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Everything posted by Reacher

  1. The vaccine is now a top 50 cause of death in the US. Separately, I heard on the radio yesterday there are trials going on for a 3rd booster shot. Apparently adverse reactions are worse than from the second shot. People are dropping from the trial before a fourth shot. This will be important to follow for the rest of the year. Editted to add that after researching further, a large trial on the 3rd dose recently started in the UK. No surprise, Pfizer (trying to capitalize on variant fears?) just announced they will be seeking approval for the 3rd dose even though trial results are months away. https://www.reuters.com/business/healthcare-pharmaceuticals/pfizer-ask-fda-authorize-booster-dose-covid-vaccine-delta-variant-spreads-2021-07-08/ Lastly, be aware some are saying efficacy declines after 6 months. While that may be true, efficacy against severe cases, hospitalizations and deaths still remains at 95%+. I could see where getting a mild asymptomatic case after vaccination would be beneficial and possibly eliminate the need for further boosters.
  2. Just ignore anyone who has doubts. The vast majority here appreciate these nuggets and understand that some times things change in the mind of a teenager.
  3. I agree. Both on the 3rd and 4th. Seems like people spent a little more this year and are making up for lost parties from last year. Wonder what this will look like when updated for this year?
  4. This article, from an inner city school teacher, touches on dozens of issues that have been brought up in this thread over the last year. From PCR testing cycles to NYC hospitals and the fact that lockdowns caused an average of 2lb/ mo weight gain due to a 27% decrease in daily steps worsening cardio health. Lots of interesting stats and info. BTW, I don't personally agree with all of his conclusions but a very worthwhile read. https://www.tabletmag.com/sections/news/articles/the-war-on-reality-gutentag
  5. I can't say having a pontoon is too much hassle. Only maintenance is running out for gas once a month since there is none on the lake. Call for pickup at the end of the year and they winterize, store, and bring back out in the spring. Been lucky with that one I guess. Jet skis are another animal. Have replaced a few engines and they suck up the gas so you are constantly refilling and running out to the gas station.
  6. Riveting indeed. I hope everybody that sees this takes a few minutes to watch it. I think it is past the time to begin investigating those in the US- Dr Baric, Daszak, Fauci, the NIH, etc that had a role in the funding and development of this. I think one reason for covering the origins is because of our, US, involvement.
  7. Delta variant no more deadly than the flu and virus lethality decreasing ??? As you can see, the Delta variant has a 0.1% case fatality rate (CFR) . That is the same rate as the flu and is much lower than the CFR for the ancestral strain or any of the other variants. And as we know, the CFR is always higher than the infection fatality rate (IFR), because many of the mildest and asymptomatic infections go undocumented, while the confirmed cases tend to have a bias toward those who are more evidently symptomatic. In other words, Delta is literally the flu with a CFR identical to it. This is exactly what every respiratory pandemic has done through history: morphed into more transmissible and less virulent form that forces the other mutations out since you get that one.
  8. Looks like you had a lot of fun with that one. Time for the new F150 now.
  9. Heard some Dr on the radio saying that, so far, the evidence is pointing to the fact that immunity - whether from the vaccine or natural- is likely long lasting (possibly lifetime) and that boosters don't seem to be necessary. Obviously, we will have to wait for more data to come in over time but this seems promising.
  10. I have never paid attention to the days when the market is closed to determine my work schedule. Like @FKIM01 said, those can very productive days. Oftentimes clients might be off as well and it then becomes a convenient day to meet some of those people. Plus it gives me a chance to complain about all those people who do get the day off!
  11. https://www.miamiherald.com/news/local/community/miami-dade/miami-beach/article252421658.html
  12. Wife harvested a few zucchini. She didn't realize the first one had got so big. That is the plant overtaking our garden.
  13. FDA adds warning for heart issues to Moderna and Pfizer vaccines. https://www.fda.gov/news-events/press-announcements/coronavirus-covid-19-update-june-25-2021 I saw somewhere last week that more children have now been hospitalized from the vaccine than from Covid
  14. The building was in the process of being recertified. Some engineers had to have peeked in the basement. Wonder what there initial thoughts were?
  15. A sinkhole being discussed as a possible culprit
  16. Apparently there was work going on in the building and major work across the street. Since this happened during the night, I doubt any work was actively going on at the time of collapse. It will be interesting to see what is identified as the cause but that will likely take some time. How old was this building? Does seem possible it could have been foul play.
  17. China vaccine not working too well- https://www.nytimes.com/2021/06/22/business/economy/china-vaccines-covid-outbreak.html
  18. The inventor of the mRNA vaccine was on Fox news. Why are colleges mandating these vaccines when, at the very least, it is not settled science that the benefits outweigh the risks? Time to slow down. When asked about whether college-aged young adults should take the vaccine, Dr. Robert Malone replied:
  19. Paper out from the National Bureau of Economic Research legitimizing what was discussed here last year. "Our main quantitative result is that there is substantial variation in health outcomes across countries following the reference lockdown. In our model, the lockdown led to an average of 1.76 child deaths for every COVID-19 fatality averted in low-income countries." As expected, the poorer populations, both within and outside the US, fared the worst. https://www.nber.org/system/files/working_papers/w28925/w28925.pdf For many Central American countries where Covid is currently the worst, lockdowns are likely to do more harm than good.
  20. As a self employed business owner, who works many of these holidays, I'm not a fan of an average of 44 paid days off for federal employees including 11 paid holidays (Forbes had this story). I like the idea of having a pool of holidays where each location, or even employee, can pick and choose the ones most relevant to them. If we are going to add more holidays, I think Casimir Pulaski day, which is officially observed in IL, should be next. Realistically, we cannot have holidays for everyone or we end up like @FKIM01 says above. Have to draw the line somewhere and I think it's safe to say we have too many now.
  21. My sister also lives in Naperville- not far from where the house was leveled. She is out of town so I went over that morning and checked for damage. She barely had any debris in her yard but a couple houses down from her was major tree damage.
  22. https://www.wsj.com/articles/south-america-is-now-covid-19-hot-spot-witheighttimes-the-worlds-death-rate-11624299176?mod=lead_feature_below_a_pos1
  23. For Fathers Day I had a bottle of my Goose Island Bourbon County Stout. The Caramella one. Very enjoyable. A couple weeks ago in MI I went to get a growler refilled at the local place. They only had 2 of their house brews available. Neither looked appealing but what is a man standing at the bar with an empty growler to do? I cannot remember the name but I ended up with some awful tasting fruity sour beer.
  24. https://www.crimsonquarry.com/platform/amp/2021/6/20/22542800/hoosiers-double-up-on-commitments-after-busy-recruiting-weekend
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