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Everything posted by mrflynn03

  1. No, I will not get a vaccine. I have never gotten a flu shot and will not get a shot for this.
  2. Things like this is why people are pissed off. The hypocrisy is astounding.
  3. Absolutely. Most non active investors have so many more options now. Target funds that reallocate their distributions and things I have probably forgotten because my retirement plan is on autopilot. Index funds all the way for the average investor.
  4. Bogleheads guide to investing. Take what market gives you. Bogleheads book. Index funds is where it's at for us simpletons.
  5. American History X No doubt Edward Nortons best performance ever. Hard movie to watch but worth it.
  6. Nothing corny about this song. One of the best. Let me present you this. Now some of the "artists", well most of them involved are douchebags but the concept and mashup is masterful.
  7. I'm just trying to have fun in this crazy time. And maybe be a little bit ridiculous on purpose because why not! 😁
  8. When I came home with mouse traps she was on top of the kitchen table. I'm still alive at the moment, but if you dont hear from me for a few days I guess check the obituaries. Lol. Hilarious and unique story hoopster. One of a kind.
  9. Agreed, and spot on. And there alot of people in positions of power that I never knew existed that need to be dealt with harshly for the terrible and criminal decisions they have made. I wont say how I would do it publicly but you could probably guess. And one of those douches is going to get an Emmy? Our country is sick.
  10. Serious question since you were a navy corpsman and I've also personally known a few. We are not at war actively. So where in the hell are the field hospitals and military medical staff that were set up and available back in March. Why not use available resources? The ones I know would go where ordered. If its about hospitalizations and death we can mitigate that and not destroy the livelihoods of 20+ million people right? Hell pay me and I will do what I am capable of.
  11. She's so mad. She even ball tagged me. Ouch! It was worth it.
  12. So, a couple weeks ago I saw a mouse in the house. Ever since then my wife is convinced there is a mouse because of the way the cats have been acting. I haven't told her I saw one. Just waiting for it to show itself so she can scream and jump up on the kitchen table. Come on mouse. Well she literally just found out as I was typing this! Perfect timing. Hahahaha🤣🤣🤣🤣!!!
  13. @Billingsley99 That picture hurts. I have been my family's pet mortician since I was about 15 years old. I have been tasked with burying more than I can remember. But the family farm I will inherit has a special place for all of them. Sorry for your loss. 😔
  14. I wish I could give 100 laugh emojis for this. Literally the most hilarious thing I've seen in awhile. 10/10
  15. All these pages and no Chili Peppers? Well here you are
  16. I did measure. 9 ft ceilings. Will find out about the squirrel later.
  17. Would have took my truck but its bed is filled up with cardboard from all the crap my wife has been ordering online.
  18. Griswold in the house! Just picked up my tree.
  19. Our betta fish, Starlord, is in the background of the second pic. Along with 10% of the Christmas decorations my wife has bought.
  20. Anyone else go digging around drawers and closets in their house and find ammo they didn't know they had? Was looking for a mini Phillips head screwdriver to replace batteries in one of at least 2 dozen Christmas decorations my wife has bought. Looking like the north pole around here. Anyway found a couple hundred rounds of different calibers I didnt know I had. Time to go make things go bang I guess. 😁
  21. Everyone knows Dirty Harry. But what about Sudden Impact. Smith and Wesson and, Me.
  22. I agree. You are right, and I used poop heads instead of profanity because of board rules. I have have a better term for it. I just feel like like I'm living in a world that is stuck in 2nd grade.
  23. Yep. I will give a hint to one of the other 2. Knight tapped him on the head during a game.
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