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1 hour ago, dbmhoosier said:

I said one of the job requirements for the IU job was an electric personality.  I’ll add one more...balls.  Archie really needs to grow some if what you’re saying is true.  If he’s being handicapped go public.  He has nothing to lose.

Man, I agree with this.  Go public and move on.  I can’t see how any coach would put up with this if true.  I understand the money part but Archie is a young coach that could easily find another job.

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36 minutes ago, FW_Hoosier said:

Sorry, I just don’t buy this at all.  No athletic department in the country operates this way... It doesn’t even make sense how they could operate this way even if they wanted to.  Whenever the heat has really turned up on Archie during these losing streaks the last two years, we always get these kind of “leaks.”  This one doesn’t even come close to passing the smell test.

I’ve been as critical of Fred & Shoulders as anyone but I too find this hard to believe.  Just makes no sense.  And why would Archie let it happen?  The worst that could happen if he doesn’t play the administration’s game is he gets fired along with a $15M payout.  He’s going to get fired anyways if he doesn’t start to win big soon.  Sorry but this sounds like someone from the CAM camp leaking this to try and save face.

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Just now, HoosierJax said:

Wtf...its better in person anyway 

Well, if you’re actually in attendance at the Holiday Inn restaurant, I suppose you can be as confrontational with Coach as you want.


 I live about three miles south of Michigan, however, so an email makes sense.

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3 minutes ago, Radio Zero said:

Well, if you’re actually in attendance at the Holiday Inn restaurant, I suppose you can be as confrontational with Coach as you want.


 I live about three miles south of Michigan, however, so an email makes sense.

I dont want to be confrontational,I like CAM...i would just like to know...Fish supposedly touch on it today...so it needs to be addressed...besides im 20 minutes from the Holiday Inn

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7 hours ago, NotIThatLives said:

I'm with you.  This front court is going to be one of if not the best in the B1G next year.  Guard depth is killing this team.  There has to be some addition by subtraction.  I would love for 1 or 2 of the new guys to have an immediate impact on that court but I really don't see them being better than Armaan this year.  Even with our horrid guard play, Armaan is only getting 16 minutes a game.  

If CAM can't find and land a start now caliber 2 guard and possibly even some back up point help, his roster management may wind up rivaling CTC.  And that will cost him his job.  

As stands the depth chart for next year looks exactly the same at every position plus adding 3 fairly equal 2/3 guys, none of which are dead eye shooters, killer scorers, or lead ball handlers.  Don't get me wrong, I love them and what I think they will add to the program over four years will be tremendous.  


Our guard depth at the moment is about as deep as an amish gene pool.

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12 minutes ago, HoosierJax said:

I dont want to be confrontational,I like CAM...i would just like to know...Fish supposedly touch on it today...so it needs to be addressed...besides im 20 minutes from the Holiday Inn

I was just kidding around about being confrontational.


Lot of coach speak tonight, as usual, but Coach also sounds like he’s impatient with the situation.

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1 hour ago, IUwins0708 said:

This isn’t a leak really.  This came from Don Fischer basically reiterating what some of us have heard.  Like I said I didn’t believe it until Don mentioned it today on Dakichs show.  You could tell he wasn’t comfortable talking about it too. 

Where can I get a link to listen to this?

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2 hours ago, IUwins0708 said:

I have heard from numerous people that this is not only true but probably to a higher degree than we can even imagine.  Someone asked the other day if the admin and athletic department are telling who Archie can play and who he can’t.  I don’t know the real answer but the more I hear it sounds as if Archie is just a puppet.  

I call BS but if that is true who is dictating playing time? Fred, the board? Maybe it’s true but I don’t buy it. Is Fred saying “not only do you have to keep Green but he must play at least 20 minutes”....I don’t believe it.

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2 hours ago, IUFLA said:


I respect you both, and your words carry a lot of weight with me...

I, too, get fed up with lackluster effort. I get fed up with style over substance. I get fed up with what I perceive as "attitude." 

But we ARE still in the hunt. And I think Archie is going to play the players he thinks will help us win, warts and all.

I'll leave it at that...

God I hope you are right. You and I usually see things about the same.  I don't think we are far off on our thinking on this topic. Currently frustration is winning out in my mind. We just need to find some heart

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4 minutes ago, HoosierJax said:

🤔...could be...but with a new coach wouldnt the slate be cleaned and start anew

No not at all. This is where it starts and ends. The current admin will not allow a coach to mistreat a student athlete at Indiana University nor should they, but that is where it starts and stops. A coach is still allowed to coach. You do not have to yell at a player to administer discipline. You just take them out tell them to sit and have an assistant explain why they came out. Archie playing all of the players he plays and allows to destroy the team chemistry is all on him. His coaching and substitution patterns are crazier then Creans. What you people re insinuating is that Archie is coaching every game by script. You are correct and it's his script that he wrote. Well we the fans want no more sequels!  

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57 minutes ago, FW_Hoosier said:

This is just so silly.  This fanbase is so tortured that now it’s twisting itself into knots to justify conspiracy theories that the athletic director, who recently announced his retirement, is dictating lineups and how the coach can act on the sidelines.  Something that has never happened in the history of college basketball.

This really isn’t anything crazy.  The guy is a mid-major coach who hasn’t recruited well and whose schemes aren’t cut out for major college basketball.  It happens all the time.

So you think Fischer is purposefully lying to cover for CAMs coaching deficiencies?  Or you dont think Fischer knows anything and is speculating?  Neither of these is in his character and one of them must be true. 

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6 hours ago, Billingsley99 said:

To over simplify things its like the guy that finds out the most beautiful girl in school wants him and he has always had a crush on her and when they start dating he tries to be the jock or prep or whatever he thinks she wants, and in reality all she wants is him. By the time he realizes it she is about to replace him. The only question to ask, is there time to get the Archie Miller we hired and not the one trying to be something that he is not. 

Not sure if you are familiar with the movie "Necessary Roughness" or not, but we need CAM to do this......but in basketball terms.


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1 hour ago, NCHoosier32 said:

interesting for you to jump in on this when he called me a wife beater out of nowhere and all i did was try to explain to another poster that Scott is aggressive.  i didn't think i was really out of line, but sorry i guess?

Sorry NC . I didn't see him do that, if I did I would have addressed it.  In the future, if he does that, pm me or flag the post and I can delete it and address it with him. 

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1 hour ago, MPM said:

Well it’s clear then that the powers to be want IU to be known as a football school then. It will probably help on the football recruiting trail 🤷‍♂️. Or those same powers to be don’t want a coach to be extremely successful, so there’s never another RMK situation again where the coach becomes bigger or more important than the institution. 

I've seen it so many times the administration doesnt want a coach being bigger than the institution.  They must be really dumb or have their heads in the Sand.  A university with successful BB and or CB programs sell the brand.  

How many universities have got publicity because of march madness?Alot, and Gonzaga is a great example.  Who the hell knew they existed nationally until about 2000?

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10 minutes ago, CincyHoosier said:

So you think Fischer is purposefully lying to cover for CAMs coaching deficiencies?  Or you dont think Fischer knows anything and is speculating?  Neither of these is in his character and one of them must be true. 

I just listened.  I thought it sounded like he might have been holding something back but then talked in vague generalities (can’t coach kids like you used too, which is true and not specific to IU or any school) offered nothing in the way of specifics, and said more than once I don’t know I’m not there (or something similar).  I really don’t think he would ever throw a coach or the program under the bus publicly.  So I guess I think some people are reaching.  I think there is a little bit of blood in the water and when that happens people jump onto anything.  But that’s just my opinion and it could, of course, be wrong.

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