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Everything posted by Lostin76

  1. Yeah, pretty scary stuff. Seems like it hit when people were sleeping. What a horrible way to go.
  2. The death toll in the Kentucky flooding keeps going up. Floods are no joke.
  3. Oh, building furniture would be a good PT job. Love building things. I would want to do something with my hands, since my real job is all mental and responsibility. Just make sure you save some “me time.”
  4. I haven’t been paying too much attention to the markets lately - tend to do that when the news is bad. But Apple finally looks like it’s back on the upswing. We have a TON of Apple stock, so a $5 move in a day is a big deal to us. It’s been a big deal in the wrong direction for several weeks lately.
  5. Depends on how much you value your time (both now and in retirement). I always do the math of what an hour of my time is worth to me, and don’t think there is a PT job that pays that. It would have to be something I really love - like working in a garden center or a bike shop. But then again, I don’t have the days off in a row like you do. That’s a consideration.
  6. It really is a phenomenal achievement to do it at that level and speed. Over 2000 miles and 30 miles of vertical gain! Am always a bit sad when it’s over, as most of July is taken up following results and replays. Am hoping they do extended highlights of the women’s race - think it’s only nine stages.
  7. Good call, arepas are soooo good. We have this place called Caracas that we go to way too much. Tiny hole in the wall, but amazing menu of arepas.
  8. I really wanted to like this season of Stranger Things, but it just seemed so formulaic and same-ish.
  9. That is true, these are high functioning bikes professionally tuned with not a lot that could go wrong while coasting downhill. But still those corners at that speed is beyond my thrill level. Dudes have died during the TDF before though. Maybe when I was 23 I would have tried something like that, but I start thinking about pebbles and rocks at 30mph downhill in the park. Guess that’s why these guys are pros and I work a 9-5!
  10. I hope not. A very isolated incident. I’m sure. Some people get REALLY worked up about the filming crews taking over their block/neighborhood. Am surprised there aren’t more interactions between residents and film crews. We realize it’s just part of living here.
  11. Do not give these crazy people your email! The Epoch Times is a far-right international multi-language newspaper and media company affiliated with the Falun Gong new religious movement. This is the same trash that floods NYC with Shen Yun advertising. They are batshit crazy cultists.
  12. This is something I often wonder about. What happens if you take a bunch of direction-less kids and make them do basic clean up stuff to to keep them busy. When we went to Mexico City a few years ago, there were so many youngish homeless-looking young people working on the streets. Mostly sweeping, landscaping, and trash removal, but damn that city was clean!
  13. Yep, don’t own one and don’t want to. I grew up shooting guns. A lot of guns. Took classes at the Boys Club and Lion’s Club. Shot with my Dad on the weekends. Also got more training in boot camp. That was the last time I’ve held a gun. Don’t care to ever use one again. And I don’t think people should be carrying them around to go to the mall. But good thing that dude was there for sure. God only knows how badly the police would have muffed the situation.
  14. Agreed, the dude that stopped this guy is a hero. Full stop. I’m about as anti-gun as they come, but that guy surely saved some lives.
  15. Pretty sure this is someone who lives nearby pissed off about the filming parking restrictions. It’s annoying as hell to have all of these film crews messing up the block, but you can’t just shoot someone if you are mad about it. This guy worked for Law & Order and is now dead b/c someone was angry about parking restrictions. https://www.cnn.com/2022/07/19/entertainment/law-and-order-organized-crime-set-shooting/index.html
  16. Ha, the eraser men! https://www.rouleur.cc/blogs/the-rouleur-journal/the-eraser-men
  17. People on the subway or bus playing video games or watching videos on their phone w/o headphones. I am so worried that I will snap one day and knock someone’s phone out of their hands…
  18. Exactly - I knew it was a life of partying and menial jobs if I didn’t figure something out. Honestly always thought I would just burn out from drugs or a motorcycle crash by the time I was 25. The military turned things around for me - agreed very smartest thing I did as a young man.
  19. Wow a husband and wife killed. That poor family.
  20. I wish I knew b/c these events just keep trending upward in frequency year by year. And I hear you about opportunities. I grew up relatively poor (govt. cheese and all that fun stuff) and had to join the military to get money just to go to college. I don’t know what is wrong with our young men and why it seems to happen so much more in the US than anywhere else. We all watch the same movies, play the same videogames, and are exposed to the same media thanks to the internet. But many young men in the US seem to be in big trouble mentally.
  21. I really can’t wrap my head around it either. It keeps happening over and over again. It’s like these young men feel/realize that they have no future, they are pissed off, and just decide to go off. They’ve seen the attention it gets. Yikes, that’s VERY close to home. Glad you all were cleared out of there.
  22. I hate this too, but feel like it’s changing somewhat after COVID hit the scene. My staff are encouraged to take sick days if they feel sick and I think they are finally starting to get it. No need to be a hero in our line of work. I normally send people home (after letting their supervisors know) if I notice someone is obviously sick. They would most likely spread it to someone else and the work can wait or be reassigned.
  23. That story just got crazier and crazier by the paragraph.
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