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Muddy River

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Posts posted by Muddy River

  1. Didn't see a post game forum...figuring everyone already migrated to the bball board.  so I'm going to channel my inner HTD and say the Toiletmakers didn't deserve this after last year.  Knowing a trip to Bloomington last year was going to result in a 3rd consecutive "I" in the chain, they woke up, put on their granny panties and best dress and called in saying they were "cough, cough" too sick to play.   They completely wussed out.  This year, (after not agreeing to play in Bloomington as a make up), the Hoosiers were faced with a similar scenario, playing a road game we were not likely to win.  The difference is WE showed up.  Granted it was with players at the skill positions that we picked up at the last home tailgate.  We lost, but we had the stones to show up.  We didn't hide under mommies skirt.  Guess what I'm saying is I'd rather show up and lose than tuck my tail and call in sick....cough....cough.  

  2. 23 hours ago, KoB2011 said:

    On the rebounding piece some of you are overly alarmed about...

    Their offensive rebound percentage was in the mid 30s. That's good, but not nearly as jarring as 21 offensive rebounds.

    When you think about the fact that Trayce, Race, and Jordan each played about 1/2 of the game and think about how bad some of those misses are, the numbers were somewhat inevitable. The only thing I am really perturbed by with regards to rebounding is Durr.

    I know it's early, but so far I am unimpressed by him.  

    Durr stood out to me as well, in a "one of these things is not like the others" kind of way.  It was like watching a Clydesdale running in a field of Thoroughbreds.

    • Haha 1
  3. Some of you need to relax.  Yes, Louisiana got 21 offensive rebounds, but they MISSED 59 shots.  For perspective, we missed 24 shots but got 10 offensive rebounds.  Our starters turned the ball over 8 times in roughly a half of basketball.  Not great, but not necessarily alarming numbers.  I have no doubt Coach Woodson will have the guys working on these things, but last night I saw something much more akin to the IU basketball of old.  My only question is why didn't we hire Woodson after Davis left?

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  4. I have always had a passion for vintage baseball and those who played back then.  I used to write to some of the old players and collect autographs.  One such player was Tot Pressnell.  I was going to be driving through Findlay Oh, and told him I would love to buy him lunch and listen to his stories.  He told me to stop by anytime, so I did.  We sat in his living room for a couple of hours.  He told me stories about Babe Ruth, (they had adjoining lockers in Brooklyn, and suffice it to say, Tot was not a fan.  Tot told me he pitched in the first night game at Ebbets Field, and if memory served he also pitched in the first MLB game ever televised against the Reds.  After awhile he asked if I wanted to go to the basement and see his stuff.  I said "of course" and he took me downstairs and showed me all of his old photos with players I had only read about in books.  He continued telling stories, with each picture and momento.  He had Christmas cards from Pee Wee Reese he had saved from many years.  It was an amazing afternoon listening to him tell his stories.  I think he really enjoyed the stroll down memory lane as well.  I only wish I had recorded, or at least written down all of the things we discussed.  He was a kind and humble man.  

    See the source image

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  5. 13 hours ago, Seeking6 said:

    We as fans should want TJD to get the NBA. The sooner Coach Woodson deliver one to the pros...or maybe 2 depending on Bates the better for the program/recruiting, etc...the more guys like JHS become the norm. You have to show recruits their path.


    Interesting thought.  I'm curious which option people would think is better for the program:

    A)  TJD leaves after this year and is drafted Top 5

    B) TJD stays and we win a National Championship next year.


    I know there a a lot of variables, but in it's face, which would be better for the program?

    • Like 1
  6. Couple of thoughts.  The boilers hate to be referred to as "little brother", yet they hire our cast off assistants, and pick up as many IU transfers as they can.  They are clearly trying to be "IU Lite".  I don't want anyone who dons the black and gold at IU.

    If the story about the playbook is true it is the ultimate d!*k move.  It looks really bad for Sampson's character, as well as Brohm's.  I'd hope Brohm' would refuse, buy I fear his seat it hot enough that he would resort to anything to save his hide.  At any rate, I hope Tom and the boys roll over the scoreboard in West Laffy this year.

    • Like 1
  7. 30 minutes ago, NotIThatLives said:

    Im not trying to discredit the vaccine but people will go way out of their way to try and explain any risks away.  Why is it ok for this to be so one sided?  Question for the board at large and society, especially media.  

    My wife is 6 months pregnant.  If i could have video recorded our pediatrician and her ob when we said we weren't getting the vaccine I would share but it basically went like this.  Big sigh of relief and a I dont blame you and you dont need it.  My grandfather's neurologist has told my family not to get a vaccine for something that is likely not to kill or seriously debilitate you.  They are convinced his ALS started after a reaction to the flu vaccine.  I don't know, I truly dont, i remain skeptical.  Im not anti vax, I'm for people making their own decisions.  My 2.5 year old is up to date on major vax and Ive had a boat load in my life but don't need a flu shot or covid at this point in my life and neither do a vast majority of professional athletes.

    Sorry to be off subject.  I hope i never make another post about vaccines or covid again because I wont change your mind and let me let you in on a secret.  You won't change mine either.  

    Good day, good health.  


    I'm not trying to change your mind, you listened to YOUR doctor.  It's what I think everyone should do.  Clearly you are at a different station in life than I am, and received different advice.  Not right or wrong, just different.  I think we are much more in agreement on this issue than you might think.

    • Thanks 1
  8. 53 minutes ago, btownqb said:

    Why would a perfectly healthy 22yr old get a vaccine they don't need?

    I think there is a lot of validity in this statement.  My doctor advised me to get the vaccine, but clearly I am not a 22 year old athlete, and like all viruses Covid affects people differently.  That said ,I also am a regular subscriber the the "better to have it and not need it, than to need it and not have it" philosophy.  My wife will tell you to look at my garage as proof!

    • Like 1
  9. 3 hours ago, NotIThatLives said:

    Since you ignored the post previously and now doubled down.  Have you had a chance to look at the Health and Human Services Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting site I linked a few days ago? 


    I can walk anyone through how to load up a massive data sheet on COVID-19 vaccine adverse events.  A little more than sore arms, i know, shocking.  

    VAERS reports alone cannot be used to determine if a vaccine caused or contributed to an adverse event or illness. The reports may contain information that is incomplete, inaccurate, coincidental, or unverifiable. In large part, reports to VAERS are voluntary, which means they are subject to biases. This creates specific limitations on how the data can be used scientifically. Data from VAERS reports should always be interpreted with these limitations in mind.

    This is on page one of what you linked.  I'm also suspicious of any data base open to the public at large.  Also, if all of the information in this report is assumed to be true, why do medical professionals continue to urge people to get vaccinated?  I'm not going to take medical advice from politicians, and I'm certainly not going to take it from the internet, but I will take it from my doctor and use a little common sense.

    If social media existed in the 50's polio would still be rampant.  If everything on the internet were true, IU basketball would be coached by Billy Donavan...or Brad Stevens...or both!

  10. 5 hours ago, BGleas said:

     I understand it was probably really disappointing for Roberts, but to me criticizing Woodson or saying he lost cache with the "IU guy" people for this is just searching for things to be critical about. 

    To be fair, it has been difficult to find anything to be critical about, so, yes, I did have to search. :coffee:

    • Like 1
  11. 9 hours ago, KoB2011 said:

    I'll add to this, he did give him a job and Roberts chose to leave for a job he liked better. Can't blame either party, but Roberts certainly wasn't kicked to the curb.

    This is a little murky to me.  He stated several times in the interview that his goal is to become a head coach.  He stated he was appreciative of the position created for him, but clearly didn't think it lined up with his goal.  He also stated several times that he would've stayed at IU forever.  Anyway, just some observations from the podcast. 


    9 hours ago, BGleas said:

    I've only heard snippets of the interview, but I'll take a swing on your questions. 

    2. Absolutely not. Woodson's job is too win, not placate the "IU guy" portion of the fanbase.

    Surely you see the irony here.  The "IU guy" portion of the fanbase got him the job.  

  12. I never paid much attention to Mike Roberts as a player or a coach.  However, I was impressed when I listened to him on AJ Guyton's podcast that I will link below in case you hadn't seen/heard it.  The podcast left me with a couple of overriding questions.

    1. What does Yasir Rosemond bring to the table that Mike Roberts didn't?
    2. Does Coach Woodson loose a little cache for replacing an IU through and through guy with a guy with a less than squeaky clean background?  
    3.  A lot has been said about bridging the gap between old IU and today's IU, and brining back the standards of old.  Is it hypocritical of Woodson to kick a former player to the curb?

    Anyway, here's the link.  What say you?

    Mike Roberts His Indiana Days Playing and Coaches | House of Hoosier - YouTube


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