7 to 10 days, when my Roku Ultra arrives.

    Good Luck to you!

  6. 18 hours ago, milehiiu said:

    As I continue my quest to find a streaming service that supplies the BTN... I tend to find all kind of things that add to my confusion.  Just every time I think I have found a solution.  Something crops up.  For Instance Hulu Live TV offers the BTN.  And... and... for just $15.00 a month offers unlimited number of streams within your house.  So... I am thinking... I have finally found a solution to what I am searching for in terms of over the top streaming solutions.....   BUT, then.... I discover that Hulu Live TV is still in Beta ! ANd has been for months.  With issues to be solved. 

    What to do ?  What to do ?  LOL


    I'm with ya.... At least I don't (yet) have any urgency. So I procrastinate and monitor my options. YouTube was probably best for me but I do not like how they censor things (Church/ politics/ guns/ etc) so DirectTVNOW would be my next choice. Might just have to get an extra account for the kids. 

  7. What supplements does everyone take?

    I think Fouls must own a GNC with all the weightlifting suplements he must take!

    As was discussed in the suicide rate thread, diet may be a factor. I've also seen where nutritional values of even healthy foods have plummeted.

    Now that I've hit 50, trying to focus more on health knowing I've probably got 40+ more years to go (Factoring in advances in science and healthcare). I do sit alot and my flexibility is probably my major concern. My exercise is more the weekend warrior type. Not concerned about losing weight. 

    I take a premium multivitamin (cheap ones are often synthetic, minimum doses), Fish oil, Vitamin D, probiotics, Turmeric and eye vitamins daily. Then I rotate in vitamin C, CoQ10, Astaxanthin and what I call something experimental. Might be something to boost my mitochondria or NAD+.  

    I know I probably go a little overboard and have seen studies that indicate against, but do see a lot of science behind what I do. The hardest part is wading thru the marketing and sensationalizing to get to the truth.   

  8. 1 hour ago, 5fouls said:

    Trying to decide whether to accept the Celtics/Cavs rickets offeted to me for Saturday night, or keep my reservations to attend the royal wedding in London.

    Might as well go to the game. We know you have been to plenty of weddings. Seen one wedding, seen em all. 

    What we really want to know is how much you are going to bet on the game and how are you going to hedge that one.

  9. 56 minutes ago, hoosierBGH said:

    I agree and thought about posting something similar earlier. I haven't read the entirety of the last several pages as I have lost interest in the endless PG discussion and instead only skim it for discussion of Vic and other former IU players but from what I saw and IMO, Scott received snark prior to responding with snark. That doesn't excuse a snarky response but IMO again, it does go toward the reasons for it. 

    I'm with you in that I don't care about the VO /PG debate (although it has at times been enlightening /entertaining) and do appreciate the actual NBA updates. 

    Maybe the comparisons can be moved to a separate thread leaving this one for the IU players and not NBA talk in general? 

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