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Everything posted by Leathernecks

  1. They mentioned during the game that Thomas Allen was already working with some of the graduate assistants and that he wants to get into coaching. I wonder if we might start grooming him to be the DC in a handful of years. Spend a couple years as a GA, move to LB coach for a few, and be DC at around 30 years old. Could start a family of coaching similar to the Wommacks.
  2. I think we're going to start moving to a different tier of recruits. I'm sure the last 30 years, if we try to call a top 100 recruit, they would probably laugh at it. Now? They're going to start taking a look.
  3. It all depends on the coach. I thought from the day we hired Allen as head coach he would be great here. Some coaches don't have that same feel.
  4. It will be interesting to see what our chances are here. So tough to tell with siblings. Some want to make their own path, and some see how great things are for a brother at one school and follow them there. He'd be our highest commit since 2000 if we can get him. https://247sports.com/player/trevell-mullen-46080152/
  5. I just saw that the Broncos tried to talk the league into letting them start their offensive quality control coach Rob Calabrese. The NFL denied it. Unfortunately I don't get this game on tv today. Should be interesting to watch. Well, at least for a quarter or two.
  6. I bet these teams are going to have a lot of apple turnovers for dinner.
  7. We have 2 this year who might be able to play at small schools. I think we have a couple freshmen and sophomore who might be even better when they're seniors.
  8. I've never bought into the herd immunity idea. The numbers just don't seem to add up, at least in my mind. If we took our current national rate of about 200,000 cases per day, and an estimate of 70% immune for herd immunity, that would take over 1000 days to get to the almost 230,000,000 people needed for herd immunity. If we wanted to get to 70% immune in one year, we'd need to average 630,000 new cases every day.
  9. After our successful high school golf season, I was given a pretty cool honor. Champaign paper's coach of the year I couldn't find a way to sneak in that I was an Indiana fan, but I really thought about it!
  10. And to think, a little over a year ago, a pretty large percentage of the fanbase was convinced he wasn't the right coach. Not saying that as a "haha" type of statement, just showing how quickly things have changed.
  11. Can't really tell with the info provide. I would be interested in seeing what the numbers would be for the general population. If about 20% of the population has been to a grocery store in the last week, it would suggest little spread happening there.
  12. My point was you saying that "supermarkets are the leading cause of spread" isn't at all what the article was saying. That would be like saying, being in a car is the biggest spreader because 97% of people who tested positive have have been in a car in the last week. More people go to supermarkets than most other public places, so more people have been at them in the last week. I guess I could say that making out with 300 random people doesn't spread it at all because zero people reported doing that in the week before testing positive.
  13. I just looked again, and the 7 day positivity rate in my county is just over 20%. If that barista ever needs a new job, send her this way. Places here just don't care.
  14. I'm not saying this in a sarcastic way (I'm really not), but I think you should read the article if you didn't already. " Experts at PHE today insisted their data did not suggest supermarkets were at the centre of coronavirus transmission in the UK, saying it does not prove where someone was infected with the disease. And Helen Dickinson, the chief executive of the British Retail Consortium, said it was 'misleading and irresponsible' to suggest supermarkets are a source of Covid-19 transmission. She said: 'Supermarkets are one of the very few places that people can visit during lockdown so it is unsurprising that they feature strongly when people are asked where they have visited.'"
  15. Here's an easy way to spot doctors/scientists who are just looking for notoriety. If they use the words scam, hoax, or spiderweb of lies (or whatever that crazy video this summer said), they are just looking for notoriety. Reputable doctors and scientists don't talk like that. If you see any of those things being referenced, find a different source.
  16. People must be living in way different places than me. Around me, restaurants are supposed to be carry out only, and 6 out of the 7 in the towns that make up my school district are still open for in person eating. Going into any of the gas stations, you'll be lucky to see anybody else wearing a mask. I'm in a rural area so I get that people might not be as strict about things as in cities, but in public I don't even see 25% of people wearing masks. This idea that everyone is wearing masks isn't even close. Our county is getting close to a 20% positivity rate, and the county health department can't keep up with contact tracing because we're having so many cases. Still very few people wearing masks.
  17. As a physics teacher and golf coach, I'm like, "wait, you guys haven't thought about that?" haha
  18. I wonder if Foles had the Tua/Thomas Allen injury of a dislocated hip, or other severe hip injury.
  19. I like that it doesn't have to be stored at such a cold temperature. It is supposed to last 30 days in a normal refrigerator. That was a major concern I had about the Pfizer vaccine. Distribution of that would be a nightmare for our country, let alone some countries in different parts of the world. Also, how will distribution work? Will someone decide on 1 vaccine that "wins" and then that will be the only option, or will there be competing vaccines that make it to market?
  20. It is a Pfizer product, so it would probably be a good investment, unless someone else gets the vaccine first. Then you might need the Xanax.
  21. Probably shaking his head in disbelief like most Bears fans.
  22. No problem! I grew an actual brussels sprout in my garden this year that got about 4 feet tall. I am going to harvest some off of it this weekend. I just read that it is decently cold hardy, but only down to about 10 degrees, so not for midwestern winters. It looks like some people in warmer climates do grow them over the winter. I was thinking I could grow shoots/sprouts/microgreens indoors, but it doesn't seem like that's a thing. I might have been thinking of broccoli instead of brussels sprouts.
  23. I grew actual Brussels sprouts, but not Brussels sprouts sprouts if that makes sense lol. I think they might be in one of the mixes I'm going to try.
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