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Everything posted by mrflynn03

  1. Interesting. Apparently this is the model people are basing their decisions on. https://www.dailywire.com/news/epidemiologist-behind-highly-cited-coronavirus-model-admits-he-was-wrong-drastically-revises-model?
  2. Sorry, didnt want to start a new thread. Since everyone is supposed to be inside is anyone else having trouble streaming. I am getting really slow buffering times. Hulu. Netflix, CBS wont even load. Crappy modem or high demand for bandwidth?
  3. If people dont properly prepare after this, then I dont know what to tell them. I've been preparing for an event like this since the market tanked in 2008. I really dont have a need to go grocery shopping for 4-6 weeks. Only random items I may need that so far are still available. Wife thought I was crazy when I told to stock up on paper good about 3 weeks ago. Not so much now. She is all on board.
  4. Definitely here to stay. And if it has flu like infection and mortality rates, imagine having both a flu and covid season. Yikes!
  5. I'm stubborn, so would take alot to convince me otherwise, but I believe this was here in December. If the healthcare system was going to be overwhelmed it probably would have already happened. If the Chinese were honest and we did this social distancing back in early January at the latest then it probably would have been effective. But it's too late now. And I feel the decision for this was made without enough information. Haste makes waste after all
  6. If it's cheap enough yes. Is the second part a statement? Because I totally agree. So far imho, social distancing has been and will be an abject failure. I dont think they factored in human nature when developing this idea. And we need as much valuable data as we can get so the cost/benefit of this policy can be analyzed. We need to know if our economy and peoples livelihoods are worth flushing down the toilet with the paper that no longer exists.
  7. The only way we will truly know the number of people infected is to do blood testing for anti bodies. I will do it because I want to know if this is what knocked me out for 3 weeks in January.
  8. It's just frustrating for me seeing people congregating at the grocery store, or wal mart every day, yet my wife who is a self employed massage therapist cant work. She has 3-5 clients a day Tues-fri and complete control over the cleanliness of her workspace and very little human interaction. And we are out 35% of our household income. But I have an essential job fortunately and will still donate and help as much as I can because, USA and it's what we do.
  9. At least in my town its business as usual and people aren't following the shelter in place order.
  10. I dont have any words for this. Wow. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8150945/amp/Influencer-hospital-coronavirus-just-days-posting-video-licking-toilet.html
  11. Been playing tic tac toe with myself. Currently undefeated.
  12. Have had to go out into public a couple times since social distancing has been implemented. I have to admit, I like it. People avoiding getting too close and standing 6 ft away not bumping into me or breathing down my neck when I'm in line is nice. When America goes back to work I hope stores maintain this policy.
  13. Have a 2004 Toyota solara. 350,000 miles and still going strong. Minimal PM.
  14. The people that will test positive are already out there. So I think it's just a product of more testing is being done as test kits become available. Posted earlier in thread but a good compilation of the data https://covidtracking.com/data/ So far its holding around 15% tested test positive with a mortality rate of around 1.2% Extrapolating out for total US population, if enough testing is done expect 55-65 million positive cases. I just cant imagine we will see 550,000 - 650,000 deaths though. Sure hop not anyway.
  15. One thing to keep in mind about testing. Right now you have to be very sick to even get one. So the people actually getting tested already have a poor outlook.
  16. As it should be. We are adults consenting to a mutual transaction after all.
  17. I know chiropractors in Indiana are considered essential and are still open. Physicians aren't booking non essential services like annual checkups where I am.
  18. My wife is self employed and really struggling with anxiety over this. I'm trying to calm her down. I remember one of my mine an my dad's favorite movies, Heartbreak Ridge with my favorite actor Clint Eastwood.
  19. I absolutely love the Rocky series. Rocky and Allopo had a special relationship. But I think the 2nd fight when Rocky beat the crap out of clubber Lang was the pivotal moment in the series. Beat him in round 3 I believe. BTW. Rocky 5 sucks. But they redeemed themselves. And the Creed movies are very well done. Also, prayers and faith in god hasn't failed me yet. And your family is in my prayers too. Keep the faith.
  20. Totally agree. My stepdad is and electrician at a power plant. Power,water,rail, and trucking fails....societal collapse within days.
  21. The guy that played the door gunner was orginally cast as Gunnery sgt Hartman. R Lee Earmy was just too good though.
  22. If I had to pick a character that represents myself, it would have to be Animal Mother. Although I feel like Gunnery Sgt Hartman sometimes.
  23. Really dont understand the run on paper products. I imagine alot of people sitting around with no food but massive amounts of TP and no bowel movements.
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