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Everything posted by HoosierFaithful

  1. If this isn't easy, shoot me a PM and we can trade phone numbers.
  2. hey DWB - I used my super duper administrative powers to impersonate you and wasn't able to replicate the problem, which means this is likely something with your particular computer. The support ticket from the software provider mentioned, similar to Zline, about Javascript. Here are a few steps to ensure Javascript (which is actually distinct from Java!) is enabled: https://support.asinzen.com/article/205-how-do-i-know-if-i-have-a-javascript-blocking-extension-turned-on
  3. Let’s keep this more focused on the original intent of the thread.
  4. Different strokes, different folks. I enjoy keeping up with them.
  5. Not quite DIY, but we were the general contractors (hired subcontractors for a lot of the expert stuff) on our own backyard remodel and did all of the landscaping ourselves. I can't find any good current photos, but here's a before photo and one immediately pre-landscaping.
  6. Thought this was incredibly interesting
  7. Tremendous news. Science wins again - in awe, honestly, of what has been done and how quickly.
  8. Can you try in a different browser and see if the problems persist there? That will help us narrow down.
  9. What browser are you using? I feel like this problem occurred with someone else before and I'm curious if the browser was the same.
  10. Yeah, we're veering a bit here folks.
  11. Hid a few posts that were blatantly political - come on, all, you know the rules.
  12. If you find yourself getting angry when you're typing your post, delete it and don't post it and walk away from the keyboard.
  13. Let’s all rein it back a bit - this is a good discussion, let’s keep it that way.
  14. I haven’t paid much attention to the origin storylines. Not that they aren’t important - obviously they are - it’s just not something that lines up with my interests when I read the news. Thanks for posting the link.
  15. Listened to a really interesting episode of The Daily on the supply chain crisis this AM. Lots of little actions (the part about just-in-time manufacturing is wild) building to severe shocks to the global system. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/10/15/podcasts/the-daily/supply-chain.html
  16. still holding a few hundred AMC, would love a nice pop
  17. Just read that as well. Here's a link with more: https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2021/10/12/jolts-workers-quitting-august-pandemic/ Honestly, I'm all for workers (most likely... all of us!) getting more leverage here. Big businesses have made plenty of money. Let's give some back to all of the little guys. The anecdote about this woman's job is painful.
  18. Honestly, good for you dude - we have ridiculously backwards standards for work/life balance in this country. I wish we didn’t have to bend the rules to balance it more, but sometimes the ends justify the means.
  19. I mean, sure, but I feel pretty comfortable in my assertion and the backup I provided.
  20. I mean, it is widely agreed upon that Posobiec is a conspiracy theorist. Take a stroll through the citations on his Wikipedia page to back that up: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jack_Posobiec I don't need to present evidence to disprove his claim. If someone can just drop a link to a conspiracy theorist's twitter, I'm certainly allowed to also simply post and say that person has a habit of posting factually incorrect information -- right? I don't have the time or the energy to disprove conspiracy theorist's claims. And we're not in a court of law here! We're just guys (mostly, hello ladies ;)) posting on the Internet, right? If transparency will uncover the truth, and I think you're right, then transparency on the credibility of the "sources" posted here is certainly within bounds.
  21. Right, I wasn't disputing that he resigned - I was disputing the editorialization that Posobiec made. Totally fine to post the tweet, to each their own, I just wanted to comment that I'm not sure how valid that tweet is. I've commented a few times on sources different folks use here - to be clear, I'm not trying to say people can't post whatever source they want. Post a tweet, post an article, go hog wild! I know that lots of people read this thread and some may not dig any deeper than the links/tweets/etc posted. If something that gets posted might not be true, or might be misleading, or might be from a conspiracy theorist - I think that's worthwhile for folks reading to know too.
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