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Posts posted by mrflynn03

  1. 14 minutes ago, Lostin76 said:

    You're good, man. I thought this thread was getting a little weird with the HCQ conspiracy posts and censorship stuff and then I saw your post.

    If you guys are feeling like a trip to NYC, it's apparently a thing now for food tourists. I have to admit, the city is amazing without all of the people. And the group from MI seems like they had a good time.

    https://www.nytimes.com/2020/07/30/nyregion/coronavirus-nyc-tourism-restaurants.html?action=click&module=Editors Picks&pgtype=Homepage

    Wouldn't mind visiting New York some day to do a food tour and see some sights. 

    • Like 2
  2. 3 hours ago, Brass Cannon said:

    Well it’s also not accurate. If the confirmed cases Bangladesh has about a 2.5% mortality.

    Confirmed cases is a meaningless metric.  We are 7+ months into this thing and have been told how so contagious it is. The actual number of cases is likely 10 times higher or more. 

    IFR study.


  3. 50 minutes ago, 5fouls said:

    I want Dr. Fauci to explain to me why people in Bangladesh and Indonesia are not catching or dying of the virus at the rate people in the U.S. are.

    It's a very good question and something that needs investigated.

  4. 8 minutes ago, Reacher said:

    Lot of HCQ info in here- 

    Basically saying lot of positives for HCQ and negative studies are flawed. Just no definitive RCT yet. Country data shows HCQ is effective. Includes links to the underlying research. Why are shutting down speech on this topic?




  5. 3 hours ago, IUFLA said:

    Glad they caught up to them...why mess with workers like that?

    You know, I'm surprised that around where I live, I haven't seen or heard of any incidents. It's a rural part of Texas, and a lot of independent minded people...but everyone wears a mask, and there's no real hassle anywhere...

    I don't know if they're happy about it...I can't see their faces for the masks...But it's actually pretty cool that everyone is on board...

    Mentioning Trader Joe's also reminded me I have to make a mushroom risotto run over there...their frozen mushroom risotto is awesome 

    I am free to make my own decisions just as much as a business is free to dictate their own policies. I am ambivalent about mask wearing, but if I want to shop at a place that requires it i wear it if I dont want to I dont shop there. 

    When it comes to Trader Joe's I really like their frozen tamales.  

    • Like 2
  6. 14 hours ago, milehiiu said:

    Kodak switching gears. And will start manufacturing pharmaceuticals in the U.S.  I can only hope other U.S. companies do the same.  There should be no reason why this country should remain dependent upon China.

    Absolutely.  China is buying tech stock by the billions and spreading propaganda through our social media platforms and at the same time owning our corporations manufacturing capabilities.  

  7. 13 minutes ago, 5fouls said:

    Could be.  But, it sure seems like someone should be looking into it and communicating any findings.  Instead, everyone seems to be playing the blame game instead of looking into real world solutions.  I can't be the only person that has noticed the discrepancy.  There may be a Pulitzer Prize out there for a journalist that investigates it.  

    Be curious if it was something dietary. Other Asian countries have low rates and consume way more seafood than we do.  Less saturated fats. 

  8. 3 minutes ago, 5fouls said:

    Does anyone have a good explanation as to why countries like Bangladesh (164 million people) and Indonesia (273 million people) have significantly lower numbers than the United States, South America, and most of Europe?  Are they better at social distancing (unlikely)?  Do they have better healthcare (no)? 

    Or, does it have something to do with their immune systems?  

    Would be worth investigating, wouldn't it?  

    Honestly, how fat are they would be my first question. 

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