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Offical IUMB venting/complaint Thread


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To keep the board from getting cluttered up with 4 or 5 new threads every day venting about our great team. The mod team would like you to use this thread for all IUMB complaints and venting. If you don't like the team, players, coach, band, cheerleaders, AD or if the sky is Blue, post it here. If you are about to jump off the ledge, post it here, then jump. If you think one of the Managers is going to transfer, post it here.

All that being said, if you see one of your posts have been deleted from another thread, safe bet its here. We will be moving neg. threads and posts here.

Also, all Forum rules still apply. Some of you need to read those again, warning points and bans are flying around at a high clip. If you need to swear, log off first, we don't want to read it.

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I am pretty surprised (and massively disappointed) at the complete implosion of what started out as a pretty damn good team.

Same team that beat Marquette (drubbing), Ville, Butler etc. The "toughness" that team showed is, as of now, gone. I do not have inside info on what the heck is going on inside the locker room, etc., but Geez this is as bad a falloff of any IU team, ever. If this was a Crean team it would be all Crean's fault. Not saying it's CAM's fault, again do not know what the heck is going on, but still hope to see a real turnaround this season, and next season has to be better.

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  • Indykev pinned and unpinned this topic
7 hours ago, Indykev said:

To keep the board from getting cluttered up with 4 or 5 new threads every day venting about our great team. The mod team would like you to use this thread for all IUMB complaints and venting. If you don't like the team, players, coach, band, cheerleaders, AD or if the shy is Blue, post it here. If you are about to jump off the ledge, post it here, then jump. If you think one of the Managers is going to transfer, post it here.

All that being said, if you see one of your posts have been deleted from another thread, safe bet its here. We will be moving neg. threads and posts here.

Also, all Forum rules still apply. Some of you need to read those again, warning points and bans are flying around at a high clip. If you need to swear, log off first, we don't want to read it.

So you are now going to censor threads to only have opinions that are positive?

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4 hours ago, IowaHoosierFan said:

So you are now going to censor threads to only have opinions that are positive?

I wouldn't call it censorship.

If every thread is overly negative with complaints without substance ( meaning criticism without offering solutions - not implying you are doing that ) this forum will quickly become a place I do not wish to be.

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7 hours ago, IowaHoosierFan said:

So you are now going to censor threads to only have opinions that are positive?

That's not what he said at all.  They're just moving everything negative based to this thread.  They're not deleting the posts completely, just moving them to an appropriate spot.

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The most frustrating thing to me is how well this team has played in stretches. I was at the Maryland game, and we were absolutely rolling in the first half. In the second half, Maryland couldn't stop Romeo. But, in the middle was that horrendous 19-0 stretch or whatever it was, which was the ballgame. Similar at Rutgers the other night. Seems to be the same in every game during this streak, which is why it's so difficult to point to anything particular as being the reason for this losing streak. It's just baffling that we can play so well for these long periods, and then just have 8 minute stretches where we can't do anything right. 

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9 hours ago, IowaHoosierFan said:

So you are now going to censor threads to only have opinions that are positive?

Nope!  You can still critique, complain, suggest what you want on a thread. We are asking that if you just want to vent to do so on the venting thread.  I think everyone has seen how a lot of threads are turning into off topic rants that continue to go down the same roads.  We are actually for one main thing...stay on topic.  If the post is about a kitten that made its way onto court, don't make it about Archie Milller being unable to handle cats let alone the big ten competition and then that leads to an examination of Coach K's first year and he had no cats on his court...etc, etc.  This is the event horizon of our board...all threads are leading to the same 4 or 5 points.  We love the discussion on how we can impriove or what's wrong with the team but from our point of view it all seems to end with the same thing...and that leads to name calling, cursing and eventually short term bans.  

We all are frustrated with our team's performance. We have a wide spread of opinions on the Mod team!  We are hearing from each other and from forum members that a lot of us are tired of the thread hijacking and constant attacks...hence the venting forum.  It is an attempt to give everyone what they want, to allow everyone their voice but not on every thread.  Hope you understand.  If it doesn't work we will try something else.

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1 hour ago, StLHoosier said:

That's not what he said at all.  They're just moving everything negative based to this thread.  They're not deleting the posts completely, just moving them to an appropriate spot.

And mainly posts that don't have anything to do with the original thread.  Who wants to post a new thread when they know it is just going to be an argument?  How about if you saw Archie Miller in Ft. Wayne and you post that fact here.  How will that post go?  I have a coupel of ideas...Why is Archie there when he should be in Bloomington fixing the problems...or why would anyone FT Wayne recruit want to come here when we are performing so poorly...he is meeting someone about a buy out...and on and on.  With name calling, threats, f bombs and members threatening to leave.  The mod team has done more bans and editing these last 2 weeks than we have done in the last 3-4 years. 


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