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Sleeping With The Enemy
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Everything posted by Zlinedavid

  1. “Hey Siri, show me delusional Illinois basketball fans.” ”Showing you every Illinois basketball fan in existence…..”
  2. Seriously? 🤣 That’s nothing more than a slight nutshot to IU fans, just to see if we’re paying attention. Who’s in the pod opposite us? Maryland and Pepperdine?
  3. The obvious answer one would think of is Ted Williams, but he didn’t win the MVP in his last .400 season.
  4. Normally, I’m not a plumbing guy either, but I’m in the middle of planning/designing an irrigation system to install next spring. Honestly, I’m not even quite sure if or how that might cause issues with plumbing in other areas, but it seems to fit. I have learned that irrigation systems use an imperial buttload of pressure, and something that would keep the channel between the sprinkler main and the house might cause issues.
  5. I haven’t even heard of half the ones on the far left/right/bottom. 😂 Glad my two were top and center: AP and Bloomberg. I like my news like I like my whiskey: straight up.
  6. Color me gobsmacked. I’m usually pretty good with sports history, but this is the first time I’d ever heard of him. A true old school defensive SS, I’m assuming?
  7. Does your irrigation system have a back flow preventer?
  8. The answer is….the legendary Marty Marion, shortstop of the Cardinals in 1944. He hit .267 to Maris’s .269 in ‘61.
  9. FWIW, if I were to have guessed, I would have said Mo Vaughn, but he surprisingly hit .300 in his MVP year.
  10. You’d be correct, that is 2nd. Worst is from the NL and I mentioned the timeframe above.
  11. Off topic, but having owned both, I’ll go upright vs chest freezer every time from now on, if you’ve got room for it. Switched about a year ago, and the upright is so much easier to keep organized. The issue I always had with the chest freezer is stuff would wind up getting buried at the bottom.
  12. You’d be correct if you’re limiting it to one league. Worst BA overall for an MVP is from the other league and a decade or two prior.
  13. Penix is an easy guy to root for. For being a “flashy” kind of athlete, he’s usually the first to defer credit when it’s given. And despite his struggles, it doesn’t look like he’s lost his confidence. If the team hasn’t lost confidence in him, that says a lot about him. Despite him not being at his best, he’s still the guy they want to follow into battle.
  14. I looked, so I won’t spoil the answer for those guessing, but I think the more surprising one is who had the 2nd worst BA for an MVP, especially given the year.
  15. Tell me about it….they’re always anything but whole….always broken up into a million little crumbs in the bottom of the bag.
  16. “Never believe everything you read on the internet” - Abraham Lincoln
  17. Pretty sure I've said this kid's name at least once while intoxicated. "Hey...where y'wanna eat?" "DariQueen"
  18. You chop a line of the coke you nut, soon everything be up....
  19. Hope they keep focus this week. Rougher start than I would have liked, but definitely can't let what should be an easy win slip away.
  20. Cue the Star Wars references, but "there's a name I haven't heard in a long, long time". Going just by his stat line, we could have used him. Especially that 42% from 3 his senior year. But I agree....had headcase (whether him or parental) written all over him.
  21. Best wishes for a full recovery. Wasn’t always thrilled with his offense, but by all accounts was a good guy.
  22. Last of the respectable cheaters. “I reckon I tried everything on the old Apple, save for salt, pepper and chocolate sauce.”
  23. My second choice would be John Cena’s entrance music, followed by a full belly slide down the bar.
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