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Everything posted by Reacher

  1. It is not hard to build your own. Find one you like and take some pics and measurements to copy. Kits bring convenience. Do you have a big local lumberyard that can outfit you with the wood and hardware? Big box stores didn't have the sizes of bolts I needed. I went with cedar and stainless hardware for my arbor swing project.
  2. Interesting on the ground reporting from Sweden - https://sebastianrushworth.com/2020/09/19/covid-19-does-sweden-have-herd-immunity/
  3. Looks like cases are climbing again. Whats going on at the CDC? https://news.yahoo.com/cdc-says-coronavirus-spreads-mainly-034950288.html
  4. Worth checking out. If you go there, make sure to get one of their beers infused with smoke. It's a few blocks away from the main tourist shops so night right downtown with all the other places. Google will show you the way. https://www.silverharborbrewing.com/home
  5. Browns was my favorite for many years when there was a location close by. Had a great chicken parmesan sandwich. Sadly, I think that franchise is dying. I stop at both KFC (original chicken) and Chick-fil-a (for their sandwich) at least monthly. Raising Canes chicken fingers are pretty good. I like how they are always served hot. Haven't been there in over a year. https://www.whitefencefarm-il.com/menucard1.php#&panel1-1 is a legendary Chicagoland chicken place. Was there as a kid and a couple years ago for my fathers birthday.
  6. Stopped at Transient. It was crowded. Tapistry, across the street, wasn't. My wife and I each had a beer there and shared each other's so we could try 2. Neither of us were impressed. It may have had something to do with the beers we picked. She went with a blond ale and also liked another (Farmhouse Ale?) so I got that one so she could try it. Would definitely go back there but I also like Haymarket. Next up was Greenbush a few miles down the road. Had dinner there. Was crowded but only a 10 minute wait for an indoor table. Food was pretty basic and nothing special. Again, the beers left us disappointed. Silver Harbor and Saugatuck had much better food and beers in our opinion. Saugutuck had a bonfire brown that I liked it is a good fall beer. Add in the Strand and we got in 5 brewpubs in 3 days. Was a nice little weekend getaway. Normally, we are lucky if get in one. Next on the list are Ghost Isle and the Beer Church Brewery in New Buffalo. I went to beer church when it first opened. Now I see they have food so like to see how they have grown.
  7. Plan is to stop in Bridgman today on the way home. If it works out, will try and get to Transient. A few times per year we'll stop off at that exit. Weko Beach is dog friendly. Have stopped at Haymarket a handful of times. They have good beer and their wood fired pizzas are good for dinner while driving home.
  8. Went to Silver Beach Brewery in St Joe MI, yesterday. Today its-
  9. Another trend I have seen is LTC in a residential setting. Someone will convert a home to house 3-5 seniors with 1 full time caregiver. Makes a lot of sense in this climate.
  10. More promising developments- https://www.nytimes.com/2020/09/16/health/coronavirus-drug-eli-lilly.html
  11. Don't think this mayor will be around too long. "We raised taxes 34 percent and put hundreds literally thousands of people out of work that are now worried about losing their homes, their apartments...and we did it on bogus data. That should be illegal," Glover said.
  12. There have been many other reports along these lines over the months. Here is one from Australia- https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2020/may/21/australian-researchers-see-virus-design-manipulati/ I don't presume to know if it was lab manipulated or not. I have seen a lot pointing to the fact it was so I cannot rule out that angle. I agree we need to keep an open mind and see where the evidence leads. The stories that say unequivocally it was not manipulated make me wonder- How can they be so certain? Totally agree that we need to look more at the substance than the source. That goes for articles as well people.
  13. Catching up on COVID news... "Stauffer and his colleagues found that the number of people in Denver who died of cardiac arrests at home in the two weeks following the statewide stay-at-home order was greater than the total number of people who died of COVID-19 in the city during that time." https://coloradosun.com/2020/08/17/denver-coronavirus-deaths-heart-attack/ Lockdowns causing millions of excess TB deaths- http://www.stoptb.org/assets/documents/news/Modeling Report_1 May 2020_FINAL.pdf Here is Arizona with all trends in the right direction with fall in hospitalizations, ICUs and even deaths https://azdhs.gov/preparedness/epidemiology-disease-control/infectious-disease-epidemiology/covid-19/dashboards/index.php Florida is the same https://experience.arcgis.com/experience/96dd742462124fa0b38ddedb9b25e429 Texas is the same https://txdshs.maps.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/ed483ecd702b4298ab01e8b9cafc8b83 Believe it or not, in the US excesss mortality is now essentially back to normal. https://episphere.github.io/mortalitytracker/#cause=allcause&state=All%20States and CDC chart https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nvss/vsrr/covid19/excess_deaths.htm
  14. I used to use my last dog as a pillow when laying on the floor. My current GS made it clear he did not like that the first time I tried it.
  15. Covid reshaping the restaurant industry. Mom and pop shops are out. 83% of restaurants surveyed in NYC could not pay July rent- https://thenycalliance.org/information/july-2020-rent-report Big chains to be the winners as they invest and add multiple drive thru lanes. Restaurants may soon look like banks with 2 or 3 drive up lanes.
  16. I remember seeing something awhile back saying the gym wasn't a risk. Figured it was gym propaganda.
  17. Good news- https://www.bloomberg.com/opinion/articles/2020-09-03/coronavirus-iceland-gives-us-some-good-covid-19?utm_medium=email&utm_source=newsletter&utm_term=200904&utm_campaign=sharetheview
  18. Earlier I posted the median age of Covid deaths last week in FL was 93. Now this- https://www.cleveland.com/datacentral/2020/09/2797-ohio-nursing-home-patients-have-died-with-coronavirus-65-of-ohios-total-covid-19-deaths.html Rather clear we need to protect the Seniors as they are at risk and not be worrying about college athletes
  19. Patience, my friend. hopefully you can save 5 or 10% on your next couple annual renewals. It will take a couple years for foreclosures to work through the system and start lowering values. Of course there will distressed seller along the way... You can always start making some low ball offers to see who is desperate.
  20. This should benefit @Lostin76- https://www.cnbc.com/2020/09/10/manhattan-rental-market-plunges-leaving-15000-empty-apartments.html
  21. Please stay out of the politics and keep this thread for Covid news.
  22. You cannot ignore the fact that NY/ NJ had greater fatalities and you admit you got "slammed". Yet gov't / healthcare policies had nothing to do with that? Personally, I feel FL handled it better than NY and would rather have took my chances/ lived in the former during the crisis. You can be proud of single digits now, but don't ignore what happened earlier.
  23. St of IL is still in the dark ages. Some people will fax as they believe it is more secure than email. My answer to that is encrypted email.
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