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Everything posted by Lostin76

  1. INSANE descent speed on Stage 12. Literal balls of steel. I feel fast going 30mph downhill, cannot imagine 62mph.
  2. Still love summer, but the hotter they get (and the older I get) I’m less enthused. We walk a lot to get places and in the summer, we are always trying to walk on the shady side for as long as possible. Makes a big difference, b/c some of the non-shaded streets are probably like 15 degrees hotter.
  3. The fans are pretty crazy getting in the way or close to being in the way. I always crack up when I see the guys trying to run to keep up with the riders.
  4. I’m only up to stage 5 so far. Started late. I do know that some guy dislocated his shoulder on this stage in a crash, but still finished. It’s crazy to see how far race videography has come these days. I don’t actually watch much in the way of sports outside of IU basketball/football, but these recaps are super entertaining. There’s so much strategy and skill (and a lot of luck) involved in a long event like this.
  5. Anyone been watching this year’s Tour? I just started watching the extended NBC highlights on Youtube and Stage 5 was super entertaining. There were many rough sections of cobblestones and lots of drama. Including many pileups, lots of heavy dust, crazy high speeds, and a rider getting handed a bike that was way too tall for him at one point and trying to ride it. This year’s Tour is 21 stages over 2000 miles, and over 150,000 feet of vertical climbing. These guys are insane to be able to make it through that.
  6. I’ve started looking into disc replacement - seems to have fewer complications/repeat surgeries than fusion. Good to know someone I know/trust has went through it.
  7. That’s EXACTLY where mine is. The massage from my PT really helps, but she also showed me the baseball/tennis ball trick that you use. It helps too. I’ve though about acupuncture as a next step if I can get my doc to prescribe. Ibuprofen also seems to help, but that’s not something you want to take daily, long term. Mine is also the worst in the morning. I take an edible in the early evening and that gives me relief for the rest of the night, but each morning it’s back on the pain train! Can’t really do edibles during the day though.
  8. I finally logged off of Twitter and it’s been a HUGE improvement in my life/attitude. Was so sick of both sides playing “gotcha” all damn day. I just started the six volume history of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. Reading instead of scrolling on Twitter has been a godsend.
  9. Have been dealing with a pinched nerve problem in my neck for about four months now. Luckily it doesn’t keep me from being active - still able to lift weight, ride my bike, Peloton, etc. But it’s definitely messing with my life and attitude You know that feeling when you’ve tweaked your neck or shoulder by sleeping on it wrong or moving weirdly? It’s that kind of nagging pain pretty much 24/7, instead of going away after a day or two. I’ve been going to PT 1-2 times per week and that has helped, but am getting frustrated that it’s not an actual fix. Am pretty surgery avoidant and I won’t take pain pills, so those two options are not really on the table right now. Have kind of been hoping it will go away one day magically, but it’s seeming like it’s here to stay. Next appointment with my sports doc is on August 2nd. Take care of your back young guys! Lift properly and don’t always try to be a hero lifting/carrying things.
  10. Saving grace for sure. This past trip to Maryland, our gas was actually more than our EZPass tolls. First time that’s ever happened. Of course that’s the only time we have to buy gas - when we drive there. Gas is always more expensive here, but I was surprised to see basically the same price in small town MD. I just think people are not seeing the big picture often when they complain about an administration’s policies. As @Billingsley99stated above, it’s probably been done before.
  11. Wow, 950,000 barrels sounds like a lot. How dare he? The article made me wonder about historical sales and a quick Google search led me to Forbes. The following was from September 2020, when TFG was still in charge. “Relations between the United States and China may be near all-time lows, but the trading of energy commodities between the two powers remains active—at least for crude oil. Indeed, China’s imports of U.S. crude are expected reach a new high of about 900,000 barrels a day this month. According to Chinese customs data, China’s imports of US crude oil spiked to a record high of 867,000 barrels a day in July, up from 143,000 barrels a day in June.”
  12. Damn, always loved his work - his role in Elf was perfect for him.
  13. You had a hell of a Covid-free run though! We’ve went from hardly anyone in our circle having it to about 75% of everyone having it in the last several months. The wife and I still haven‘t got it yet. <—- of course now we will. Hope you don’t have too many days of bad congestion. I’m a huge wuss when I have a cold.
  14. Yikes, that goes to show that we are most likely not safe anywhere.
  15. It’s exhausting and tragic that this continues to happen here. It’s also sad, that this is never surprising anymore. It’s now expected every few days like clockwork. https://www.theonion.com/no-way-to-prevent-this-says-only-nation-where-this-r-1823016659
  16. Ha, Spicoli was my Halloween costume one of the first years we moved here. I think I have a pic somewhere. The recent interview with TJD has me even more excited for this year!
  17. They are great dogs! There are a few of us on here that have them.
  18. Our dachshund Chloe passed last June and this year I had a friend from the UK do a sketch of her for a tattoo. I finally found a local tattoo artist who was available and not charging $3K for a tattoo (there are a lot of DUMB people with more money than sense here). I think it came out really well.
  19. Ha, not yet but if some rich white people in Midtown complain, he will!
  20. Here they start in mid-May and go through the summer pretty much every night.
  21. Can I introduce you to our dumbass mayor? All for show and what a waste. These could have been resold, donated, anything other than this.
  22. These cowards are most likely covering up the worst of it. That’s what they do.
  23. Oh my god, this. I’m one of those people with my card out ready to pay as my stuff starts being scanned. It drives me insane when someone in front of me seems surprised that they have to pay for their goods. Like, “You knew you would have to pay, why wait until they tell you the total to start digging through your bag for your card/cash/checkbook.” I always figure my job is to make things quicker for all of us, even the people behind me. Have your shit ready when it’s time to pay!
  24. I do feel like this is the one time where I am also thinking “too many unknowns.” The world, especially the US, seems a bit precarious right now. I’m happy to hold onto cash right now, though our 401K and IRA stuff is still business as usual.
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