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Everything posted by Lostin76

  1. Don’t like the ending of that first half at all.
  2. Boot on their throat time. Make them regret stepping on the court.
  3. Tiktok videos and crazies on Substack, sounds fun! No thank you. I’m sure you’ve seen “a lot” of data proving your point, b/c their is a cottage industry of whackos out there. Here is your EU athlete claim already being investigated and proven wrong: https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2021/dec/01/blog-posting/theres-no-proof-covid-19-vaccines-are-causing-heal/ But I get it, I understand your goal is to flood the thread with bogus information and hope that the three of us who bother refuting it are too tired or busy to respond.
  4. Man, we watched The Rescue last night and it was incredible. The group of English, Aussie, and American divers teaming up with the Thai Navy was just enthralling and mesmerizing to watch. Literal balls of steel on those dudes to go in and try to rescue those kids. I couldn’t actaully recall the outcome from the news, so I was on the edge of my seat during the second half. Trailer
  5. Also requiring proof of two doses instead of one for indoor activities like gyms, theaters, and restaurants.
  6. Nice! We try not to rebuy too much stuff like Xmas decorations, so modifying what we have is good!
  7. More facts. The unvaccinated are more likely to spread, catch, be hospitalized, and die from COVID that the vaccinated. “CDC data shows that there is a significant difference between both groups across all age cohorts in the likeliness to become infected with the coronavirus. Between August and September 2021, the infection rates per 100,000 individuals were six to ten times higher among unvaccinated people compared with vaccinated people of the same age group. The infection rates have a direct impact on hospitalizations, also newly reported by the CDC by vaccination status. Depending on the age group, hospitalization rates were ten to 15 times higher for unvaccinated individuals.” Death rates for the two groups are similar to hospitalization rates. We seem to be having a massive influx of unvaccinated people getting vaccinated b/c of Omicron news. This is good news for everyone. With the US currently at roughly 70% of over 12 population vaccinated and 60% of all ages being vaccinated, the numbers are getting better.
  8. Man, the Twitter “gotcha” BS from both sides is really wearing me down. Every new story is just an endless cycle of outrage and “I Told You Sos.” I’m about over it myself. I do really use Twitter for good information, but I need to add some more muted topics.
  9. Loved “High n Dry” and “Pyromania” - both were great! I pretty much checked out after that though.
  10. Yeah, I can’t believe they didn’t search the backpack AND they let him go back to class. Insane.
  11. Feeling like “my job is done here” today after rewiring my wife’s VERY old ceramic Christmas tree. I bought it on Ebay from a lady in Minnesota about 12 years ago and it’s worked every year since, despite the frighteningly small plug and ancient wiring. This year, we plugged her in and nothing. Upgraded it to wiring that won’t burn our house down now, and we can move forward with the Christmas season as scheduled. 👷‍♂️
  12. They leave a big empty hole when they are gone. Our place was SO quiet w/o a dog. We feel blessed to have been able to find out current rescue and it’s really helped us recover from the loss.
  13. I was going to say that all that old models are available on Ebay, but I just checked and nope. Also love that song about sneaking parts out of the factory…
  14. I just looked him up and he’s still alive. Dude helped define my (admittedly warped) childhood.
  15. It’s the worst decision to have to make. We’ve had to do the same thing twice in the last year with our senior dogs. Both times it was pretty obvious that we needed to let them go, but it’s so hard. And walking home with that empty dog carrier is so painful. I’m so sorry.
  16. If I can keep my mind and hands busy with something, I’m usually golden. But if not, I tend to obsess over things I can’t control. I just spent the afternoon trying to fine tune my gears on an old 12 speed - took up the whole kitchen, but I felt a sense of accomplishment afterwards once I dialed everything in. LOVED models as a kid. Built cars and the old Famous Monsters kits. I’m sure not many people remember the latter, but I was raised by Sammy Terry.
  17. All of those things you mentioned are trending higher. It’s not good, no matter how you slice it. Too many suicides, overdoses, deaths, crimes, etc. I recall as a kid being super concerned about nuclear war, the Russians, etc. That seems like halcyon days now.
  18. I hear you about getting hard to deal with. It’s just been so much. And I totally get that people are just as outraged as me, but outraged about the mandates/lockdowns. Talking to someone is always a good thing instead of bottling it up. That way be dragons. I have some anger issues that I’m always dealing with through exercise, alcohol, and weed. I’m not always successful though. I’ve really been into biking (and building old road bikes lately) and it’s shocking how much it’s helped my mood. I think I’m someone who always needs to have a project. And that project should not be being outraged by the news.
  19. You know I love you man, but I would point out that “alot of people” are also dismissive of the roughly 800,000 US deaths so far b/c of this. And we are still averaging just under a 1,000 new deaths a day. It’s also hard to deal with people not taking this seriously. That’s the clown show I see.
  20. Also don’t kick cars b/c your wife won’t speak to you for two days. 😂
  21. Recently saw this quote and it feels apt to me: “Insisting on your rights without acknowledging your responsibilities isn’t freedom. It’s adolescence.”
  22. Yikes, a parking spot! Here we have drivers honking and screaming at each other so much that you can often see fistfights in the street. It’s almost total anarchy on the streets these days, no one pays attention to red lights or parking restrictions. My wife always tells me, do not interact with anyone who is angry or yelling. They could have a knife or a gun and they will most likely use it. She’s obviously right. I did have someone menacing me with his car and honking when I was crossing Flatbush as a pedestrian with the Walk sign. This was a couple of years ago. I stopped and looked at him, he pounded on his horn, screamed at me, and advanced his car towards me. I was wearing hiking boots, so I kicked the front of his car. Not smart. He jumped out of his car and we ended up in a shoving match in the middle of Flatbush. It’s a different world for sure. I think if that would have happened today, it would have been much worse.
  23. I’m not sure honestly. I grew up with guns and hunting. But the way I (and probably you) was taught to use it was different than today. Hell, kids like this latest dipsh*t probably are not taught how to properly and safely handle a weapon. And most importantly there wasn’t such an intense hatred of the “other” when I was growing up. Also back in the day grown men didn’t need to carry an automatic rifle into Starbucks to prove a point. I’m at a loss for how us as a society to get past this. I mean I know how we could, but the will is just not there among the people that hold power. They profit from our hatred and mistrust. As far as guns goes, I would never consider owning one here in Brooklyn. It would be unnecessary and kind of stupid. But if we lived out in the sticks upstate, I would at least have a shotgun (locked up).
  24. The “study” I am referring to is a classic example of short cuts. One researcher with a pet theory and shoddy data. These are my least favorite researchers of all. They take advantage of people for their own gain. But, I do agree with you that dismissing nutrition as a way of avoiding surgery is foolish. I am on board with preventative health over treatment. I try to live well to avoid health issues and a tip of my hat to you for doing the same. “The body if properly maintained is a wonderful thing” is a killer quote! BUT, in a pandemic it does not seem wise to try to falsely undermine the most effective weapon we have to end it. Talking about this doctor, not you of course.
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