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2 minutes ago, go_iu_bb said:

I'm not sure I remember him so not even a memorable idiot.

Early on in Peegs he was a mainstay... Serial poster who lashed out at anyone who disagreed with him and liked to bring politics into everything...

I think later on Mike got wise and started banning his IP address...


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What a jackass.

Lots of us (self included) have expressed frustration in a fan forum after a bad performance.  I've used the word "soft" to describe the team more than once.  It's an entirely different thing to send letters (and private messages or public tweets) directly to kids.  No surprise this clown has locked down his account...

Only approved followers can see @TimWeaver20’s Tweets. To request access, click Follow.

...and frankly, if you're going to call this team soft, that's really more of a reflection of the adult influencers in their lives.  Not necessarily blaming Woody here, but sometimes I wonder if he's fighting an uphill battle trying to mentally toughen these kids when everyone else in their orbit is sending a different message.

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1 hour ago, IUFLA said:

This has blown up in Laffy's face big time...I saw 4 or 5 media stories on it today, including this from @The Daily Hoosier

Couldn't happen to a better a-hole...

He was always an attention whore, but I think this is even more than he wants...

Play stupid games and win stupid prizes. Somewhere I read, not sure if accurate, that this tool attended IU but flunked out after a few semesters. 

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8 minutes ago, southsidehoosier said:

Play stupid games and win stupid prizes. Somewhere I read, not sure if accurate, that this tool attended IU but flunked out after a few semesters. 

Yeah, there was a guy on Peegs, I think his screen name was Linkin Park, who lived in the same dorm this twit did... He always said Weaver flunked out while Weaver said he just stopped going to class for whatever reason...

There were some other stories about him that were rolling in the aisle funny that came out too... 

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Hopefully, this lights a fire under TJD tonight! Don’t necessarily disagree with a few of the assessments (bc I do think we’re soft, why XJ is important) but you don’t send stuff like that to these kids. End of the day, as passionate as we all are, they are kids/young adults and this is just a game. 

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