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Purdue Post Game Thread

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This team is not playing for each other. I think they’re trying to prove this system doesn’t work and they’re personally not the issue. Morgan and Romeo cannot carry this team alone. As we saw, they are easy to guard and double team. There were many possessions where they didn’t bother to guard McRoberts 

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They are calling out Romeo on the Postgame and I agree.  Juan can’t do it all.  We do really need shooters and more than just one or two players doing it all.

I am in no way off the Archie bandwagon.  But there are definitely choices made that puzzle me.  McRoberts needs to sit, he is killing us on offense and as was stated in the thread his defender can double team others as he is no threat.  Play the freshmen more, not all the time, but play Forrester a few minutes.  See what he does in game, anything to find the right guys that want to play.

Next year will be interesting.  While Archie deserves 4-5 years if they play like this next year I think I have to start wonder.  It’s one thing to lose close games and but this stretch is just down right sad.

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Here's what I see objectively re: Indiana and Purdue - 

Right now, like a lot of Tom Crean coached Indiana teams, Purdue is peaking.  They're hitting shots they have no business hitting, and everything is coming easy and going their way.  I would be surprised to see them playing with this form in late Feb or early March.

Indiana was really coming on strong at the beginning of the season, and then, with all the injuries, they've really struggled to find the fluidity on offense that they had before half the team was injured.  I would be surprised if IU didn't regain some of that fluidity by the end of the year.

There's still a lot of season left.  This loss stings more than any this year because it's Purdue, but we get to play them again in a setting where they won't get the huge advantage the refs gave them today.

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This is was what Mark Jackson said verbatim during the telecast, “The main difference between these two is Purdue has shooters to stretch the floor.”  At the end of the day, basketball is about being able to put the ball in the hoop.  We are very limited in that capacity as it stands.  Unfortunately, it’s just who we are.  

Anyone calling for CAM’s head or saying we’re going to be tracking flights is being ridiculous.  Those same people were beating their chest for Holtmann and yet they’ve lost 4 in a row too.

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