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Everything posted by Reacher

  1. If you want green grass, a sprinkler system is a must. Had one at my last house. New house doesn't and now I'm moving sprinklers around in a losing battle. I'd be happy keeping the front green and letting the back go dormant. Wife wants every last corner green. I like your backyard patio. Ever think about painting your concrete walls? You could even hang some pictures or mount (temporary or permanently) a TV there. There is also something you can mount under your deck so you don't get dripped on as much- https://plasticinehouse.com/under-deck-drainage-system/
  2. I was watching that game. Looks like he will be out awhile. Wonder how the Rays will fare without him? It will be interesting to see which pitchers stay the same and which ones tail off a bit. https://www.cnbc.com/2021/06/15/mlb-unveils-plan-to-enforce-rules-on-cheating-with-sticky-balls.html
  3. That has been going on for awhile. I know some started buying in AZ after the 2008 collapse there. I think that success spurred them on. Single Family Residential Real estate is becoming its own sector. Institutions are also buying up manufactured home communities and RV Campgrounds. They are using airline, demand based pricing for campgrounds. No more flat fees. Guess it is either good or bad depending on where you are coming from.
  4. When whale watching off the coast of San Diego, I learned to look for the birds. The humpback whales would circle their prey into groups for eating. The birds knew how to take advantage of that.
  5. Apparently the wallet wasn't under their control and that is why it was able to be accessed.
  6. For those who believe the virus was not engineered, and that Fauci was not aware, there is this email-
  7. There are many stories out there on this subject. I just linked a tweet that summarized what was going on for those who may not be aware of it. Josh Rogin said – ‘I often talk to scientists who say the same thing, who say, “Listen, we really want to speak out about this, but we can’t do it.” ‘Why can’t we do it? Well, we get all of our funding from NIH, or NIAID, which is run by Dr. Fauci.” So we can’t say anything like ‘Oh, gain-of-function research might be dangerous, or it might have come from a lab, because we’re going to lose our careers, we’re going to lose our funding, we’re not going to be able to do the work.” Fauci was apparently part of the effort to have the Indian study withdrawn / discredited. Let's see if more evidence comes out before just dismissing it.
  8. I researched the Tacoma when I bought my truck in 2016. It was an old model back then.
  9. Indian scientists believe it was engineered and then Fauci silences them to hide his involvement in its creation. SMH... When this type of news was shared in this thread last year, the response was it couldn't be credible because the study was withdrawn. There is always a story behind the story....
  10. Ransom $ recovered- https://thehill.com/policy/cybersecurity/557185-us-recovers-millions-in-cryptocurrency-paid-to-colonial-pipeline-hackers?amp
  11. Daszak is emerging as the whipping boy in this scandal. He colludes with Facebook to censor opposition- https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9655057/Facebook-fact-checkers-cited-Lancet-letter-Wuhan-lab-funder-Peter-Daszak-debunk-lab-leak.html
  12. I'm not the only one with the storm force field? I've taken many screen shots of the radar showing just that phenomenon.
  13. I think that ^^^ is a stretch. More and more evidence is coming out that it was. https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/world/genome-sequencing-of-covid-seemingly-proves-it-was-made-in-a-lab/ar-AAKM69K Wonder how much we will learn about what the Chinese defector, now with the FBI, revealed during 3 months with the DIA? What is your confidence there was no man made intervention?
  14. Vaccine progress- https://news.gallup.com/poll/350720/covid-vaccine-reluctant-likely-stay.aspx
  15. Where did I ever say it was purposely released for mass destruction? All I was saying is there is ample scientific research papers and other evidence talking about how China, with our help and $, engaged in modifying the Coronavirus at the Wuhan Virology Institute. Personally, I don't see how that can be disputed.
  16. 29:52 “coronaviruses are pretty good… you can manipulate them in the lab pretty easily… the spiked proteins drive a lot about what happens." Now this guy is being put in charge of investigating the origins for the Lancet? Remember, he thanked Fauci in an email for saying it was not man made last spring when evidence was surfacing pointing to that possibility. Led to a whole year of suppression, intimidation (scientists were getting death threats for pointing out the research indicating it was an engineered virus), and censorship.
  17. https://www.newsweek.com/exclusive-how-amateur-sleuths-broke-wuhan-lab-story-embarrassed-media-1596958
  18. Ok, so you believe Fauci was totally oblivious to the fact that $100s of millions were going to Wuhan and he knew nothing about the genetic engineering they were doing with the coronavirus for the last decade? Genetic engineering of the coronavirus didn't take place? Wow.
  19. Looks like a sign of a bubble to me- https://www.npr.org/2021/06/01/1002018211/italian-artist-sells-invisible-sculpture-for-real-money
  20. Why the need to suppress information? https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2021/06/the-lab-leak-theory-inside-the-fight-to-uncover-covid-19s-origins People were reporting all sorts of this stuff early last year and were roundly criticized, suppressed and censored. That seems newsworthy to me.
  21. Kristian Anderson emailed Fauci on Fri Jan 31 2020 at 10:32pm and told him the virus "looked engineered". WHO official Peter Daszak admitted to manipulation of the virus, on video, prior to the epidemic. On 4/18/2020 Daszak thanked Fauci for insisting the COVID-19 virus was naturally occurring- when they both knew that was lie- days after Foxnews was reporting on the link to Wuhan. Why the need for damage control? There are now 100+ studies showing that HCQ is effective, when used early, to treat and even prevent COVID. Other countries have used it successfully. Why was it banned in the US? Why do we not have an agreed treatment plan for the elderly with COVID to assist in their recovery? Many Drs have successfully treated their patients with COVID but their voices were suppressed? Why? I have seen the emails and the studies. I personally believe the actions Fauci took caused untold deaths. Believe what you want. Evidence is coming out and there will be more to come. I'm content to wait for the truth. So far, my waiting is appearing to pay off.
  22. I never said anything about jail time. Let him be investigated and see where it goes...
  23. I'm sorry, but you are in the dark here. Read through a sampling of his emails. They are incriminating. He received an email in Jan 2020 explaining how Covid was (likely) engineered. He knew this as he was funding the research through the NIH. The reason I brought up the masks, among any number of other areas that I could have, was that scientists from all over, including Fauci himself, knew non N95 masks were ineffective against a virus spread as an aerosol that would penetrate these masks. I brought this up last summer and was criticized for it. He knew masks were ineffective but then went on for months about how they were necessary. Even, at one point, saying multiple masks should be worn. Why? Now that Fauci knows his emails are out, he "adapts" his thinking that the virus may have originated in the Wuhan lab he helped fund. My how convenient. A national leader purposely lying, obfuscating and misrepresenting deserves to be investigated. We spend a year investigating a plane crash that kills 1 person, why wouldn't we investigate this now given all that is known? He wasn't just giving his opinion. The evidence now clearly shows, he knew, and tried to hide, the truth.
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