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Archie's Post game "Rant"

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I know this was discussed in a couple of threads, but I thought it deserved its own...

They ask an intense guy after an intense game the questions about the inexact science of Bracketology and what do they expect?

Of course, now they're all rallying around their disparaged colleague...

"Loser: Indiana's Miller goes on rant

Indiana lost a close one to Wisconsin. It surely stung for the Hoosiers and their coach Archie Miller. But only one handled it like a petulant child: Archie Miller."

I'd imagine we'll see a few more "loser" articles about CAM...

I, personally, didn't think it was anything to get worked up over...

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I'm amazed at the attention but I guess when you have a platform that still matters this is what happens. To me it's a coach standing up for his school, players, fans,etc...nothing more.

Lunardi has certainly made it personal with IU for a couple weeks now. Calling his nonsense out is fine with me....since none of Lunardi's colleagues will because 1/2 the journalists out there want a chance at employment at ESPN and don't want to piss off the old boy network going on in Bristol.


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2 minutes ago, Seeking6 said:

I'm amazed at the attention but I guess when you have a platform that still matters this is what happens. To me it's a coach standing up for his school, players, fans,etc...nothing more.

Lunardi has certainly made it personal with IU for a couple weeks now. Calling his nonsense out is fine with me....since none of Lunardi's colleagues will because 1/2 the journalists out there want a chance at employment at ESPN and don't want to piss off the old boy network going on in Bristol.


Two or three times yesterday, during the WI game, Mark Adams doing color directly contradicted Lunardi without calling him out by name. He'd say "some people have IU on the bubble, I don't. I have them in, playing for seeding."

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1 minute ago, 13th&Jackson said:

Two or three times yesterday, during the WI game, Mark Adams doing color directly contradicted Lunardi without calling him out by name. He'd say "some people have IU on the bubble, I don't. I have them in, playing for seeding."

Yep. He and several others won't say Lunardi by name but it's clear who they are speaking about. Have to toe the company line which speaks to the hypocrisy of some. At least Rick Bozich from Courier Journal had the stones earlier this week to make fun of Lunardi's ranking in bracketology. 

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46 minutes ago, IUFLA said:

I know this was discussed in a couple of threads, but I thought it deserved its own...

They ask an intense guy after an intense game the questions about the inexact science of Bracketology and what do they expect?

Of course, now they're all rallying around their disparaged colleague...

"Loser: Indiana's Miller goes on rant

Indiana lost a close one to Wisconsin. It surely stung for the Hoosiers and their coach Archie Miller. But only one handled it like a petulant child: Archie Miller."

I'd imagine we'll see a few more "loser" articles about CAM...

I, personally, didn't think it was anything to get worked up over...

Indiana still drives clicks which is what most sports "journalism" is about these days.  Furthermore, they have a financial interest in protecting certain conferences now (and subsequently riding down others) and they are going to take every chance they can to do that.

ESPN used to be a good network for your sports coverage.  I now basically avoid anything from them that is not game related.  They have an agenda to push and that is what they do.

Someone else said that we all would have been orgasming if Knight had done this, I would not go that far but I actually want a Coach who is not afraid to call it like it is.  Lunardi is low hanging fruit...I am really waiting for the day when he unloads on BIG officiating.

I clicked link after the fact to see it was a CBS article written by some guy I have never heard of...my point about ESPN still stands though.  After a little research into who he is though, we are basically worried about what a 12 year old wrote.

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The thing is Archie is exactly right. Maybe he shouldn't have said what he said, but he's right. ESPN is all about drama to get website clicks and views. Lunardi loved Archie and Dayton because they would be used to rile up the power 5 fan bases. Now it's reversed to say IU is "last 4 in" to get people to click on articles and watch talking heads. Personally, I loved it. Someone in the post game said if this was Knight, we'd all be fawning over it and they were exactly right. 

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More media types weigh in...

The only 2 names I recognized...

"I personally like Archie Miller (and he’ll crush me like Lunardi for saying this) but I think you have to win big at a place like Indiana if you’re going to keep acting like this. #faceoftheprogram https://t.co/Yb4VToLUKU

— Fran Fraschilla (@franfraschilla)"

"This is for Arch and any fan boy, media guy who acts like this is a good thing. Lunardi is not only an all time great dude, he LOVES this sport. Why act like such a condescending dick? What is the win Arch? Grow up. Win games, state your case.

— Doug Gottlieb (@GottliebShow) "

and Lunardi responds.

"Lunardi had an updated bracket late Saturday afternoon. He still had IU among his "last four in." 

Lunardi also discussed his agenda for Saturday night: "Meanwhile, I'll be home tonight watching Sesame Street with Archie Miller..." 

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6 minutes ago, IUFLA said:

More media types weigh in...

The only 2 names I recognized...

"I personally like Archie Miller (and he’ll crush me like Lunardi for saying this) but I think you have to win big at a place like Indiana if you’re going to keep acting like this. #faceoftheprogram https://t.co/Yb4VToLUKU

— Fran Fraschilla (@franfraschilla)"

"This is for Arch and any fan boy, media guy who acts like this is a good thing. Lunardi is not only an all time great dude, he LOVES this sport. Why act like such a condescending dick? What is the win Arch? Grow up. Win games, state your case.

— Doug Gottlieb (@GottliebShow) "

and Lunardi responds.

"Lunardi had an updated bracket late Saturday afternoon. He still had IU among his "last four in." 

Lunardi also discussed his agenda for Saturday night: "Meanwhile, I'll be home tonight watching Sesame Street with Archie Miller..." 

Hey Gottlieb, have you stolen any credit cards recently? 

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I like Fraschilla and am really surprised that he used such strong language here.  It doesn’t matter if Lunardi is a good guy. It’s just not relevant.  I don’t believe Archie called him a bad guy.  Then Fran basically behaves far worse than Archie did.   

At the end of the day, media members—just like basketball coaches—can be called out for their performance.  It’s ironic that the media critics then proceed to take a shot at Archie’s performance.  That undermines any credibility they might have had.  

I 100% hope that Archie doesn’t apologize and that our university admin pinheads don’t ask him to. It’s not warranted IMO.  If anyone should apologize it’s guys like Fran Fraschilla.  

EDIT.  I mis-read who the quotes were attributed to.  My beef is with Gottlieb.  I’m glad I got that corrected because that asinine statement didn’t sound like Fran, who I like.  

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I thought it was unprofessional and childish. He keeps giving these snarky responses and treating people like crap but he needs the media on his side.  frankly he hasn’t done enough to not get these questions. 

You gift wrap and give away your 3rd game at home for the season and on senior night you should be prepared for some painful questions it’s the reality of the business.

Now if that question had been asked after a win I would understand Archie reaction. 

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59 minutes ago, BobSaccamanno said:

I like Fraschilla and am really surprised that he used such strong language here.  It doesn’t matter if Lunardi is a good guy. It’s just not relevant.  I don’t believe Archie called him a bad guy.  Then Fran basically behaves far worse than Archie did.   

At the end of the day, media members—just like basketball coaches—can be called out for their performance.  It’s ironic that the media critics then proceed to take a shot at Archie’s performance.  That undermines any credibility they might have had.  

I 100% hope that Archie doesn’t apologize and that our university admin pinheads don’t ask him to. It’s not warranted IMO.  If anyone should apologize it’s guys like Fran Fraschilla.  

I dont think Archie is an apologetic kind of guy. We've been asking to see that fire, and hes showing it.  I love it

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1 hour ago, mrflynn03 said:

Bracketology was invented by people who have nothing of real value to contribute to society. 

It was the weather forecasters who failed meteorology school. 

The media slobs Izzo’s knob when he defends his team against media. Who cares? Maybe this is the rallying cry for the postseason.

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1 hour ago, Brass Cannon said:

I thought it was unprofessional and childish. He keeps giving these snarky responses and treating people like crap but he needs the media on his side.  frankly he hasn’t done enough to not get these questions. 

You gift wrap and give away your 3rd game at home for the season and on senior night you should be prepared for some painful questions it’s the reality of the business.

Now if that question had been asked after a win I would understand Archie reaction. 

Why does having the media on your side matter? You lose enough games you’re getting fired either way.

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