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Everything posted by Lostin76

  1. I’m sorry Fouls, but I have to call foul on this one. You can’t really think WP and NYT lie or twist information as much as the source you linked in your post? Seriously? The NYT actually publishes corrections daily if they’ve messed something up. I have nothing to say about the source you posted beyond this screen capture below. The stories on the right hand side are hilarious - like MAD Magazine levels of idiocy, but they think it’s real. Terrifying.
  2. We drove into Manhattan today to go the Whitney and have lunch. The museum was timed entry, so pretty quiet. It’s right next to the High Line, so we went up to the High Line and walked about twenty blocks north. It was also timed entry, but they had employees stationed regularly to remind people to raise their masks. As we were driving home on Broadway, Soho (I call it hell) was jam-packed with tourists. Like easily as busy as a summer weekend day. The line for H&M was a block long. It’s just so weird to see so many people not bothering with masks. I know it sounds like I hate tourists, but it’s really that I hate Manhattan and that’s where all the tourists congregate. I love seeing tourists and visitors here in real NYC, just not Soho and places like that. Too many people and way too crowded. One neat thing about our lunch place - it was Japanese and we dined outdoors. They had a really nice setup with each table isolated from the others with tall dividers. But THE thing that blew my mind was that my seat (basically a wooden box) was really warm. Like REALLY warm. I mentioned it to my wife and she had just happened to see them bring out a huge hot rock on a tray to another table they were setting up. They put the hot rock under the wooden seat and then covered the seat back up. Instant warm seat - genius!
  3. We’ve fostered and adopted out four kittens in the last couple of months, which feels really good. We just sent our latest Christopher the cat off yesterday and now the adoption agency just asked us if we could foster Christopher’s brother Kringle. Attaching a photo of Christopher. He was my buddy, slept on my shoulder all night and was always in my lap. We are suckers, so we said yes to his brother Kringle and he is being dropped off in an hour or so at our place. Ho, ho, ho!
  4. Most of our money is in index funds, but we have a chunk of Apple. My wife bought a bunch of Peloton earlier this year - we’ve had a bike since last Nov and both use it a few times a week. She’s already doubled her money as it’s at $160 and she bought when it was $75. She continues her streak of picking stocks at exactly the right time. She also always beats everyone in our March Madness pools.
  5. Dang Scott, my thoughts are with you and your parents. Hang in there, pal. You’ve kicked this before, but I’m sure you are worried about your mom and dad.
  6. Great photos! And of course the two doxies are right there waiting for the treat. 😂
  7. Love this so much. You are good father to do this. What a beautiful animal and I really hope it works out for all of you.
  8. Dude, we are all family here. Through good times and bad. I know we won’t always see eye to eye on many things, but we can agree to respect each other’s opinions. Welcome back, man.
  9. Thank you, she’s a living, breathing photo op all of the time. So goofy!
  10. Buffy is really digging her first snow. She was in the window most of the night watching it snow and trying to figure it all out.
  11. The beer-to-go window opened at noon and I was there at 12:03. Didn’t want to seem too thirsty.
  12. I’ll get out this weekend and see how things look. Many places aren’t decorating this year, but Midtown will still be decked out. I do think that the holidays are really special in NYC. It’s the only time that I really care to visit Manhattan.
  13. Do you mean the bags of trash that line the sidewalks? 😄
  14. Just started snowing here! Love the city during a snowstorm. I have already ventured out to get beer, so totally set.
  15. Was kind of weird yesterday, as it was gorgeous and 60 degrees. All of the outdoor restaurants and bars set up for outdoor dining were PACKED. I walked a few blocks to get a carryout pizza and had to walk in the street b/c of all the diners. I think people and the restaurants were trying to get as much in before indoor dining was cancelled today. I’m really feeling for all the restaurant and bar staff going forward. They are basically going to be jobless as not many people are going to want to eat outside in the winter no matter how nice their setup is or how many propane heaters. We are mostly prepared here, but feeling very down about all of the people this is going to impact. I think the first time, we didn’t really know what we were facing, but after more than six months of reduced profit/pay this time is going to be much worse for people. Also hoping that we (or any of us anywhere) don’t have the overflowing refrigerated trucks fill of bodies and 24/7 sirens... Not sure I can do another March/April situation this winter. This could be a rough winter all over - even my hometown county is not looking great lately. But you are right, Spring will come and hopefully all of us will make it out of this. And hopefully, we can have IU basketball to keep us entertained.
  16. The wife and I really enjoyed the Kacey Musgraves Christmas special the other night. Great guests - Leon Bridges, Lana Del Ray, Camila Cabala, and some Australian dude I never heard of who had an amazing voice. Have already broken out the Peanuts Christmas and Phil Spector Christmas (IMHO the best Xmas album, just wish the mastering was better on it) albums as well.
  17. For you, my friend, I will. Two weeks ago three women were so confused that the parking garage in our building “didn’t look the same as when they parked.” I pointed them around the corner to the actual garage they had probably parked in. They were very happy to find their car.
  18. I don’t know what the answer is beyond just not doing the behaviors that spread it. There are signs all over the subway and on the bridges here telling people visiting to quarantine, but I’d be willing to bet almost no one does it. It’s the same type of person that travels to Mexico to party that’s traipsing around here being careless with masks. There is a place near here that has HUGE brunch parties on Saturday and Sunday mornings/afternoons. It has tint on the front windows and doors, so you can’t see in. BUT you can hear the music bumping and see the drunk women stumbling out trying to figure out where they parked their cars. They simple can’t be bothered and apparently don’t care if they infect their older neighbors and family.
  19. Other than those people being selfish a**holes? We’ve also seen a huge uptick in tourists here and many not bothering to even have masks as chinstraps.
  20. I read the story in the NYT. Did I say anything incorrect? They chose to pass and Pfizer sold to another country.
  21. I would like to say why this happened, but I can’t b/c of politics. Let’s just say that the powers that be decided they didn’t need Pfizer’s extra doses that were offered. So, Pfizer sold them to other countries.
  22. After our experience with rescuing Greta from a local rescue organization, we are committed “adopt, don’t shop” people now. Like you said, there are just so many dogs and cats that need a good home. In 19 short months, Greta became the best friend I’ve ever had and I know we gave her the best 19 months after her time on the street and in shelters. I still tear up thinking about her almost six months later.
  23. I recall in boot camp getting all of the shots pretty much at once and on both sides. It was an assembly line with no heads up about what shot was what. That said, I’ll get a COVID vaccine when it’s offered to me.
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