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Everything posted by mrflynn03

  1. Obesity and Covid 19 Also read in a study done exploring using cholesterol medication the fight covid, the virus recruits fat into the respiratory cells in order to replicate. Bangladesh obesity rates: Of the 17% of overweight or obese adults in Bangladesh, just 4% were obese, and obesity rates in Bangladesh are increasing at a slower pace. From 1980 to 2013 obesity rates in adults grew from 2% to 4%, and rates in children and adolescents remained at about 1.5% US obesity rate: The CDC provided a data update in May 2017 stating that for adults 20 years and older, the crude obesity rate was 39.8% and the age adjusted rate was measured to be 39.7%. Including the obese, 71.6% of all American adults age 20 and above were overweight.
  2. First 3 seasons on Netflix. Watched the 4th on Amazon prime.
  3. Henry Ford Health System Or maybe not.
  4. How do you know they practiced social distancing? Did you vacation there this year and witnessit first hand?
  5. Just finished a show called The Good Place with Ted Danson. Though it was pretty good. Just started one on Amazon prime called Mr. Robot. So far so good.
  6. I have no idea. The media says all the time if this or that saves just one life, but not now? My mom has lupus and has been taking it for years and the only noticeable side effect is an increased divorce rate.
  7. Wouldn't mind visiting New York some day to do a food tour and see some sights.
  8. Sorry. I know. Was just being sarcastic.
  9. I predict coronavirus will be gone after November 4th.
  10. Study from 2005 Chloroquine is a potent inhibitor of SARS coronavirus infection and spread
  11. Confirmed cases is a meaningless metric. We are 7+ months into this thing and have been told how so contagious it is. The actual number of cases is likely 10 times higher or more. IFR study.
  12. It's a very good question and something that needs investigated.
  13. Fauci now recommends goggles and face shields What's next? I will put $100 on breathing through a snorkel.
  14. I am free to make my own decisions just as much as a business is free to dictate their own policies. I am ambivalent about mask wearing, but if I want to shop at a place that requires it i wear it if I dont want to I dont shop there. When it comes to Trader Joe's I really like their frozen tamales.
  15. Absolutely. China is buying tech stock by the billions and spreading propaganda through our social media platforms and at the same time owning our corporations manufacturing capabilities.
  16. This is what every country should have done from day 1.
  17. Heparin study Research is ongoing and to dismiss it is reckless.
  18. Be curious if it was something dietary. Other Asian countries have low rates and consume way more seafood than we do. Less saturated fats.
  19. Honestly, how fat are they would be my first question.
  20. Surprisingly🙄 the video you posted has been censored. Really getting tired of this crap.
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