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Mgbako Arrested


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4 minutes ago, OGIUAndy said:

I have had a gun pulled out on me and pointed at the back of my head at a standard traffic stop because my friends and I fit some sort of "profile". If MM was "swatted" by some Taco Bell "Karen" file a  complaint against the store and corporate, don't get shot or arrested over it. If a cop tells you to take a hike, just do it regardless of what you think of their tactics and reasoning. I am not defending the cops. I would give MM the same advice I would give anyone. Don't give some sh*t in his pants Barney Fife college cop a chance to blow you away in a Taco Bell over some "misunderstanding" etc. There is a time and place to hold your own. 2:30 at night in a Taco Bell parking lot is not it.

So, Taco Bell employees concerned for their safety based on the actions of a large man are characterized by you as "Karens"? And local police are "sh*t in his pants Barney Fifes"? 


No wonder there's such a disconnect.

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Guys, seriously, this is a bit much.

A player got a misdemeanor at Taco Bell.

Let's pull back from taking this down so.e major social and cultural issue debate. Especially since we all know next to zero facts.

It's gonna become nothing more than a political and cultural debate that has nothing to do with a dude pissed.off about not getting a taco.


Let's just not go deeper down that road. They are legit, real issues. Bit thos may not be the situation or place for the deep debates it can lead to.

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2 minutes ago, Steubenhoosier said:

So, Taco Bell employees concerned for their safety based on the actions of a large man are characterized by you as "Karens"? And local police are "sh*t in his pants Barney Fifes"? 


No wonder there's such a disconnect.

Is that what happened? Were you there? What happened initially? Why was the store closed on a Saturday night all of sudden? I don't pretend to know all the details and it seems like you're missing the point of my post. Listen to cops, don't get shot. 

Edited by OGIUAndy
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I think if I were the TB employee I would have just made him the food, tried to get on his good side. Maybe he'd remember me later in life if he makes it big in the NBA lol 

"Hey yo Mackenzie, you remember when I made you that Taco Bell when the manager wanted to close the store on you?.. yeah hook me up with some tickets" 🤣

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7 minutes ago, IUFLA said:

He initially had the right to be where he was... He was "ordered" to leave...

He wasn't "under arrest" until he'd left the property he was charged with trespassing on which is kinda doing the law bassakward...

The bottom line is, we have rights. Police should be the very front line of protecting those individual rights, but many times they aren't...

As far as escalation goes, I'm sure busting in the car window of someone who isn't threatening in any way, shape, or form is the way to go... Not even considering the damage that flying glass could do... 

What part of non-compliance with a request for 15 minutes doesn't seem to resonate with you.

Yes, we have rights. There are institutional measures in place to ensure them. There are also institutions in place to protect them. The police are one such institution.  They are in a position to ensure everyone's rights,  including the employees at Taco Bell. 

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2 minutes ago, IUFLA said:

He initially had the right to be where he was... He was "ordered" to leave...

He was asked to leave Taco Bell after getting combative in the drive thru line. You want to talk about rights, Taco Bell is 100% within their rights to refuse to serve somebody as well ask them to leave private property. I don't think you intended to open this can of worms. 


5 minutes ago, IUFLA said:

He wasn't "under arrest" until he'd left the property he was charged with trespassing on which is kinda doing the law bassakward...

You're assuming he wasn't under arrest before he finally left the property after being told for 15 minutes to leave. You don't get endless amounts of chances to defy law enforcement. That isn't a right that you speak of.


7 minutes ago, IUFLA said:

The bottom line is, we have rights. Police should be the very front line of protecting those individual rights, but many times they aren't...

Agreed. Nothing the police did violated MM rights. There's a distinction that needs to be made.


8 minutes ago, IUFLA said:

As far as escalation goes, I'm sure busting in the car window of someone who isn't threatening in any way, shape, or form is the way to go... Not even considering the damage that flying glass could do... 

You're assuming the police just walked up to his car and busted out his window for the hell of it. It took him 15 minutes to leave the parking after being ordered to leave it several times prior. You're assuming he wasn't ordered out of the car before the finally broke the window to unlock the car? He still resisted even after all that. Zero sympathy. 

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6 minutes ago, bluegrassIU said:

Guys, seriously, this is a bit much.

A player got a misdemeanor at Taco Bell.

Let's pull back from taking this down so.e major social and cultural issue debate. Especially since we all know next to zero facts.

It's gonna become nothing more than a political and cultural debate that has nothing to do with a dude pissed.off about not getting a taco.


Let's just not go deeper down that road. They are legit, real issues. Bit thos may not be the situation or place for the deep debates it can lead to.

I wouldn't be pissed about a taco myself. But mess with my quesadilla?

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3 minutes ago, Steubenhoosier said:

Nope, neither were you. But I didn't make generalizations and judgements that were derogatory to anyone, did I?

I generalize based on experience. Seems like cops have more of a tendency to shoot people when they don't comply, regardless of the type of "crime" taking place. And if MM was really "threatening" people, why wasn't he charged with that? And I don't really think this was that big of a deal. I just would have moved on. 

Edited by OGIUAndy
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I think what probably happened is everyone could’ve overreacted. Lots of things could’ve been done differently regardless of him being at fault. MM is the one at fault but growing up and living in Bloomington almost my entire life I can say BPD can be quick to arrest or come to conclusions(in my experience). Seen to many instances of it. This will get thrown out for multiple reasons imho. 

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2 minutes ago, mrflynn03 said:

I've never been one and will never be but I can sympathize some I think.

Remember Mgbako is a young black American dealing with a police encounter at 2am in 2023. Don't you think he was likely scared?

Scared? He completely brought this entire situation upon himself. If you're willing to get the police called on you for not receiving a Taco Bell order you have other issues. 

I was a regional sales rep in my early years that required me to travel by car 3-4 times a week. Needless to say, drive thru's were a part of the routine and something unfortunately were frequented. Not once in 8 years and multiple bad experiences did I EVER think to do something that would get the police called on me. 

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1 minute ago, Victobmyboy said:

I think what probably happened is everyone could’ve overreacted. Lots of things could’ve been done differently regardless of him being at fault. MM is the one at fault but growing up and living in Bloomington almost my entire life I can say BPD can be quick to arrest or come to conclusions(in my experience). Seen to many instances of it. This will get thrown out for multiple reasons imho. 

Why? BPD gave MM every opportunity to walk away from this situation. 15 minutes. You don't get to tell the police no while trespassing on private property for 15 minutes and still get a chance to walk away clean. 

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2 minutes ago, IndyResident16 said:

Scared? He completely brought this entire situation upon himself. If you're willing to get the police called on you for not receiving a Taco Bell order you have other issues. 

I was a regional sales rep in my early years that required me to travel by car 3-4 times a week. Needless to say, drive thru's were a part of the routine and something unfortunately were frequented. Not once in 8 years and multiple bad experiences did I EVER think to do something that would get the police called on me. 

You think he thought the cops would be called on him?  I doubt he set out that night looking for trouble. 

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Just now, IndyResident16 said:

For refusing to leave a place of business after repeatedly being told to do so??

If that's the case, he really has some issues unfortunately. 

He did leave, eventually. And after he left the police continued to press the issue to the point they damaged his property and put their hands on him. 

Had they done this at Taco Bell in those 15 minutes then tough shit. 

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11 minutes ago, IndyResident16 said:

Why? BPD gave MM every opportunity to walk away from this situation. 15 minutes. You don't get to tell the police no while trespassing on private property for 15 minutes and still get a chance to walk away clean. 

No. If the report is true he left and parked in an adjacent lot then he does have a case. I don’t have all the details but if the arrest happened after he left then yes it will probably get thrown out. Remember he didn’t get a violent charge. The BPD in my experience sometimes go out of their way. I think what really happened(my opinion) is he left and parked in the adjacent parking lot and that’s when he and the police started the  15 minute confrontation. That’s what I think. 

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48 minutes ago, bluegrassIU said:

Guys, seriously, this is a bit much.

A player got a misdemeanor at Taco Bell.

Let's pull back from taking this down so.e major social and cultural issue debate. Especially since we all know next to zero facts.

It's gonna become nothing more than a political and cultural debate that has nothing to do with a dude pissed.off about not getting a taco.


Let's just not go deeper down that road. They are legit, real issues. Bit thos may not be the situation or place for the deep debates it can lead to.

Agreed. Goodness…It’s a misdemeanor at Taco Bell that more than likely will resolve itself. 

Edited by Hoosier987
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I'm not busting your chops specifically, and I get that a message board is fundamentally people talking about something they know little about (basketball savants we are not...), but this one feels particularly hilarious if I am being honest.  I'm definitely not a lawyer, just know enough to be dangerous, and some of the takes in here are comically bad.

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3 minutes ago, Victobmyboy said:

Nahh. My angle is from how bad the BPD reports it in conjunction with my past experience with them. Especially after hours. Always reported in their favor. 

I think it was MCPD. I assume most PD don't write for the accused overly well. 

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1 hour ago, IndyResident16 said:

How do you figure? They gave him 15 entire minutes to leave the premises of a private property. Most cops wouldn't have given him 2 minutes. They already showed great restraint in not arresting him after he left the property and returned the first time he did it. He was asked to exit his vehicle to be taken into custody, there's not anyway around that at that point, he refused and locked himself in the car. Don't want your window busted out? Get out of the damn car and put your hands behind your back. 

Again, this isn't hard.

You are taking for granted that you know the details when the reality is, you don't. I don't either. I know what the police, who broke the window after he had left the premises, are saying happened. 

There's this mindset from you and a few others that whatever the police say is gospel and that they handled everything appropriately, but that isn't reality a lot of the time.

We know that in the police report, they chose to not use language that would indicate they had told MM he was being arrested. Again, that was their own word choice indicates he didn't know that.

We know in the police report MM started to leave and came back - we don't know what the police or Taco Bell workers said. It's unlikely that either of the parties we hear nothing about sat there silently as he just raged for 15-minutes, don't you agree?

So we know MM could have handled things better, it just stands to reason he isn't the only party that could have handled things better. And if any of the three parties involved handle things better, he probably doesn't get arrested. As it stands, at least two but likely three parties handled something poorly, and only one party faces any level of consequence as a result. 

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