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Posts posted by OGIUAndy

  1. 57 minutes ago, Seeking6 said:

    Maybe I'm reading the wrong threads or talking to the wrong fans but every IU fan I speak with has 100% confidence in Allen and our future. We just were snakebit this year with rushing an injured qb back, dozens of injuries....and an OC that couldn't overcome that. Easy for me to shake the season off. Hope it's that way for everyone.

    I look at a couple of other boards during coaching hires and transfers (sniffing out rumors), they are not very nice right now. It's actually kinda weird. The problem with these OC/coaching lists that people put out, there's probably only 3-4 realistic options, not 15-20. Coaching is as "ole boys club" as you're going to get and so you kinda need to analyze the candidates within that scope. The hottest of the hot candidates are going to hold out for a blue blood, big time money, or HC offers. Everyone else is going to go where they know someone/have a connection (to a certain extent). But IU isn't getting the pick of the litter. And this guy was on people's list, he just wasn't the hottest/sexy pick. Personally I think scheme is the biggest need, not some guy who puts up the most yards and points. Will the scheme work for the types of players IU normally gets, and can it succeed against teams with more talent? 

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  2. 2 minutes ago, Seeking6 said:

    So everyone on D is basically coming back...still waiting on McFadden and Cam? Feel much better about that side of the ball. Now we just need a few of the guys on offense to return? Or hit that portal hard.

    If the sky was really falling like some believe, these guys wouldn't be coming back. A few less injuries and a reasonably normal offensive output, and we'll be ok next year. We definitely need to hit the portal HARD. 

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  3. 1 minute ago, btownqb said:

    He wants to play B12 type football. Throw it 45 times a game. That's not how we're going to be successful. 

    I agree. Commitments, de-commitments, portal, transfers, it's just they way it is these days. I actually liked what I saw from Donaven McCulley skill wise. He just seemed extremely overwhelmed. But his size, running ability and throwing motion looked good to me.

  4. Not surprised but this does sting. Going 2-10 hurts in a lot of ways. Regardless, they need to get a transfer. But similar to what @HoosierFaithful, hard to get too upset about a guy who never actually played. IU is not a program that can get away with being 2-10 without ramifications. I hope we don't start losing other recruits, but I have a feeling we will. 

  5. I don't know enough about which "candidates" were actually contacted or interested in job, but the vitriol coming out after this hire is pretty over the top. People need to relax a bit. Sure are a lot of angry people who are in need of a hug and a pill. Jesus. I like to take a glance at other boards after hirings and commitments then I always regret it. CTA has a mixed track record with hires, but I am willing to at least see what the offense looks like before I make a judgement. You can normally tell pretty quickly if it's going to work. The key with Indiana's offense is limiting turnovers and three and outs and the ability to make some adjustments. 

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  6. 1 hour ago, IUwins0708 said:

    Never did figure out how to throw with touch either.  I should say that he’s a good kid, I’m just talking about not being a fan of his football skill set. 

    Once he stopped or couldn't run anymore, he was limited. Neither our offensive line or are most good enough to let a quarterback sit in the pocket and dissect the defense. You have to make quick decisions or get out of the pocket and buy time. In all high level FB it's a bit unrealistic to think you can just sit in the pocket for 5 seconds. Based on some other feedback, it sounds like the scheme was as confusing to the players as much as anything. The line couldn't hold people and the WRs were not getting separation. Regardless, if you go 2-10, guys are going to leave. Penix was exciting when healthy and provided some of the best moments in IUFB in a loooooooooong time. I wish him nothing but the best (as long as he's not in the BIG). 

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  7. 49 minutes ago, IUwins0708 said:

    I was never a big fan of Penix.  He did give us some good memories and wins but something was always off with him for me.  Never did learn to throw with touch but once a Hoosier always a Hoosier and I wish him the best.

    He definitely was better at the deep ball than anything else. I blame the coaching staff for his issues this year. He shouldn't have played. 

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  8. 4 minutes ago, Fiveoutofsix said:

    Penix gave this fan some of my best IU football memories.  It will be interesting to see how this shakes out.  Is it testing the water until OC?  Is he going to follow Sheridan somewhere?  Does he just want a chance to play somewhere and IU looking towards the future?  I wonder what the communication was and currently is?  Has IU reached out to any QB's on the market?

    IU can’t rely on a QB who can’t stay healthy. My guess this was a mutual type decision. He’ll probably go back to Florida. Gave us some great moments. Will always be a fan

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  9. 3 hours ago, Seeking6 said:

    I'm definitely not an insider but thought the points this players Dad were good for here. He said some other stuff but don't feel it would be good to put out. 

    Just glad we moved on from Sheridan and really curious which direction we go from here. 

    Yeah, I think we saw enough to know it wasn't working. Seems to me a good one turns things around pretty quickly (DeBoer). There seems to be a lot of interesting candidates, so I think we'll get a good one. 

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  10. 15 minutes ago, Seeking6 said:

    Both on first part but there was enough leftover from previous OC that it was hidden most of the year. He had positive things to say about Hiller....said sometimes a line coach is hamstrung by the OC. 

    Interesting. Now this sounds like some good "insider" information. I know everyone is calling for Hiller's head, but to me it's the OC's job to make the necessary adjustments. If the line coach isn't listening to what he's being told or players are not buying in (they have exit meetings with players I assume), then I would get it. Now there's also recruiting. Is Hiller a good enough recruiter? He's a good talent evaluator? But the offensive game plans have been all over the place if you ask me. An o-line needs an identity and needs to know who is going to be playing. Jason Peters of the Bears comment about Dalton vs Fields vs Foles is a good example of how lineman have to play differently based on the QBs you have: https://www.nbcsports.com/chicago/bears/if-bears-start-justin-fields-jason-peters-knows-how-adjust hence why it's important to have similar style QBs or at least an idea of how to adjust for each of them. 

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