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Everything posted by Reacher

  1. Not a big crowd with the early start. Hope they are loud.
  2. Same here. Finally get to see how these guys look.
  3. Tip is minutes away. Grab your beer, sit back and enjoy some IU basketball!
  4. In addition to developing talent, I'm looking to see if we have a system that generates a sum greater than its parts. That is what Knight was known for. There have been years where I think our players produced less than their rankings/ what was expected, it would be nice to the opposite and I feel good about that prospect. One example is Kopp and Stewart not being asked to do so much and benefitting from the players around them and getting high percentage shots.
  5. In addition to the Pfizer pill, looks like we will soon have another option. A single dose of Regeneron could reduce risk by 81.6% during the pre-specified follow-up period (months 2-8), maintaining the 81.4% risk reduction previously reported during the first month of follow-up.
  6. If that penalty is called we are driving at midfield. Sucks that games aren't called evenly
  7. I just hope MI doesn't run the ball too much. I think that is their best chance to beat us.
  8. Not a bad opening drive. Got a few first downs and pinned them deep. Let's go D!
  9. I'm greedy. I want to beat MI twice in a row and ruin their season
  10. Let's go Hoosiers! Not too late to salvage this season. Needs to start tonight.
  11. This is why you prepare- https://fox2now.com/news/spire-customers-weigh-in-on-potential-shutdown-in-december/
  12. Kids are flexible and can adapt to almost anything. I don't think NY kids are more adaptable than others and I would say an Alaska child might deal even better with adversity. Because you don't see them fuss does not make it ok. Some parents (maybe a larger % in NY) may be ok with their child wearing a mask. Parents should have that right- to have their kids wear or not. A child is protected by their vaccine and /or their own mask (according to you). I don't think it is fair or right for all the other kids to be penalized to protect a few. Before covid, did everyone wear a mask to keep the vulnerable from catching the flu? If one child in a school has peanut allergies, is the rest of the school prevented from eating pb&J at lunch? There are ways to protect the vulnerable without restricting freedoms. It is not all or nothing. I stand by all the research saying N95 masks or better are needed to protect from a virus AND that is only when worn correctly. Virus particles flow right through the average mask. There is a reason why medical professionals use N95 or level 3 or better masks and even are required to have fit tests. Show me one elementary school where more than 10% of the kids wear a new N95 mask each day, have it properly fitted, not touched throughout the day, etc etc. It is ludicrous to compare children to adults. Take the time to scroll through this and the dozen of links for studies showing the harm in mask wearing as well as how they are ineffective in preventing transmission. https://www.aier.org/article/masking-children-tragic-unscientific-and-damaging/ The author of this article has a bachelor’s degree in epidemiology from McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario, a master’s degree from Oxford University, and a PhD from McMaster University’s Department of Health Research Methods, Evidence, and Impact and says "masking children is as absurd, illogical, nonsensical, and potentially dangerous as trying to stop ‘every case of Covid’ or ‘stopping Covid at all costs.’ Masks are not needed for children based on near zero risk in children. The risk of dying from Covid-19 is “almost zero” for young people. The issue of masks in children is really a risk management question for parents and any decision-maker. The science is settled." A child on a playground will be breathing heavily and need the maximum flow of oxygen. An adult sitting on their chair or stool is not in the same universe for a comparison.
  13. It is sad to hear / see children running around with masks on. They should be breathing fresh air not the germs from unsanitary masks. We know masks aren't effective and we know children are the absolute lowest risk group. More children will / have died from the flu than Covid. Where are the long term studies showing constant mask wearing does not result in respiratory or other issues? I'd hope you would be ok with a parent who wants more evidence before masking / vaccinating their child. Unfortunately, there are way too many that are not ok with parents having a choice in this matter. Parents are expressing themselves at the ballot box as we saw on Tues.
  14. I thought of the same thing last week. I got my shots but if I got a cold, I doubt I would get a Covid test. How many people get Covid with little to no symptoms and don't report? And then spread it? Has to be a good amount
  15. The backstory on how and why the CDC changed its definition of vaccine to fit Covid- https://technofog.substack.com/p/cdc-emails-our-definition-of-vaccine
  16. I believe the Supreme Court already refused to get involved in one case. I'm sure there will be more. Many more. One court sided with the policeman against the City of Chicago.
  17. https://abcnews.go.com/Health/wireStory/nyc-braces-fewer-cops-trash-vax-deadline-looms-80849694
  18. I believe we previously discussed getting an ambulance crew that wasn't vaccinated. I'd say that was better than getting no ambulance crew at all- https://nypost.com/2021/10/30/fdny-firehouses-shuttered-over-vaccine-staffing-shortages/. In Chicago, ambulances are CFD paramedics. Not sure if NY does it that way as well. And, most of the first responders were exposed early on and have natural immunity. Personally, I don't see the need for those with natural immunity to be vaccinated - or fired. It is not just firefighters in NY, it is other professions in other states too. States are playing a costly game and now it is almost inevitable, lives and property will be lost as a result. It looks like American airlines is now dealing with their staffing issues as over 1000 flights have been canceled these last few days.
  19. I like the Octoberfest ones but I also like the winter and Christmas Ales that come afterwards!
  20. Some research findings on the role of fat cells and long Covid from breakthrough cases- https://www.reuters.com/business/healthcare-pharmaceuticals/breakthrough-infections-can-lead-long-covid-genes-may-explain-critical-illness-2021-10-27/
  21. Just spoke to guy from MA who is likely without electricity for a week due to the storm out there
  22. Very well said. My thoughts exactly.
  23. I am with you in thinking adults who have no natural antibodies generally benefit from the vaccine. The issue I constantly bring up is that natural immunity does count and science is now pretty overwhelming in saying natural immunity is broader and longer lasting than vaccines. Why should those people, or anyone for that matter, be forced to take a vaccine? Why are vaccine side effects being downplayed/altered and even censored? That does not help the science. It is not just a US thing. Israel has a worse side effect reporting system than we do. By eliminating any negative info, a false narrative is created. Vaccines do have risks, even if minimal. I see no benefit in vaccinating healthy children who as @dgambill pointed out are not dying from this. Why do we have these mandates? I have been in TN for a week and feel like I traveled to another world compared to IL. There is virtually no mask wearing. Yet Covid is not running rampant there. FL and TN prove people and businesses can thrive while still allowing freedom and choice. FL now has the lowest % of new cases in the country yet had minimal restrictions. Personally, I'm holding off on a booster until I see more data. If you want one, great. I'd consider a different manufacturer than your original one. Please understand that should be an individual decision. We don't mandate against smoking, and a multitude of other unhealthy behaviors which could be argued are more detrimental to society than Covid. Rules and past precedent are being changed for this virus. Why? If are leaders don't take this seriously, why should we? If members of congress have access to treatments (ivermectin as an example) why shouldn't we? It's about time we got rid of the double standards, promoted transparency and actually followed the science. Rant over.
  24. Natural immunity superior to the vaccines says 92 studies. Here's why- https://brownstone.org/articles/the-politicization-of-immunology/ https://brownstone.org/articles/79-research-studies-affirm-naturally-acquired-immunity-to-covid-19-documented-linked-and-quoted/
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