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Everything posted by Reacher

  1. Makes the US look pretty good- https://www.bloomberg.com/opinion/articles/2021-01-06/the-european-union-is-botching-the-vaccine-rollout?srnd=premium
  2. Reinfection tracker. 31 confirmed cases worldwide. https://bnonews.com/index.php/2020/08/covid-19-reinfection-tracker/
  3. I know. My point was that we don't need to delay the second doses. Vaccine makers have done a phenomenal job and the doses are available. I actually saw where the stockpile was now at 35M. My wife had her (Pfizer) shot. resulted in some fatigue and 2 days of soreness. As I'll have to wait, I'm hoping to be able to pick which one has the least side effects!
  4. The factories are cranking out vaccines in quantities never seen before. Why don't you acknowledge the incredible progress instead of looking to criticize? https://www.fastcompany.com/90588372/inside-one-of-the-new-quick-build-factories-making-the-moderna-vaccine
  5. https://amp.usatoday.com/amp/3960263001?__twitter_impression=true
  6. No. That is the one I am looking forward to the most. Noyt going to share that tidbit with the wife or she will want to share, lol. Will try and save that one for a special occasion. Thinking about having one of the others during the football game tomorrow.
  7. For @IU Scott and others dealing with Covid, facing exposure at work and / or with contributing health issues, please consider taking Melatonin in addition to Vitamin D and probiotics. They all help support your immune system. New research out of the Cleveland Clinic backs up the efficacy of Melatonin. https://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2020/12/covid-19-sleep-pandemic-zzzz/617454/
  8. What happens if you don't go? Won't that shot filter down to some elderly person and then you can get yours next month?
  9. That is circular reporting. 5 outlets quoting the same AP story. No hard data in there. "There COULD be 3.2 million deaths" " Deaths EXPECTED to top 3 million". I'm content to wait and see. These articles seem sensationalistic, like much of the reporting on Covid, so sorry if I don't just buy into that.
  10. Some good news! Flu cases running at 1% of prior year- https://kjzz.com/news/local/utah-flu-season-almost-non-existent-after-fears-of-twindemic
  11. If there were materially more deaths in 2020 than in previous years, it would be a headline on every paper and news show. Would it not? Reports previously linked seemed to indicate deaths were trending lower this year. I understand that are lots of factors at play here. Increased deaths from suicides, drug overdoses, murders, lack of cancer screenings and other health care, to name a few and decreased deaths due to fewer auto accidents and other reasons. 2020 will be over soon enough and eventually accurate data will come out.
  12. @Lostin76 , your revered NYT claims Dr Fauci ignored scientific evidence in favor of public opinion polls https://www.nytimes.com/2020/12/24/health/herd-immunity-covid-coronavirus.html?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=newsletter_axiosam&stream=top and is being called out by people like this- Fauci's "apparent willingness to mislead the public in support of his preferred policy objective should disqualify him from providing public policy advice in any official capacity," said Jay Bhattacharya, professor of medicine at Stanford University. Do you agree that public opinion should not influence scientific debate and that Dr Fauci should resign? Who is not being honest here?
  13. I read that article. The body doesn't seem to match the headline and in some cases commends the way FL handles it.
  14. Obesity is no doubt a major contributing factor. Of course an earlier death is a big deal. We had standards for reporting deaths that worked just fine for years. Again, why were the methods changed? Politifact is biased. Do some research on that. Here is a start- https://www.allsides.com/news-source/politifact. For some reason, it is incredibly hard to get total US deaths by year. What I saw previously, was that we were on a favorable trend. There certainly didn't appear to be 10% more deaths this year. If there were an additional 300k+ deaths, that would be the case
  15. I searched for FL misrepresenting covid deaths. First 50 results under news didn't show anything about misrepresenting in the headlines. I did find this- Are you interested in long-term care (nursing home) cases? Florida has that. Antibody reports? They’re there, too. Prison-facility reports? Yep. Every day Florida provides data on positives, negatives, and inconclusive tests, how many tests they’re still waiting on results for, how many cases involved travel or contact with another known case. Florida’s fact-gatherers do statistical work to make sure they don’t include the same person taking multiple tests multiple times in their final report. Florida is the only state that provides open access to the case-line data, which is to say, every single individual case that has tested positive along with vital statistics, resident status, and known travel or contact with another known case. Is all that not to be believed? Why? All the data seems to be here- https://floridahealthcovid19.gov/. They even report Nursing home deaths (over 8000). Seems rather transparent to me. Where are the covid deaths not being reported?
  16. Promising, game changing?, research- https://www.jpost.com/health-science/tel-aviv-research-999-percent-of-covid-19-germs-dead-in-30-seconds-with-uv-leds-653315 I know we discussed far uv light over the summer. Here is a company making these lights and evidently Columbia Medical center and NASA believe in them. https://faruv.com/ Why are more people not talking about solutions like this and the AstraZeneca antibodies I brought up the other day?
  17. Why did the CDC change how deaths are reported this year? Why is there no consistency? We never had issues surrounding drownings and lung cancer deaths. As far as those 300k+ deaths, how many were "pulled forward" - people that were terminally ill, people that would have died from the flu or pneumonia? The CDC states only 6% of covid labeled deaths had no other causes listed on their death certificates. I think this was a fairly balanced article explaining that- https://www.health.com/condition/infectious-diseases/coronavirus/cdc-6-percent-covid-deaths While it’s true that in 6% of COVID-19-related deaths, COVID-19 was the only diagnosis listed on the death certificate, that’s only part of the picture. You add in the fact that total deaths in 2020 appear to be lower than the last several years and it seems obvious to me that heart deaths, respiratory deaths and much more are being lumped into the Covid category. Convince me otherwise. There are probably a 100 examples in this thread of these mis classifications. Why is this important? It creates a false sense of panic and encourages stricter lockdowns which deprive people and businesses of their rights.
  18. What you are missing are the stories the NYT times decides aren't newsworthy enough for you to know about. We all know that every media site has a bias. It is important to recognize that and I just don't get the mentality of not listening to a source because of some preconceived notion. I read / watch as much CNN as Fox and make up my own mind as to the veracity.
  19. I haven't seen any articles on FL stats
  20. 20% off in Washington, 40% off in MN? Seems like there are new examples every week. https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/coronavirus-death-certificates-minnesota-inflated Why were the rules changed for classifying deaths this year?
  21. CA now nations hotspot- https://www.sfgate.com/bayarea/article/California-COVID-19-cases-data-CDC-worst-states-US-15829422.php. Lockdown doesn't seen to be helping- The state is posting the country's worst COVID-19 numbers despite a new stay-at-home order that took effect in most of the state in early December. Cellphone data suggests compliance is low, and some have speculated the state's strict restrictions contributed to the winter explosion. https://www.sfgate.com/bayarea/article/California-COVID-lockdown-cases-deaths-businesses-15819841.php
  22. I have seen some graphs that do show that decline starting before Thanksgiving. It does not look like there was a post Thanksgiving surge as had been feared. We'll see in a few weeks if that holds true for Christmas as well. On a separate note- there was a study in the JAMA- https://web.archive.org/web/20201228014030if_/https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamanetworkopen/fullarticle/2774102 that shows that - Households are favorable environments for transmission. Spouses were at higher risk than other family contacts. The finding that secondary attack rates were higher to adult contacts than to child contacts is consistent with empirical and modeling studies.99,100 Lower infection rates in children may be attributed to asymptomatic or mild disease, reduced susceptibility from cross-immunity from other coronaviruses,101 and low case ascertainment,102 but the difference persisted in studies in which all contacts were tested regardless of symptoms. We found significantly higher secondary attack rates from symptomatic index cases than asymptomatic or presymptomatic index cases, although less data were available on the latter. The lack of substantial transmission from observed asymptomatic index cases is notable. If you are symptom free, risks to others appears minimal. Especially from children. I wish teachers and school districts would push to get kids back in school full time.
  23. Promising AstraZenca Antibody treatment- https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9088541/The-drug-gives-instant-immunity-coronavirus-UK-trials-new-antibody-therapy.html
  24. More sloppy numbers- https://www.freedomfoundation.com/press-release/death-certificate-analysis-shows-washingtons-covid-19-death-count-remains-inflated/
  25. Sad to see. 500,000+ kids dropped out of school. https://apnews.com/article/us-news-home-schooling-mississippi-coronavirus-pandemic-bf3984a4be2679de28b7770e50ff0616
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