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Everything posted by mrflynn03

  1. It's a contact tracing app. If you turn on location services, and you come into contact with some who has their app turned on and they reported they were positive, you will be contacted and given instructions on what to do. I think you have to open the app and opt In though.
  2. Residential mortgage delinquencies are the highest in 21yrs too. I think 8.3% was the number. I expect to be buying stock on sale pretty soon.
  3. It really was. Experimental, raw and creative. Didnt get to experience in real time but thank god for recording studios and a dad that gave me an appreciation for it all. Before synth,electronics and digital.
  4. Most union members toe the union line. And we all know who controls the unions. But they represent a minority. Of the few teachers I know, one being my best friend from high school who teaches history and is head football coach at a big school in Clarksville, TN, most want to teach in class and play ball.
  5. I just hope 30 rd AR magazines hit 50$-75$ again. I have a few I can part with and I want a new refrigerator.
  6. I think it's in reference to the song video killed the radio star but I'm not getting it either. Help us out @Milosh68
  7. This guy is going to get beat up Guy builds a gun to shoot masks on people's faces.
  8. CDC Link pdf report in link. Table 1 from report.
  9. Picked my first watermelon today and my peppers are exploding. And the ridiculous squash plant I let grow from seed.
  10. Ouch. Had a friend get hooked in the eyebrow once. Luckily I've never taken a hook past the barb.
  11. My grandma was at Elvis's last concert in Indy. My best friend from high school was a HUGE Elvis fan. We went to Graceland on a spring break and visited Sun Studios. TCBâš¡ We also drove down to Tupelo, MS to see the house he grew up in.
  12. Yes. Love Mrs. Robinson. Sounds of silence. From Simon and Garfunkel originally. Heavy metal band Disturbed, one that I like, tried to remake this song. Failed miserably. LOL!!
  13. Another artist I like alot. My mom took me to see him at North Daviess High School in the early 90's. Still have to ticket stubs. Aaron Tippin
  14. I have to add this too because I LOVE Dwight Yoakam and Buck Owens is a legend. Q
  15. Gary Allen, one of my favorites. I could fill 2+ pages with his work. But I will stick with 2 songs. I bought a Fender Telecaster and a Vox amp because of this guy. Also have an Alvarez acoustic guitar. I taught myself mostly and am a serviceable rythm player, the 3 main cords and some minors but man, Fminor is frickin hard to manipulate. I hope to one day be able to shred a solo.
  16. **language warning** it is George Carlin after all. I think his brain may have been transplanted in my head. Saving the planet Dumb Americans
  17. Paper targets are fun. So are old cellphones, TVs, and cars. We had a family reunion at my grandpa's farm one year. My uncle had bought a Browning 1919 machine gun kit from shotgun news and fabricated a crank fired trigger mechanism for it, so technically single shot. Set it up on a tripod, and me my cousin burned through 100 round belts of .30 cal and cut down a small tree my grandpa had wanted gone.
  18. Sounds like a good friend you have. If I would run out of anything, lol, my stepdad would have me covered.
  19. National ammo shortage A wise man once told me to buy cheap and stack it deep so I did. Also, 2 is 1 and 1 is none.
  20. So these little guys are going to a new home today. We know the people so we will be able to visit them. Going to live in a man cave so there is that.
  21. At the current rate it will take about 150 more days to reach that .1%. We know the denominator, deaths, we dont the numerator, cases, and it will be years before we know how deadly this is. I'm more concerned about the 99+% of us who have to live life after all this is over. There are fates worse than death. Also, and nobody has the balls to come out and say it but Americans are fat. About 40% of us. So stop being fat and unhealthy. We need people to take care of themselves, not just because of this virus but also to reduce healthcare costs.
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