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Everything posted by TheWatShot

  1. One of the more under appreciated pleasures of my sports fanhood is seeing OSU fans try to cope with the existential crisis of losing a football game, especially early in the season. I hope some of them are late for work Monday morning because they had to wait for a line of ducks to cross the road in front of them.
  2. I think you're confusing beating the spread with actually winning the game. We could win 42-14 and Idaho would beat the spread. Losing this game would be a colossal failure on our part and would wipe out a good chunk of the momentum we built up the last two years.
  3. This headline on ESPN is why commas are important. When I first read this, I actually thought Joe Burrow had died. https://www.espn.com/nfl/story/_/id/32177473/giraffe-named-cincinnati-bengals-qb-joe-burrow-dies-falling-ill
  4. Correction: Archie would still be our coach if he had been better at his job, which includes beating good teams, regardless of conference affiliation.
  5. Thought I'd try something different and get Richard's today, only to find out they close at 3 p.m. on weekends. WTF
  6. I'm pretty sure that group already existed. "Vaccines cause autism" was a thing on social media well before Covid was around.
  7. Accurate. Hope no one was expecting to beat Michigan or Penn State this year, because yesterday was likely a preview for how at least one of those games will go.
  8. Wow, not even though the first quarter and Purdue fans are already whining about refs.
  9. I remember when people were worried about losing him to the NFL after this season. Good times...
  10. Does Iowa still have the pink visitors' locker room? I was hoping for a video of a Tom Allen victory speech with pink lockers as a backdrop, but I think I'd settle for an angry halftime speech after this.
  11. LOL at trying to ice the kicker down 28-3. Terrible performance today. Just terrible. Good thing we picked up some nice commitments this summer because the end of last season and the start of this one couldn't have gone any worse.
  12. Get ready for a slew of articles about how we can't play in front of crowds.
  13. Well, last year was fun while it lasted.
  14. Passing O is the only kind of O Purdue ever has. But Iowa had to be kicking themselves later in the year for losing that game. I think Iowa would have crushed them if they had played in December.
  15. This is silly. Weather forecasters are right a lot more than they're wrong. People just selectively remember the times they were wrong.
  16. Why anyone would still schedule a home and home with that program is beyond me.
  17. The best kinds of storms are the ones in early spring, when it's still a bit chilly out but you just want to be outside listening to the sound of thunder after a long, hard winter. We totally missed out on that this past spring. April and May were devoid of thunderstorms. I'm old enough to remember when storms could actually break a heatwave. We had some nice little garden-variety storms roll through last night and it's still humid as sh*t today.
  18. Iowa is a program that I think has felt somewhat threatened by our recent success. Even though we don't play them every year, they still have a pretty decent recruiting pipeline into our state. We got quite a bit of media attention last year when we won our first four games. I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if Gary Barta wanted this game to open the season so Iowa could try and prevent that from happening again.
  19. Ok, DD might be on to something. The first picture is Luck from 2 years ago, right before sh*t hit the fan. The second is from a few weeks ago when he was in Colorado.
  20. I thought contact tracing only affected people who were within close proximity to someone for a certain amount of time? I would hope the janitor wasn't trying to clean the lockers while the players were in there, right?
  21. Temptation is an a$$clown as well. I quit posting on a high school basketball site because he ruined so many threads.
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