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Everything posted by mrflynn03

  1. There are no Democracies in Asiatic countries. We arent a Democracy either. The ancient Greeks were the only true democracy. Democracy is mob rule. Our founders understood that and created a constitutional republic where each state has it's own say. They created layers upon layers to make government inefficient as it should be. The US is a collection of 50 states, and if people are unhappy with the response to this situation, well we voted all the dumbasses in, so garbage in, garbage out. We are suffering because we have a country full of idiots. All sides.
  2. Our immune systems can cope with Covid-19 – it's our politicians who can't I know Its a opinion peice but some good points in it.
  3. Do you really think the American people will tolerate the government forcibly taking someone from their home and family and stuffing them in a quarantine box for 14 days? Two totally different cultures, asiatic people are conditioned to it, we, well I am not.
  4. Started as a joke but thanks for pointing out it's a Pfizer product. Will have to look into it.
  5. I'm going to invest in Xanax. I see potential growth.
  6. @5fouls thanks for clarifying my point and articulating better than me. Aggravation clouded my mind. Just frustrated with the hypocrisy. I mentioned it earlier but my Thanksgiving will be less than 10 people, maybe just 4. The last few years has been my wife and I and her long time client and her husband, who considers herself our fairy godmother. We make the food and it's like the best she's ever had. I usually work Thanksgiving day so going to their house is becoming a tradition because its close and not going to lie, watching people enjoy food you have prepared is pretty satisfying. She doesn't have many holidays left. We go to our parents later in the year and do a combo Thanksgiving/Christmas. Agree though I wouldn't do a big family event right now.
  7. Did everyone miss the months of mass gatherings all over the country? And now they want to tell me what I should or shouldn't do in my own house. Absolutely no. That is the problem. If they allowed that to go on then no, they arent telling me what to do. I will follow the suggestions in public but they dont seem to be working do they?
  8. For 8 months, for whatever their reasons may be, I have watched millions of people fill the streets all across the country on an almost daily basis. But now, after all of that, it's time to do what we are told. On top of that, telling me what I can do in my own house. They can go pound sand. I'm not saying I dont think its serious, and I will do what we are ASKED to do, not TOLD to do, in public. But I doubt my gathering of less than 10 people will be a problem.
  9. Knives and But really havent went in depth beyond owning them.
  10. The mayor of Chicago looks like beetlejuice.
  11. Thanksgiving will be happening here. Pretty fed up with being told what to do.
  12. That's great. Since this all started I've been getting extras at the grocery store just to donate to the food pantry or a blessing box a guy down the street puts out.
  13. I'm not trying to be an alarmist but some have been waiting to make this happen for awhile. If a certain individual cant pull off a miracle a national lockdown will happen, it wont be piecemeal and the first word of it people will go berserk. Been 8 months and I still havent seen a store above 1/4 stock of paper products and other sections some are full, others from empty to maybe half stocked. If you have time I recommend reading about the Great Reset. I will leave it at that.
  14. @Muckraker Dont be a fool. Stock up, trust me. 👊 Did you not see the run on products the first time? You seem confused but its coming. And it's going to be epic and surpass the run on TP and other stuff from the first time. I'm telling everyone right now, at least 75% of Americans are the dumbest sonsabitches alive. STOCK UP NOW!! Or wipe your ass with your left hand. I don't care, that's up to you. But its coming.
  15. Better start stocking up now if you havent. Dr. Michael Osterholm, who is a member of Joe Biden's newly announced coronavirus task force, said on Tuesday to MSNBC that the United States must go back into a lockdown to get COVID-19 cases under control. "Can you see a scenario around the corner, perhaps, in this winter where there’s some form of a national lockdown, maybe like one we’re seeing in Europe, where the schools stay open or some form of a lockdown if this gets bad enough?" MSNBC host Willie Geist asked. "Well, first of all, if you interview 50 people, you can get 75 different definitions of what a lockdown is, okay, so let’s just be clear. I don’t think anybody knows what they’re talking about when they talk about a lockdown, myself included. In the first week of August, Neel Kashkari, the president of the Minneapolis Federal Reserve Bank and I wrote an op-ed piece in The New York Times that basically said we need to, in the sense, lockdown to drive this infection level to a — a place where we can actually control it with testing and tracing and follow-up that way," Osterholm said. "And what it would take, however, though, to really deal with the pain and suffering economically, is what we basically proposed, was because the savings rate in this country has gone out of the roof since the pandemic. We have gone from 8% to over 22%. We could borrow the money from ourselves at historically low-interest rates, we could pay people to lose their job, we can pay small businesses and take care of city, state, and county governments if we just elected to do that," he continued. "If Washington could get together and make that happen, that would be a very different kind of lockdown where people wouldn’t suffer and we can get this virus under control."
  16. Interesting timing with the vaccine announcement. Anyway folks, A vaccine that is 90% effective for a new respiratory disease when no other vaccine in human history for a respiratory disease has had more than efficacy of 40-60%. Bulls#!t.
  17. Better stock up. Saw some guy earlier on my way to work, back seat of his car was full of toilet paper too the the roof. Must have had 3-4 dozen. Read an article the other day that about 53% of people plan to stock up. If you thought 2020 sucked, just wait.
  18. Lol. I was taught growing up it's easier to ask for forgiveness than ask for permission. Pretty sure nobody was going to tell my grandpa what he could or could not do on his property.
  19. Since you brought it up, Yep. Play angry, play mean and beat those rodents!
  20. Crazy. Helped my stepdad put in a fence on the farm when I was in college so we could raise our own beef.
  21. In an angry music mood today. Will be fine come 12:00 Go Hoosiers!!
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